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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Since /nofallme is getting removed from donator is there a chance we could have /rof and /aia since they are both fun commands? People would have to be in friendly or something to use it and obviously if they kill people with it then it's abuse. If we're allowed commands such as turning into the horsemann I feel as if rof and aia should be no issue :coffee:

  2. Literally every single spy kill I get is because they get touched or shot and flash. And If you take notice that everytime I shot a spy its because I was either spamming the entire area with my smg or using the sound of the spy voice and footsteps to findem. Also if I bump into you once why would you not expect to be killed with melee?

    I mean I wasn't there long before you got banned so I didn't really have much say in the ban. I'll take a look at the demo later and vouch based off that (y)

  3. Google my steamid you arent the first person to think I cheat and you wont be the last, think about the why and how, not just the fact it was a headshot, anyone can get headshots only if they only aim for them.

    It's less so aimbot more so wallhacks. That's what was discussed as you seemed to track invisible spies. The decision was made by @Vector and @BonfireCentipede specifically

  4. the steamids are the exact same on the ban and the screenshot?????


    Just post the URL of your steam profile that you posted unprivated with the url at the top. It's not hard. I want to make sure that the profile you screenshotted are one and the same. Just unprivate it.

  5. No need if you google search that ID he'll show up. Also if you go in server bans you can see that its the correct one.

    It could be a separate account. He could have shown his primary account and have an alt that he is hacking on with the same name. I just want to make sure.

  6. @Kypari The intended feature from @Rhododendron is to have the ratings show when you just hover over Choose Ratings instead of having to click on it. Would people prefer this change, is there a middle ground people want? Please give us as much feedback as possible :)

    I personally preferred it when was just permanently there without having to click or hover over anything. I just think it's neater for some reason

  7. Good idea, but getting people to make merch can be very expensive. I would be a little hasty on buying it though. It would be cool to have, but I wouldn't know how much longer xG is going to be around for. I think I would buy a bracelet or something. Not really t-shirts though.

    Definitely agree. I would love an xG wristband or something along the lines of that. Manufacturing clothing such as t-shirts and hoodies would be too expensive to invest in considering that it's unlikely that lots of people would buy it.

    • Who is making them?
    • What are they making?
    • Where and how are they going to make them?

    I don't really see how even though it would be neato. Plus do we have the money to get them to make something that probably won't sell?

  8. What exactly are you expecting from posting passive-agressive comments on the forums, Ill?

    That comment was absolutely unnescesarry and your behavoir has been somewhat noticable recently. This is gonna sound stupid, but after all we're some kind of community that should hold together.

    That being said, if you'd like to discuss any issues you have, please message @Vexx, @mrnutty12, @Sesh or myself on Steam.

    Additionally I do not want to derail this thread any further, so please if you wanna talk this out message me on Steam.


    About Donakonda, I personally like you but in my opinion I think as of right now you would not be suitable for staff due to a certain lack of maturity.

    However, if the other higher ups disagree with me, that is more than fine though.

    People who say stuff like "we have too much tgh staff" are just being silly. It's pretty sad since if you actually knew Donakonda you'd know that he's played on most of our servers since about 2015 and I actually saw him on JB the most before.

    Secondly I still think you're lacking in maturity but it's nice to see you try again -1

  9. Since @Egossi and myself were flooding the thread, we decided to talk about it in PM.

    In the end we decided to agree to disagree as my belief that Egossi should work up from mod after he's proved his activity is a solution but as Egossi is obviously good at his job considering that he worked up to DM in the past, getting promoted to admin and then getting demoted if he is inactive to member is another solution. There's not really a wrong answer, it's just that I'm stricter :coffee:

  10. Without any more context, sounds to me like he finally stepped down when he was told he was being too inactive. Sounds like he did the right thing, then? Dunno.


    Anyways, this whole "I can't trust you since I thought you should be active, and you were in your eyes, but you weren't in my eyes, so I feel betrayed" thing is ..strange. Even if he's a mod or admin, shouldn't he be getting less leniency regarding activity now compared to a DM?

    He was told before by Rejects and did know about it since Rejects leaked some stuff like higherups always do

    I think activity across every position needs at least 14 hours including DM and DL.

  11. I was one of the higher ups back then and I wasn't confronted by a single higher up other than Rejects, who confronted me at one of my most active times.

    I will highlight this one because you are ignoring my point which I have re-stated multiple times now, whether you think I was active enough or not did not matter at the time, I was considered to be generally active enough, and it is irrelevant now since I am active now, I really don't see why you think this is a valid reason to determine whether I should go up to admin or have to start from mod, I will have the same amount of activity whether I am promoted to admin or mod anyway, and you are saying I am trusted enough to be given the powers of admin, so why does it matter whether I am admin or mod for this case? I am asking because I really don't understand

    Bello confronted you as well just before you stepped down and he even agreed with me and wanted to tell you to become more active but he struggled to tell you because you guys are like best friends.


    I know you weren't active because I was monitoring your activity because you were promoted to DM below the minimum activity for staff at the time. Here's a link to the thread: Promotions And Demotions #163 | Xeno Gamers

    You need to prove to us you can stay active because you definitely weren't when you were staff as proven, so I want to see that you can be active as moderator and prove that you can be trusted to stay active and once you've proved it after at least one month then you should get admin. That's all

  12. Once again, any activity I had after this thread New Year, New Memes! A January Update! | Xeno Gamers

    was determined to be good enough either because I have been extremely active on forums and teamspeak, or because I had good explanations for why I was/had to be inactive at the time

    It was still way too low. 5 hours is not enough and I'm sure all of the higherups back then and even now would agree with me

  13. Again, my point is that the rule for activity was that staff activity adequecy was determined by higher ups, and at the time, rejects did warn me out of nowhere which i argued with him about since it was so sudden and he seemed to be the only person who thought I wasn't active enough from the whole team of higher ups at the time. I was considered generally at the time to be active enough by other higher ups, which is what mattered, whether you agreed with that or not.

    At least in technicality I was active enough for all promo/demos other than the one I was promoted to DM in, unrelated to you/ me agreeing or disagreeing with that.



    I also disagree that trustworthyness has anything to do with my activity, it would have to do with abuse/instability if I had shown any, however.


    At the end of the day I do see where the argument is coming from, but since I have been active at least from day to day on our tf2 servers, and literally every single day on our teamspeak server (mostly with higher ups who have +1'd or aproved of this thread), it is unnecessary to waste time and keep me in a lower position than I have very much recently proven to be capable of holding.

    And in terms of "unfairness" I do not understand why it is acted as if we have a limit of the maximum amount of players we can have holding the Administrator position, just promote ALL the people who deserve the position at once and the problem is solved in every single way imaginable, I don't see why it's such a problem that I am applying for Admin directly

    It makes you untrustworthy since we don't know if you're going to be active or not.

    I also have a link to your inactivity from when you were DM still by coincidence from the 17th of February if you want to check it out [MEDIA=imgur]a/bD6Gr[/MEDIA]


    I want you to be admin because I think you do your job well as I've said, but I want to be proven that you can keep your activity up for just a month and then I think you should be promoted.