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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. That is partially false, It is true that the hour requirement was 18 hours when I was promoted, however I did get the hour requirement rule to change half a month later, so it isn't entirely true that I was not active enough in the duration of my DM position

    I also disagree that activity has anything to do with whether or not I should be admin directly or not, since I am active now and have proven to be capable of having a higher up position, it is simply irrelevant, what you're pointing out.

    You were active at most 2 promo/demos. I talked to Rejects and Bello about it nearly every promo/demo, you can just ask them. The fact that you remained inactive means that we don't know if you're even going to be able to keep your admin position since you were going to become more active after having being warned as a DM yet you improved the following promo/demo but after that it went back to normal. Admins are meant to be staff members that does their job well, which you already do. However, it also means you have to be trustworthy, and I don't think I can fully believe that you are going to be active until you prove it for a few months as a moderator. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just I'd rather see it put to the test. It's like going to college without doing an interview to see if you're capable of going there and instead just saying "I'm good at this" and instantly getting in. You have to prove your worth and I think you just need to prove it again because you were inactive for so long. :coffee:

  2. I think you were good at your job but I remember you were inactive every single promo/demo apart from at most two since you got DM. Even the same promo/demo you got DM you had about 10 hours and the requirement was ≈18. Your hours are I think 18 now which is obviously high enough for staff but because you were incapable of activity I don't think skipping straight to admin is the right option personally. I think after you have proven to us you can keep a consistent activity for at least a month you should be promoted to admin from moderator.

    -1 For admin instantly but +1 for moderator. I have little doubt that you won't earn admin since you were good at your job but I think that you need to prove that you can stay active. Good luck (y)

  3. I've found out why it's not working! It's because of this thing I downloaded when I was installing Thug Pro because I had complications when installing it. It was stopping my internet working for some reason? Anyway I've installed it now and I was active anyway since I just left my PC on for a few days so I could still play so hey (y)

  4. First and foremost, are you hard-wired or do you use WiFi?


    Have you tried re-installing network drivers? Could also be that your network adapter might be shot. Additionally, have you already attempted to run the Windows diagnostic tool to see if it could determine the problem? If so, what are the results?


    Annnnd last but not least, open cmd and type in ipconfig/all and screenshot results. Kthnxbye

    I use Ethernet but I've tried plugging it in and out (n)

    I'll try re-installing the drivers later but since my PC crashed I have a feeling my network adapter is dead.

    The results of the test show that I have lost connection to the internet


  5. When I was playing Overwatch like last week, my pc crashed. I restarted it and the internet wasn't working at all, like I could see that I was connected to the internet but no page was working and was always coming up with the network connectivity error - same for spotify, discord (etc)

    My pc crashing caused an error called "Media disconnected" where I couldn't see any media whatsoever on my pc if I didn't click on it.

    ai.imgur.com_7MrtA7s.thumb.png.6b035e6442441782efe4c03bcc47013a.png I have to disable and re-enable every one of these multiple times, sometimes lasting about 30 minutes of just disabling and re-enabling these for my internet to work again every time I turn on my PC.

    I have no doubt in my mind that my PC isn't going to let this trick work forever, so has anyone got any fix? This is urgent because I may not be able to get onto the servers soon but I can for now

  6. So my PC just crashed and had the media disconnected error for a few hours. I managed to get it working again, but it stopped me from being able to use internet on my pc. It crashed mid game on Overwatch, so is it possible that the error has a correlation to this problem? Either way.

    Open your TF2 launch options and put this in:

    >+clientport 27012

    I've typed that in and hopefully it works for the next few days. If I can't connect again I'll post here. Thank you!

    That does sort of sound like a port forwarding issue, or if someone else on your router is playing a Source game at the same time (and using the same port) it can cause connection issues. Although, if it's only the one server that doesn't make much sense.

    Any chance you can run a traceroute or use PingPlotter on the surf IP ( and maybe another to a server that works (TGH is

    Thanks! I'll try it if Rhodo's command doesn't work.