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Reputation Activity

  1. Dislike
    Kypari reacted to Red in Favorite thing about xG   
    bullying people on tgh 
  2. Furry
    Kypari reacted to Genocide in Favorite thing about xG   
    The TF2 Community knows their place, they all know they are furries and weebs ?
    Please don't hurt me TF2 Community, I'm just a poor black bloke looking for some money.
  3. Eggplant
    Kypari reacted to Arnude in Favorite thing about xG   
    How I can call a staff member gay on TF2 and they'll agree. 
  4. RIP
    Kypari got a reaction from Red in Red   
    Closed at request of OP because he's a troll. i HATE trolls.
    - Closed
  5. RIP
    Kypari got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Red   
    Closed at request of OP because he's a troll. i HATE trolls.
    - Closed
  6. Eggplant
    Kypari reacted to Tekk in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    I'm still waiting for dm @Kypari ?
  7. Eggplant
    Kypari reacted to Tatost in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    I don't think any other higher up has admitted to getting their dick's sucked in exchange for powers while still in the position LOL
  8. Agree
    Kypari got a reaction from DepressedNeonNepp in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    6/14 of the staff members are furries. While that's 6 too many, I think recent events are showing that you just have to suck some higherup dick to get staff instead of having to get a fursuit as well
  9. Thinking
    Kypari got a reaction from Caleb956 in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    6/14 of the staff members are furries. While that's 6 too many, I think recent events are showing that you just have to suck some higherup dick to get staff instead of having to get a fursuit as well
  10. Eggplant
    Kypari got a reaction from Thorax_ in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    6/14 of the staff members are furries. While that's 6 too many, I think recent events are showing that you just have to suck some higherup dick to get staff instead of having to get a fursuit as well
  11. Thinking
    Kypari got a reaction from ABlueSkittle123 in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    6/14 of the staff members are furries. While that's 6 too many, I think recent events are showing that you just have to suck some higherup dick to get staff instead of having to get a fursuit as well
  12. Thinking
    Kypari got a reaction from Segal in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    6/14 of the staff members are furries. While that's 6 too many, I think recent events are showing that you just have to suck some higherup dick to get staff instead of having to get a fursuit as well
  13. Got It
    Kypari got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    6/14 of the staff members are furries. While that's 6 too many, I think recent events are showing that you just have to suck some higherup dick to get staff instead of having to get a fursuit as well
  14. Thinking
    Kypari got a reaction from SegFault in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    6/14 of the staff members are furries. While that's 6 too many, I think recent events are showing that you just have to suck some higherup dick to get staff instead of having to get a fursuit as well
  15. Furry
    Kypari reacted to Tatost in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    90% of the unlockable items are absolute garbage not gonna lie. Just use stock most of the time and you should be fine, everything else is situational.
    Just recently they made it so only furries can get staff in the TF2 Div. If you wanna be a staff member you're gonna have to buy a fursuit.
  16. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to ABlueSkittle123 in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    Lately, there has is plenty of staff who aren't furries. For the unlockable weapons part, some people enjoy to not use stock. For an example, I know many people who prefer direct hit over stock. I've seen a lot of players who use flare gun instead of the shotgun. There are many more examples, I am just saying what I think. However, I do agree that most of the time stock is the best thing to use, gunboats are good though for soldier, just saying.
  17. Winner
    Kypari reacted to Aegean in Goldfish/lottamos   
    This is becoming extremely petty, regardless of what you think of Goldfish, being annoying isn't enough of a contributing factor to remove his membership. I also have been in discord multiple times where you all egg on Goldfish and when he says something back in frustration, you all gang up on him. 

    @Lottamos I'm telling you right now, you seriously also need to improve your attitude. I know you're young but you should seriously consider improving your attitude and not trying to make everything into an argument.

    Unless Lithium thinks this has any validity, I'm closing this thread for now.
  18. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Tekk in Goldfish/lottamos   
    I'm not too familiar with Goldfish, so I will refrain from vouching. Though I must say this.
    At the end of the day, words are just words. With no screenshots, demos or any kind of evidence, this whole thing is going to be "You did this" "No I didn't, you did it".
    Whilst I'm aware that Goldfish is a member that many people would consider toxic, solid evidence is needed for something as big as a member protest. If you see one another on a server, record a demo. Take screenshots. Whilst I don't play on CS as much as I would kinda like to, it is obvious to everyone that there have been problems with Goldfish. Gotta get that solid proof.
  19. Feels Bad Man
    Kypari reacted to tree_ in Halloween Costumes?   
    Im on candy duty this year I can't be anything ☹️
  20. Bad Spelling
    Kypari reacted to Tatost in Minecraft Server   
    I think he was joking LOL
  21. Bad Spelling
    Kypari reacted to Tatost in Guess who's back,back again   
  22. Bad Spelling
    Kypari got a reaction from Tatost in Guess who's back,back again   
    Welcome back!
  23. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to ABlueSkittle123 in Texting and Driving   
    Well, what can I say? Today on may way to get a flu-shot someone was texting and driving and collided into my family's car. Luckily my family wasn't hurt at all however, I was. My arm got a bit messed up but I am lucky enough to be able to get it back into shape in just two days. I will still be able to play on servers however most likely not be able to do much. The best I could do is stop mic-spammers/spammers in chat. Ill still do my best but don't be surprised if I am a bit slow to react to something while I am on the server. This is just my little forum post to allow for everyone to know why I may be a bit inactive for this weekend and or be a bit slow to react to situations in which I need to mute, gag, kick, etc. Thanks for reading and please never text while driving. 
  24. Funny
    Kypari got a reaction from DepressedNeonNepp in Remove #shitposting from discord   
    Well another thing would be the toes of course, but it's a step in a direction. I would like to see that addressed as well.
  25. Funny
    Kypari got a reaction from Vexx in Remove #shitposting from discord   
    Well another thing would be the toes of course, but it's a step in a direction. I would like to see that addressed as well.