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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Activity doesn't even matter until you are a staff member.


    Not sure why some of you are making a big deal about it. It's not like people get their membership stripped for being inactive.

    I just don't think people who have never been seen on the servers by anyone should be in the community because no-one even knows them

  2. Let me just say that making a ban protest doesn't automatically get you banned. Each ban protest is treated as a special case and is determined as such.

    Making posts throughout the thread like: "I won't do it again. Unban me." doesn't really make your case better.


    I will say however, that a perm is a bit overkill. For anyone who is actually curious to his previous bans, here: Xeno Gamers

    He's be banned for exploits and calladmin abuse. Personally, a shorter length ban would have been more than fine. If he came back after being banned again for exploiting, just to continue doing so, then perm should follow suit.


    Also, I want to tack on, that I never based their ban time on their previous bans as a whole. I would look over them, sure, but banning for continuous trolling versus exploits is different time decisions. Obviously this guy may be different from the rest of the people that are banned, but figured just give some food for thought on this statement.

    The way that most staff have dealt with it matches his previous bans Xeno Gamers so I think the system needs to be clarified. I think the system we use works fine but I think staff need to know exactly what to do with no doubt in their mind.

  3. In the time that I have been here with Xeno Gamers, this has never once occurred for any Player as the likelihood of this is so incredibly rare that no one in their right mind would waste their time doing it. That being said, if Staff have been incorrectly enforcing rules/regulations, I don't believe the solution to be a "Whoops, our bad. Let's just change the rules because we've been doing it this way forever." as this practically wipes away the integrity of what was essentially put in place and was the foundation for nearly everything punishment related.


    I sincerely hope that this will not become a common occurrence where instead of correcting a problem by placing it back on track, it is instead built around these constant changes. At this point, the rules/regulations are being bent and contorted to whatever the Moderators/Administrators see fit as punishment which can result in completely skewed and biased bans or ban times in general. The reason the step-by-step process is there is to ensure that all Players receive the same punishment and treatment to eliminate any sort of bias. The fact still remains that this Player should have been banned for a week at the most. Worst comes to worse, the Player gets permanently banned afterwards and at this point there will be 0 reason to serve out another chance.


    With that all said, I completely respect the decision of the Higher-Ups to either re-evaluate or alter the rules; I only ask that they be altered in a way that will still present an unbiased form of punishment for Players.

    The system nearly all staff (as far as I know) are using is Warn, Gag/Mute/, Kick, Day, Week, Month, Perm, regardless of the differences between the rules that they have previously broken. For example, if someone gets banned for a day for micspam, they could get banned for a week for trolling. Changing the system to make it so this person isn't banned for as long would be altering the banning system that we should be using right now so I think a perm is justifiable for now unless the higherups want to have a discussion about the banning system we are currently using.

  4. I do not like -1'ing a player due to not knowing / seeing them, there's 24 hours in a day and even if you play 6 hours every single day, you might not see them. If the people he plays with doesn't +1 for whatever reason, then he would not get accepted which defeats the purpose of what I'm going for.

    It should be based off of activity on rank.xenogamers and we would see how long they've been on the server for. I don't really want people that know one has ever even heard of in the clan if you get what I mean. :coffee:

  5. @Kypari that means if I played on the one server that you did not, you would -1 me? I think instead you should look towards trying to know that person, otherwise leave it up to the others.

    If a member proves to be unfit, we always have the member protest option here on the forums.

    That's why I said that if people +1 him then the -1 would be void.

  6. A very unjustified and unfair price at that. Perma-banning is not the the way to go just because of the use of a taunt, even with the few warnings. I love the server, I said I wouldn't do it anymore and I came and appealed. There is no reason this perma ban should continue forever.

    You've been warned multiple times. Regardless of the exploit you did, at the end of the day it was still an exploit and you should be punished for breaking rules.

    If you want to get unbanned you can refer to what @virr posted.

  7. Quite frankly this "punishment" is not needed anymore. I got banned, I came and protested the ban and said I wouldn't taunt in the water anymore. I should be let back on.

    You won't be let back on because you have been warned multiple times in the past. You've had your warnings, it's time to pay the price.

  8. ai.imgur.com_g33Cp4Q.thumb.png.803f2bd4e86ed79b733b9614a2606f4f.png

    This always appears and this only happens on surf. Last night I was on with people such as @YeEternalTuna and my game would randomly freeze where I would be slightly shaking in the game and I was unable to speak on mic, see the chat/type in chat, I couldn't move and I couldn't see anyone else moving. The only thing that was working was hearing people on mic.

    Does anyone know how to fix this or why this is happening? I can connect to every other server just fine but not this one for some reason. I miss being a surf admin @Bello ;~;

  9. I believe that would kill the entire focus and purpose of this change while it would also be less efficient than our previous membership system, I'd be more in favor of reverting back to the old system if proven that something has to be done

    How? It just means we won't get randoms in. If someone gets no vouches they will still be allowed in, or if they get 1, 2 or even more.

  10. admins never do their jobs? Wuuuut? Uhhhhh kypari :0


    If you want sentrys you could nominate surf_horizont and push the kill button Or go to surf_overlook. Apart from that, did you say the admins don't do anything? OK.I'm not an admin but we have an admin who is extremely active and comes everyday at surf and his name is kypari,he always puts order in our server, probably the best doing that.Basically the Strictest admin we have also good singer and nice guy.


    -1 Lacks maturity as seen in the submission.

    I been playing in your servers (in surf servers) and i like very much your servers but i see that admins can toggle noclip on itselfs and i want to toggle on me noclip and i see that there are some players that are been spawncamping in the ramps or building sentrys and admins doesnt do anything thats why i want to be a admin to ban people like that or maybe give a softban.

    We can't do anything if we don't see it. If someone says that someone is breaking a rule then we'll try and get there as fast as possible and try and watch the scene whether you can see us doing it or not (we may be using /stealth, in spectate (etc)).

    Not to mention how I am very strict and I will generally be the first to enforce a rule. If you have any problems you can talk to the staff using teamchat and start with @[put your message here].

  11. My internet is bad but is not always laging. I play surf Combat, That is not a normal game. Is totally HARD to bhop with space if you have 180 ping.




    Apart from that. i banned that guy at 3:24 Am. basically at night my ping is good (120 -115 Ping) because all my family members are sleeping.

    This just proves the point further that it's because of ping. 120 is not fine and causes situations just like this.

    Second. I found something interesting.


    I was watching Mike´s profile. then i saw Melolzcore in the comments section.




    Them I Remember ..Did Nutty ban that guy before?





    Yes he Did!!


    Xeno Gamers


    Player Information | Xeno Gamers


    And guess what. he got ban for the same Situation "Silent aim"




    Is a extremly rare Coincidence. i´m not saying he is Melolzcore. But he has 60 friends in steam ... well 58 without me and lemon , He has only 5 Comment in his profile. Too less for someone who plays 3800hours in tf2 also started playing tf2 in 2012.

    That's pretty strange and a nice find but it's not conclusive so is therefore just a coincidence as of now unless it can be proven they are the same person.