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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. 31 minutes ago, Tatost said:

    Not everyone is good at hopping, and it might not come so easily to players who just started playing TF2. 

    That's what learning is for ^^ And of course, bhopping isn't something you have to do. You can just play normally instead and that works too ^^


    32 minutes ago, Tatost said:

    Not every map has that????

    Note: Before someone makes a comment saying "oh he used a question mark multiple times, that must mean he's ANGERY," I'm going to just say that your assumption is incorrect. I can't begin to explain how much it annoys me when people make a big deal about it. It really means "I can't believe you right now, how long did you take to think on this?"


  2. 48 minutes ago, Bone said:

    You may already listen to the bands I'm about to list, but I'm posting them here anyway since they're kinda related to a few you posted:






    And like Bonk said Killswitch Engage

    Oo I love Red!! Didn't know there were any others that like them. I first started listening to them while I was learning how to speedrun Tony Hawk Underground and I couldn't change the music on youtube because speedrunning aha ^^

  3. 16 minutes ago, YeEternalTuna said:

    Heres the thing Kypari: not everyone has experience with deathrun/bhop. YOU might be able to catch a bhopper but what about the people who don't have that experience and are overwhelmed by this new element? What then? Tell them to ''get gud'' and thats it? Not everyones like you my guy.

    Hm? I said it's not that hard implying it's easy to pick up. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Tatost said:

    I honestly dislike the argument of "speed caps" or "it doesn't help on every map!!!" because it still increases speed of runners, making it much harder for death to get to the trap in time. You could increase the speed of the death, but there's still the problem of deaths not being able to react fast enough to the much faster runners jumping in/out/through traps. Not every trap is big, but I agree that a very large majority of them are instantaneous. This makes some traps completely useless unless the death is either god of reactions or extremely lucky.

    This is not true. As I said I have a lot of experience with deathrun as a whole and you don't have to be a god of reactions or extremely lucky. It's honestly not that hard to get a bhopper, you just have to pay attention better. It's no where near as impactful and difficult as you actually think.

    Please try it and see what it's like, or visit a server with bhop on it. It's a lot more captivating and exciting personally for me and all it does is make the game feel less sluggish

  5. As a former DM Of a GMOD Deathrun/Jailbreak community, I definitely think that bhop is a super-fun skill based mechanic that makes deathrun a lot more captivating and interesting instead of a slow and somewhat sluggish gamemode. 

    As much as people say it will ruin the game and make the runners severely overpowered and be able to skip traps, I will definitely disagree with this as I have a lot of experience in the gamemode and it is actually a lot harder since we will likely use manual bhop, comparative to GMOD that uses autobhop (though I am not certain whether the suggested bhop mod is auto or manual), and then even then groups of people skipping traps rarely ever even happens at all. 

    It is 100% worth a shot and does not break the game. Garry's Mod deathrun is very similar to TF2 deathrun and is evident of this! I would not mind giving it a trial first before we put the plugin on the server/don't put the plugin on to see what the community thinks with the plugin in action instead of just hypothetically! ^^


  6. Stuff like Whitechapel and A Night in Texas is pretty cool. I wouldn't exactly group them with more emo stuff like Linkin Park but they're still a pretty cool genre of rock/metal 

     This is one of my favourite songs, if not my favourite song. I have a lot of favourite songs though but still this one could be #1. This could be more interesting for the genres you like since it's rock, but not emo

  7. 3 minutes ago, Vexx said:

    The OSU thing, just throw that out. Honestly people lie all the time about being way better at a video game than what they really are. The art stuff, while scummy, isn't necessarily grounds for removing membership. As for the scamming thing, while it did happen in the past, can lead to problems in the future. From the looks of it, they do manipulate people to give them things and then just never bother giving it back. That is something I have a huge problem with. Now while I don't necessarily think it's grounds for immediate removal of membership, it is best to keep an eye on this user. Though, now that all this is out there, I doubt anyone would trust this user with their items. Would like to see what others say, as well as Kitten, before I go any further.

    As I said, the Osu thing isn't grounds to remove membership at all. It's just extra stuff to throw in to prove that she's a somewhat of a pathological liar. All of the evidence combined definitely makes me not want someone like her to represent the community personally

    • Member's Name
    • Information

      Firstly, I would like to remind everyone that after member applications where changed, member protests became a lot easier to do. 


      Myself and a few other people have been suspicious of Kitten's actions as of since she joined xG. We would like her membership removed because of lying, stealing and a history of scamming others. Here is the evidence:

      1. dltVNRz.png

      We were talking about Osu on surf and she says "i can duuu a 13-14 starrr map kypari", but the issue is that her Osu profile says otherwise: https://osu.ppy.sh/users/11690302 Obviously this alone is not grounds for removal because that would be silly. However, this does pile on top of everything else that she has done that I will present other evidence:

      2. Here is a link to her profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198409022488/ and here is a link to the artwork on her profile https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1291970655 . Despite how the description of the artwork on her profile is different now, she has claimed multiple times that this is her own artwork, stating that it took "5 hours to draw and animate" zKaI52p.jpg Unfortunately, I was unable to get a picture of the artwork with this description, but I managed to get a screenshot of where I sent her artwork and it had that description on steam; the link will lead you to that particular drawing, which should be just as good of proof. I'm sure that we can agree that this is way too short of a time to be able to draw AND animate a picture like this, yet she claims she did it as per the link. https://sicnesse.deviantart.com/art/Witch-Akeno-587601982 Here is a link to a vectored version of this image, and after some research this picture seems to have circulated around the internet quite a lot. There is no doubt that this image was stolen and she lied about it on her profile and to other people claiming it was hers. 

      3. https://pastebin.com/wYhgap1z Chat logs with her and @Ms.Spooks, her claiming that she was going to draw something for Spooks. In the end, she sent this https://imgur.com/a/bD8jT which can be found at https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198314399057 , and she claimed that this was her own artwork she had just drawn for Spooks. More evidence of her lying and stealing artwork to claim as her own, and quite frankly manipulating friends.

      4. Finally, https://backpack.tf/trust/76561198409022488 her trust page contains evidence and information regarding two scams that she's been involved in, one of which includes $1000 worth of items. 

      Personally, I don't want someone who is a lying thief who scams other people after manipulating them into thinking she's a good person as part of this community. It's unfortunate to even think that someone like this is in the community and even considered a friendly person by many. 


      Thank you for reading! I await the response of @Kitten because there is a lot of explaining to do.


  8. Strange. I've never had an issue with you in the past I'm pretty sure, and this seems pretty absurd. Is there any way this could have happened if it was a mistake ban? I'm unfamiliar with how source sleuth works

  9. How is it broken? It's fine. -1 There is nothing wrong with the map. A lot of people are under the assumption that the map is broken because the surf feels like it's impossible, but I've done it many times and the secret part and so have many other people. The only issue I can imagine is that it's very bright but otherwise this map is honestly completely fine and does not have a good reason to be removed. Will be very disappointed if this map is removed from the rotation if people believe it's buggy when it's not.

  10. +1 Yeah sure why not, never really had any issues other than a spray at one point which he even asked me to check was OK before immediately changing it after I told him that it wasn't OK. 

  11. 17 hours ago, Squeezing said:

    I prefer this map then some of the other ones and we don't usually rotate to this map due to all the others. 

    For the height advantage I don't think it's a problem for majority of the players on tgh and haven't heard anyone complain about it


    the map looks shit tho but I don't think it should be removed.

    Like the others have said, we never go there and that's why you don't see people complain about it. Behind the scenes or when we're anticipating going to a new map and the topic gets brought up, so many people complain about how bad that map is. The height advantage is so unfair on blue to a point it's super unfun and you can't climb up as well unless you go around it.

  12. I decided not to make another vote for seabed. It's not always about fighting, and though I may and others not always enjoy it when there is a lack of fighting, some people do. Ruining that for them doesn't sit right with me and I would feel bad making another vote for it. 

    However, this is mumbos mountain, and this map is a lot worse in my opinion than seabed. The spawns are heavily unbalanced, with red team getting a major height advantage over blue and blue being unable to climb up that mountain quickly enough to do anything about it. The map is an eyesore and hurts to look at. The water is untextured underwater (though that may just be an issue for me). We never go there anyway so I'm sure no one would miss it, but I want to see what the community thinks about removing it ^^

  13. 53 minutes ago, Blizzard said:

    Vexx already stated he's not going to take strawpoll ballots into account as they can easily be manipulated with a vpn and allow for a single person to vote infinitely. I'm not familiar with the new forums and whether integrated polls are still a thing, but if they are, I'd suggest your scrap the thread and make a new one. @Kypari


    tagging Vexx for confirmation @Vexx

    Yeah I am aware he told me ^^ Just waiting for confirmation from virr whether votes are available on the forums yet ^^

    But yeah feel free to close this and I'll see to making one later possibly! @Vexx@mrnutty12@virr@Elcark@Vargas