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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. So what had happened is the alt account tf2spy got on. Ill/sick and i were in stealth because we were watching someone else. i switched to this person cause he did the whole LMAO chat thing. ill gagged him then we watched him spin bot/ flick to people while surfing. To which i permed him. Venom messaged me around 8 pm central confessing it was him.

    Have you got any screenshots of the conversation?

  2. Honestly it wouldn't be that hard to make a plugin to do that, it'd just take a bit to add various types of quests. The main problem really is with farming/exploiting, which is gonna be difficult to avoid for anything that involves multiple players.

    I don't think it'd be easy to farm if we make it like a weekly quest or something if that's possible. 3 quests per week and just reward around 25- 100 schmeckles for each :coffee:

  3. I hope you only mean really derogatory or racist slurs, not just fuck or shit or something. If someone has an item renamed something minorly offensive but can't use it on our servers due to the name or description, it could just lead them to leave, and make it annoying for staff to enforce. I'm neutral on the topic but if it is accepted I don't want it to be so safe-spacey in terms of any slur is unaccepted.

    Of course not haha. It's specifically for racial slurs but I put offensive so that multiple categories of offensive topics can be included, racism being the most common. I mean like really bad homophobia too, for example :coffee:

  4. I like the idea, but I feel like it would be a nightmare for staff to enforce. Having a bunch of rules that are too complicated/annoying to enforce in the first place is never good, and just leads to staff ignoring the rule most of the time.


    That being said, i do believe it would be a good addition, if we could somehow figure out a way to do it somewhat efficiently. Maybe we could expand on the "No racism" rule to include nametags and player names?

    It always has been that way. I don't see why it would exclude weapon names and stuff so I think it would be a good idea to adjust the rules to state that you cannot have any racist or offensive names/weapon names or descriptions (etc).

  5. I only said it's not a rule because unfortunately, we have nothing explicitly stated in our rules saying that steam inventory items with racist or offensive names are not allowed. As much as I'd love to have such rule, it would be something incredibly hard to moderate or keep an eye on due to the fact that you'd basically have to inspect anyone and everyone to make sure they're not using a badly named weapon or item. With that being said, I'd like to hear what other people think.

    Someone could still report it or we could see it. It wouldn't be really hard to enforce because you can just check if they're using that weapon by switching to spectator. Being as it's an offensive term being using on the server that is the reason I still acted on it.

  6. Is it against the rules to have a weapon that has an offensive slur as its name or description? I've always enforced this and so have multiple other staff. If offensive slurs/material are against the rules on mic and in the chat and even on sprays/objectors I don't see why we wouldn't be able to enforce the rule on people who have offensive names for their weapons that everyone can see if you inspect their weapons or get killed by them.

    @Vexx reportedly said that it's allowed but I've heard from other staff and used my judgement to depict that it's against the rules

    Can we please have some clarification?

  7. Also, @Kypari they asked me if the thread can stay up due to thunderlimes being a previous mod in the past, and none of the higherups would have an issue in that scenario. It is on me for not clarifying the rules so you need to try to understand the thinking process behind our decision of thunderlimes without just thinking everything must be black + white. If I'm looking for someone who is interested in being a moderator and have specific guidelines, but they have a proven track record, it is obvious that letting that user still make a post is fine. It's not really that hard to understand.

    I was only joking :c

  8. Unless you put one of those automated messages in chat saying "Go to this link (link) for the xG Staff Roster!" people will not know that it even exists. Were talking about new players here, not people that already know how to work these forums.

    Titles are fine. They can clearly see that we're staff in the chat. Literally every server other than us does titles