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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Yeah, i deeply apologize for my rude behavior. I was on my limit of still getting picked on and nobody would've listined, even staff members know about this issue and they deny it. But, i am fine with getting kicked off Xeno since i quited Tf2 in a whole, and found peace at single player games and will no longer bother people on Xeno and such. Again, i just cannot take it that people lie and won't listen to me.

    We do listen to you. You're just a bit of a cunt so we find it harder to listen to you.


    On multiple occasions have I seen people harass you, I won't deny that. However, on multiple of those occasions, you retaliated and sparked more arguments after I gave you both a warning to stop arguing. That is why you got into trouble as well as the other individual or people involved. I have listened to you every single time you say that someone has been racist to you and look for evidence to warrant a ban or such, so please don't lie saying you never get any help.


    Though it took a while myself to realize, being staff is not a job - it's a fun hobby that has rules. We are obliged to help you out but it can prove difficult sometimes because we actively have to see rules being broken. There have been multiple different instances recently in real life of people being "raped" and going to the police about it only to have the police find out that they lied and they just arrested some innocent guy for no reason. If we worked in that way, we'd have multiple innocent people get banned and that would be exploited as well as if you don't like someone on the server, you can just say "hey they're disrespecting me" even if they've done nothing wrong.


    Why do you continuously pull the "people are racist" card? People from different cultural backgrounds, skin tone, sexuality (etc) is more accepted now than it has ever been before in more economically developed countries (obviously there's some issues in some countries in Asia and such). People just use these things as a way to get at someone. An example would be @Tekage gave me when he said that he doesn't actually mind anyone being a furry, but if he gets into an argument with them then they'd use them being a furry as the subject for insulting. Yes I get you can be offended by that and that's what we're here for, but it doesn't mean that every single thing that doesn't go your way in life is because someone is racist.


    Finally, you don't get money for people being mean to you on a video game. That's just stupid.

  2. ai.imgur.com_oQscZlQ.png.1991dd856146bce49bd072f635b2556c.png

    This was because he was arguing for another player. I'd be happy to push this to a ban.

    Xeno Gamers


    I also love how he calls people peasants when he can't even spell it himself and he is poor. Just shows another example of him being as arrogant and selfish as he gives off.


    There are many other examples of this that I can testify you, which lead to the gag in the first place.


    also can someone please add this guy to tell him there's no apostrophe in want for the love of god it hurts

  3. Would you mind elaborating on the context? What was this even about?


    Grape posted a bind of where Natalie said "I'm not complaining" so I decided to tell them both that I don't want them arguing and it escalated to Natalie saying all of this. She has a history too:

    Xeno Gamers

    Other TGH staff can testify that all she does is complain to the point I had to get verification from @virr if it was OK or not to warn her about it.

    Player Chat History | Xeno Gamers

  4. -1 Constantly complains on the server and got warned twice, gagged and kicked all in the same day by @Elcark . Today comes on and starts arguing with staff.


    And for the record, you aren't right about anything right now. You are in the wrong, that is why you were banned.

  5. One time on Spaze, the entire server was banned/kicked except myself. It's a nightmare to administrate. Definitely remove this.

    Cityscape is so bland and painful to play on. There is literally no one who likes it. I suggest maybe making a poll for this since there is no actual reason (such as bug/broken) to remove it other than you don't like it.

    10x reload is so bad in so many ways. The door being broken is honestly the cherry on top. I'm very happy to remove this.

    +1 +1 +1 +1 :hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail: