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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. how do you get banned for an objector? even if it was porn there had to be more to it. if you dont mind me asking of course.

    Not really. If there's porn on an objector then the same rule applies as if it was a porn spray. Just means he rejoined after being warned and kicked and still used it.

    +1 Pretty friendly. Talked to him after he got banned and we sorted things out.

  2. Not really any different than being slayed, besides. This would be for instances in the extreme cases such as “spawn camping/killing, bodyblocking, etc)


    Because at that point they would be slayed anyway since they had to be hard warned so they pretty much would deserve it as punishment


    This would not be used in minor cases.


    As I said, I’ll make a better version in about 8 hours. I was using keynote on my iPad so a fill looks like full screen.

    Still feels incredibly pointless.

  3. Hardwarn would basically be last resort before they get the kick or ban.


    This is for those who we have warned with msay, allchat and vocally and they still ignore.



    I'll have a nicer concept after college today, I'll make it animated too.

    I really wouldn't want a warning stopping me from playing the game suddenly. Imagine running around as a Scout, you're about to kill someone and then suddenly the warning message with the black screen appears and you can no longer play until you close it, so you die. I'd be pissed.

    The current system is fine.

  4. Another small issue is that there is a secret in that map which locks doors on the map, which is against the rules. It's pretty frustrating to deal with as well since staff don't really know the buttons well at all and have to guess and have other people relay the message whether the doors are open again until everything is back to normal.

    The only use this map has is to organize events. So maybe it could be taken off /nominate but whenever DLs/DMs feel like it they could organize an event to just play some of the things on that map?

    I definitely agree with this. The map is hardly gaming history related but is incredibly fun if you get events going on in the lounge, such as crush game, tic-tac-toe (etc).

  5. 2) It's a direct upgrade to stock. Sure, no-scopes are useful, but half the time you can pull of a quick-scope at close range anyways and tracer rounds are only a problem in competitive games, in which the gun is banned anyways in.

    No, I disagree. Though it can be very useful in situations with hallways and where the enemy is generally stacked, this weapon just means you struggle really hard if you are up-close with someone. It's not exactly the easiest thing landing a close range shot at all, especially on a Scout or someone who knows how to work around the Sniper.

    The stock Sniper Rifle allows you to deal with that with a much more reliable shot as you can see much more around you and your sensitivity is back to normal so you don't have to swing your mouse half-way across your mouse mat. 50 damage per bodyshot, so if you land 2 of them that's already 100 damage. If you use SMG or Cleaner's Carbine, you can finish them off pretty easily if you can track.

    The trace rounds are a huge deal but it's map dependent. For example, if you're playing on a map such as goldenrod where there's a really long sniper tunnel, it's not that surprising to see where the machina is being shot from. It doesn't really give you that much of a disadvantage to use it. However, on maps that don't have this tunnel or if you position yourself differently on goldenrod, such as on the top of the PokeMart, you don't see this nearly as often and I doubt people check it as often as the sniper tunnel. If you see someone using the machina miss that shot, you instantly know where they are and you can escape or fight. If you use the sniper in that situation, you'd be much more likely to get the kill since there's no tracing lines.


    Examples of direct-upgrades to stock are:

    Fire Axe -> Third Degree

    Bonesaw -> (old) Solemn Vow (used to have no downside)

  6. The one major aspect of the map I want to see is, if there even is a music room, PLEASE design it similarly to the way the first cyberpunk (hallway one) works in that it can be optionally turned off in settings, as in the TF2 music option. The regular music rooms are agreed amongst poketrade regulars as a plague, as there are constantly people playing songs and you can only turn the current song off using snd_restart, which lags your game.

    But make it so that you can't spam the songs and change them midway (y)

  7. That's a cool idea. Would be the same as spawning a boss, something you do to spice up the server, right?

    So who would get the permission to use the command in that case? Staff? Donators?

    I think only staff have the power at the moment, but it is possible we could use it for donators. If they abuse it they lose their powers anyway.

  8. Well, think about why so many people are on a trade server but not actually trading in the first place.

    If they want objectives, they could just play casual mode or even TF2center.

    I think it's because the trade servers provide a place to sort of relax and wind down. You could be fighting one minute and then making a huge dancing line the next. While enabling objectives would be fun and all, it might also detract from this experience.

    Just something to consider.

    We could at least actually make sm_cpenable command actually work because right now it enables the objectives but doesn't end the round when someone wins. You'd still have to do a vote for it though.

  9. Yeah, idk if you've ever played the game Team Fortress 2 before Kypari, but people tend to not like the "random" elements of the game (to the point of we ourselves removing random spread), and also evidenced by there being multiple binds mockingly stating that random crits are "fair and balanced". Just because the devs fucked up and continue supporting their fuck up doesn't mean it's a valuable contribution to the game. The only reason you'd want to enable objectives at all is if you want to have some kind of competition, and competition is pointless if it's left to random chance.


    Just fyi I voted to enable objectives because idc, but my point was that it's pointless. If you didn't really win a round through your own skill it's no different than just not having won the round at all. There's no reward in just relying on rng gods to give you some advantage.

    Or you want to enable objectives because it's fun?

  10. As much as I want objectives, as long as rtd and random crits are enabled there's no point because the games will be inherently noncompetitive.

    Uhh...not everything has to be competitive you know...

    Pub servers have random crits and objectives in the first place and who cares if it's not competitive?

    meh it still just a trade server and with rtd and stuff it basically ruins the point most of the time in having it as rtd will just let people easily cap and there are people there who just want to trade, not fight. There are only a few maps where I would be okay with it being on, such as hotel hell, from how favored towards red it is so it would be nice to see team switches to make it more fair for both teams as one team doesn't have to be raped the entire time. Also I'm pretty sure it used to switch automatically over a certain amount of time before but now the the objectives gone all together so idk what happened to that.

    The only example I can think of is lava giant.

    For anyone who doesn't know, Lava Giant is a CTF map and if you noclip from one spawn to the other, you can just cap over and over and win the game, which obviously isn't very fun. If it's possible to make it so that the flags are turned on but you can't win on that map only but you can on the others that would be neat. Otherwise, I'd personally rather have the round come to an abrupt end when someone rolls noclip than have no objectives for any map at all.

  11. It's because it's meant to be a payload map. @Amylicious @BonfireCentipede and myself used to play a lot of the map with the payload working back on Rotation History and the map was pretty cool.


    So apparently there's this map in the TGH rotation, I believe it's called simply "donkeykong" and it's broken.

    Red team's spawn is literally inside blue's spawn, so red team can't leave spawn while blue just grinds them for kills.

    That's new, red usually spawns about where Donkey Kong is and Blu spawns where Mario is. Did it break?

  12. When you click the NSFW channel, it warns you and tells you that the channel is 18+ and NSFW. You can decide whether or not you want to see the channel, so I don't see a need to remove it when it basically gives you terms and conditions before even seeing the NSFW stuff.


    If you really want to you can just ignore the channel too. ai.imgur.com_ceCW4pq.gif.00544974ec84106ed9b8b8543bdb99e8.gif


    Though I don't really mind the outcome I don't really see the issue here when you have options to ignore it yourself.