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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Just a question for you, do you have other people in mind who can be DM/DL? If you are willing to be a builder and have basic knowledge of configs and plugins that is good to know :D

    In my opinion @XHina_sanX or @Ms.Spooks are the best options for higherups being as they both have a lot of experience with servers on Minecraft and have spent a lot of their time on the xG Minecraft server. Just my input :coffee:

  2. European internet providers are absolute garbage

    why do you have such bad luck with internet providers

    Virgin Media are so popular to the point where they literally can't handle the number of users who use their service so we get hardly anything for the hours where people are on the most (6pm - 11pm)

  3. So my internet provider has told us that our internet will be down until the 19th. It was down for most of yesterday but suddenly started working today? Not sure, but if my activity goes down it's because I may have no internet for the next few days. (n)

    You might even be able to just ignore this message if the internet stays up but I don't know to be honest.

  4. I literally only play on the Pokemon Trade Center server due to the pokemon maps.

    We have another server called Trade Gaming History that has lots of maps from other games from our childhood, such as Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Sunshine (etc) if you want to check it out :coffee:

  5. +1 Now, I've never once actually played this map.

    How is this possible? Seeing as we are constantly RTVing to go there?

    I can't download/join it. Map has always been glitched for me and I've never once played it.


    Now, I wouldn't put in my vote just because of my personal problem alone (unless anyone else has this bug?).

    A couple xG friends who I've asked what the map is like basically say it can be abusing to the eyes and ears and trollers often take advantage of this.


    Oh, and all the people in this thread who are saying it's buggy combined with the fact I can't even join the darn map doesn't improve my impression of it either.

    Delete the map from your tf/download/maps folder. It should work then.

  6. Honestly not really a reason to -1 him. Whether they click with someone else or not doesn't really matter. If Septik really did have an issue, then he should just ignore Vexx unless it's something related to business (i.e. server moderation reasons).

    When I was staff, there was a few people that I didn't really care for or agree with. Didn't mean my moderation was skewed. Just gotta moderate since that's why you are staff.


    Anyhow, I'm going to +1 this. Septik is a pretty decent guy. It seems like he really could give it a good shot if he became a staff member. I was worried about Parasect getting staff, but he got it and is doing a fine job. Everyone has hiccups and makes mistakes, but again. I'm sure Septik will do fine.

    Thunderlimes is right. Septik talks shit about Vexx behind his back when he isn't on the server about how much he doesn't like him which demonstrates his lack in maturity.

    On the other hand, I know you would be very dedicated to being moderator and you definitely have the will to learn more. Would be nice to see him tried out +1

  7. I feel that we should have like a hub as we do; except have teleporters to games like spleef, hunger games, mystery blocks, free build, battle arena, Jailbreak where you mine and sell ores working your way up. (Pretty sure it's called jailbreak... been a while since I played the game mode so it could be called something else)

    Just having Towny doesn't seem really like a long lasting mode. I honestly was bored in the server after the first 30 minutes. You claimed a small plot, and just sat there until MAYBE someone came near you and you kill them. A variety would in my opinion be more successful.



    But I would like to help run it if possible ^_^

    You need people to play it with. Myself and a few friends such as Vector, Wyverness (etc) have made an entire town and we love it.