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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Ah, Thanks for clearing that up. However, i still think we should get rid of it. The map its self is shit still.

    I mean I personally like the map sometimes so I think I'm going to -1 this based off that

    And I think all of those maps (except abstract and 1 of the cyberpunks because popularity)should be removed. We're in a spot where adding maps has gotten more and more lax overtime, and some lesser quality/non gaming maps slipped through because of lack of oversight. Us screwing up other times is a pretty weak reason to not fix this mistake.

    MassCC is actually pretty fun sometimes. Me and @Thunder got everyone on the server playing things like sharks and minnows and whatnot with the entire server. Of course it's not gaming history related but it's pretty fun when you can organize things

  2. Steel for now. If we continue in future seasons, I plan to go up in rank.

    No offense but I would recommend Iron for now since we used to have an xG highlander team that weren't good enough to play in Steel but had some decent players on the team. Iron is a good starting point so I would start there and rank up if you do well.

  3. I don't really think this should be added. Trade Gaming History is based off of old games that we used to/still play today and orange maps are part of TF2. We can just go and play an orange server if we want to play on an orange map, whereas Trade Gaming History is where we go if we want to play maps from games such as LoZ, Super Mario (etc). -1

  4. I have the same issue literally every time I try to connect, it's router related for me.

    I just type "retry" in console two to five times until it works, lol.

    I eventually get in but I'm unable to move for more than one second before everything freezes and all I can do is look around helplessly.


    I really need a fix for this otherwise I can't connect to surf to do my job as surf admin (n)

  5. Well you're just repeating yourself now and retorting with "minimum activity" even though that's not what you're "saying" (even though it's obviously your solution).


    How is that solving anything? You're arguing that minimum activity should be implemented to solve the issue of "no names" joining the clan. What if someone has the minimum activity, but no one has heard of him and he's an awful person? See how that works?

    I'm not trying to argue with you at all :/

    The idea I'm suggesting about being able to -1 people who you have never seen before is an alternate option to the minimum active hours which is under discussion. If there is a minimum activity then you wouldn't have to -1 people for hardly being on as there is already a regulation in place.

    If someone is an awful person then we do a member protest on them.

  6. Haha what? How does that make sense to you?


    Activity does not matter until people are staff. Someone wants to support xG by joining the clan, they apply. It gives them incentive to keep returning even if they play for 1 hour every two weeks. There's no point in declining someone from joining a gaming community just because they're not as active as you or if you don't see them on. That's malarkey, xG is not an exclusive club.

    You aren't getting what I'm saying man. I'm not going to -1 someone because I don't see them on the server. I would -1 them if I know that no one knows them because I don't want people that no one has ever heard of them in the clan. That is why the minimum active hours is being considered right now.