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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. I swear copy-paste evidence isn't really valid since it can be fabricated. However the chat history alone and myself being one of his closest friends, I know that he can be pretty toxic. I will stay neutral since I think a day gag is an appropriate punishment but it doesn't bother me too much what has been suggested.

    The main reasons for why his punishment should really be a ban are from how constantly toxic Zack can be on the server towards others players when he gets upset, which he does a lot for very little reason. Which has caused players to tend to go after him for his responses but most of time it's barely anything and is mainly just trying to kill him a lot in game (except for Sylux's case) which we still do have the friendly command, but this does not give him the right to be toxic back in return in chat or on mic.

    Though a large portion of Zack being toxic is just because he gets mad for dying in game, there are some instances that players on the server are intentionally trying to harass him by having mocking names or harassing him on the server (including snarky and malicious comments). Though it may be funny to some people (sometimes including myself), he clearly doesn't like that and as members of xG we should all value each and every person that comes on the server. I hope to see staff and members/regulars put extra effort into trying not to do this.

  2. His last ban was 11 months ago. I think what we're trying to say is that it's been long enough to give the reset.

    That's fair to say as an opinion. However, I think the main issue is that there is still no decay rule. We need to be told if there is going to be a decay rule or not and how long that decay is, because most of this ban protest is based off the fact that his last ban was a while ago.


    Please can we just make this a rule or say that it won't be a rule so this doesn't happen in the future, like I said it would after the Brian thread. It's really stressful to be arguing over something so opinion-based and none of us agreeing on how long this made-up decay is

  3. For what feels like the millionth time, I am going to have to disagree with the Weasley twins here

    +1 for removal/shorten of the ban

    +1 to ban Zack for the same time

    To avoid saying the exact same thing in this thread for the hundredth fucking time I'm just gonna give the gist of it. Sylux argued and was perhaps a little toxic, but his last bans were last year.

    Zack is constantly being a salty man child in-game whining when things don't go his way and starts pointless arguments with everyone. How has this guy not been banned before????? Sometimes I wonder how well the staff team is holding back bias clear.png?

    Sylux's last ban was less than a year ago.

  4. I'm just saying that I'm in favor for both, but I'm more in favor of shortening his ban. Clam down my guy

    And that's all you needed to say.

    You're also making this situation way worse than it already is. We pretty much agree with each other so I don't understand why you're still arguing.

    Don't put this on me when you literally just said

    Clam down my guy

    That literally makes no sense at all. I'm also in favor of Sylux being banned for at least a week, preferably a month since his last ban was not even a year ago.

  5. You're ignoring the fact that I said shorten too. Stop with the cherry picking

    I'm not ignoring anything. You clearly said remove/shorten and you just said that you didn't.


    There's no need for stupid shit like this. You said you were in favor of removing it then you said you aren't. That's fine.

  6. That's not his ban history. It's longer.



    There is absolutely no reason why this ban should be removed. Sylux broke the rules and should receive a punishment as a result of being kicked and warned in the past as well. That means he needs to be banned. If that so means 1 week so be it, but there is no reason why he should be entirely unbanned. After all this time he has shown no sign of improving ever since he was first banned so there is no reason to just add a random decay even though there is no actual rule for it. Until there is an actual decay rule brought in I stand by this.

    When Zack's punishment was being discussed the idea of a one hour ban was also brought up but a day gag was what was settled on. I am fine with changing Zack's punishment to either a day ban (hour bans are pretty useless on forums) and Sylux has his ban reduced to 1 week (since clearly people aren't completely 100% on a month) or we can have them both week silenced. I am fine with whatever. Just my thoughts though

  7. [attach=full]32698[/attach]

    (Dates are important)

    Jumping on a wim and giving Sylux am instant month ban was pretty unfair I would say. All of his band are spread out from years, and as we've learned from our friend Brian, staff shouldn't go off of very very old bans for punishment. +1 for removal/shorten.

    That's not his ban history. It's longer.



    There is absolutely no reason why this ban should be removed. Sylux broke the rules and should receive a punishment as a result of being kicked and warned in the past as well. That means he needs to be banned. If that so means 1 week so be it, but there is no reason why he should be entirely unbanned. After all this time he has shown no sign of improving ever since he was first banned so there is no reason to just add a random decay even though there is no actual rule for it. Until there is an actual decay rule brought in I stand by this.

  8. Unfortunately, I only remember being told about that whole "alternate account racism" thing but don't exactly remember what happened or if it was even really his alt. The last ban you got for disrespect or "trolling" was last year, and that was only a day. Don't exactly understand the jump to a month ban, even if he had older bans for longer. As for Zack, I do know he's quite the toxic guy when he is on the server. I am honestly surprised in you guys only giving him a gag instead of a ban as well. From what I read there was a warning and it stopped there, so I don't exactly know why you guys did jump to a ban as quickly as you did without even kicking him beforehand. I do feel as though there is some unfairness in how the situation was handled, even if Sylux has a "history", Zack should be punished exactly the same.


    +1 to drop the ban to at least a week, if not completely.

    +1 to punish Zack with the same length, they're both in the wrong and should be treated with the same punishment for fairness.

    I completely fail to see why because someone with an extensive ban history should affect someone else with a completely clean slate on their ban history. It is entirely unfair for someone's ban length to be affected because the other person is a troublemaker. I hate it because it seems like I'm being biased right now because it's Zack but I can assure you I'm not, I just don't understand why both parties should have the same length ban because one person has been in more trouble.


    Take this for example: two players come on and start chat spamming. One of them has a day ban already, the other nothing. End result is they both get week banned.

    This is exactly how it feels to be and I'm not sure if I'm missing the point?

  9. We get that Vexx is a DL and you are an admin and I have utmost respect for that, but if there is literally no proof at all of these conversations/research then we can't base your claims as a root for punishment, or at least we SHOULDN'T.. As in the case of an actual court, unless there is evidence then nothing will happen and you lose the case, and some of the things you say could be considered slander. Now I know this isn't court, but doesn't this feel a little onesided? I would love to take your guys' word for it, but that would be unfair, as much as I'd hate to say it.

    No I agree with you. I'm just not part of the discord so I was hoping that someone from their discord could get it for me

  10. citations would be nice if you can/are allowed to provide them.

    Unfortunately the discord where I posted it I'm not longer in. Myself being staff and @Vexx being the person I told (as I said I believe I told him) should be enough.

  11. Are you fricking kidding me HAHA

    "The multiple issues include you going on an alternate account and being racist (including anonymous tip-offs and reports that I gave to I believe @Vexx though I may be mistaken),"

    That is complete speculation from one of you kids making up rubbish, you can track ips silly gooses. It's fair to say you've lost all credibility in this response since you're now using idle rumours as a point to jusifty my ban. I will use your line of 'irrelevant' to rice gum as you can claim what's relevant and not for your own personal gain



    I looked into it myself. It was you.

  12. Thanks winslow brother 2, but again year gap is still a long time think of the changes you were faced over 2 years (especially sam) :thinking: 'Multiple issues' since the last ban however I have not been banned for such thing? The bind was only posted after he immediately joined and shit talked me and my friend for being there - if you are claiming his ban - sorry his mute is justified because of 'he had been in trouble notably less than you have' that is complete aids and is favouritism at it's maximum fitness.

    It's not favoritism, it's protocol. The multiple issues include you going on an alternate account and being racist (including anonymous tip-offs and reports that I gave to I believe @Vexx though I may be mistaken), the history between you and Zack specifically arguing and the various times other staff have witnessed you on the server.

    And what happened with me before was on the forums was just under 3 years ago. Pretty irrelevant

  13. The reason why Zack only received a day gag was because he had been in trouble notably less than you have, since he has been gagged for toxicity. He was going to receive a kick instead, but he left the server to calm down. That is why the day gag was suggested.


    Your ban was for a month for using binds with the intent to instigate and argue with Zack. Considering your extensive ban history the ban was decided to be a month. There is no actual decay rule when it comes to time between bans, it's mostly just common sense. You have had multiple issues on the servers since your last ban, which is why the month ban was pushed.


  14. This map is unfinished and incredibly unfun to play on due to the poor design of the map as a whole. We should remove this.

    I guess you can't currently make votes on the forums right now so here's a strawpoll:


  15. Try clearing your Cache and History.



    Issues I am having :


    • Can't Change Profile Picture
    • Mobile Side Menu Bar not working. (can't get to profile tab, notification tab or convo tab)
    • Side Menu not Floating (anchored)
    • Top Bar disappears while in a thread



    Can't change cover photo either.

  16. I always report people when they annoy me, but virr never explained me how Demo's work so i can record mic harassment. If he actually put some effort into explaining, i would not have raged harder. And everytime i report a person, nothing really happends with those people. There are people on Xeno that keep harassing people while staff members arn't on. I once reported one, and the fellow staff didn't care about that. No again, i really like to drop this and carry on. Just get rid of my xeno tag or anything i am no longer in the mood for this.

    Man virr did an amazing job what are you talking about? He explained everything so well in a calm manner to someone who was insulting him continously. What an amazing person.


    As I said you need evidence and then we follow protocol so there's no error with staff.