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Posts posted by Lithium

  1. Hub

    • Updated Pulse and Pulse Fade auras
      • Should no longer cause FPS drops
      • Slightly altered appearance

      [*]Added Basic (1250c) and Basic Fade (1750c) auras

      • Simple, 1 or 2 color aura trail

      [*]Added Helios (2250c) auras (Thanks, @virr!)

      • 2 colors, particles spin around you and move upwards

      [*]CS:GO staff members now recieve a bonus credit for being active

    Note: Updated auras may take some time to be visible on all servers, and may require you to restart your game after downloading.

  2. Also, the linked account for Accelerator ("MinidumpAccount" "76561198049648986") was put in the wrong place inside core.cfg - it should be inside the brackets. I fixed that on 001, 002, and 004.


    Less important, but you also have your automatic server restart times set to 6am PST and 4am PST on 004, where it really only needs to be set for once a day.

  3. The chat colors/titles problem should be fixed on 001, 002, and 004 now

    You guys had store-namecolors, store-titles, and store-chatcolors on the servers as well as store-chat - which is a plugin that already includes all three. In other words, you had multiple plugins trying to do the same thing, so I disabled those three.


    I also updated the gamedata for store-equipment on those three servers, even though it doesn't seem like you're using that plugin. You guys can remove it if you aren't planning on using it. I also disabled the store-refunds.smx and the store-loadouts.smx that were giving errors, since you already had a duplicate working version of them. Hopefully that should cut down on the number of errors you get, and you can do the same things on the other servers if you like


    Weaponcolors are disabled, not too sure why the plugin is still on there but I guess I can just remove it.

    It doesn't seem like it's disabled, I was able to buy them, they just didn't work

  4. That demo shows very clearly that he had done nothing wrong. He admitted that three dots was okay (after he talked to me), then you spam what I had sent you a few more times (after you had already sent it a few times before). He warns you to stop spamming, as would be expected for mild copy/paste spam like that. And then, you start threatening him and baiting him into banning you. It's a completely fair ban.


    While I will admit that sometimes Athrun's attitude as a mod isn't the best, nothing he did here was unusual or unacceptable in the slightest. And your own attitude in that situation isn't really great for someone with an open mod app.


    I'm going to close this, but @Bleed @Owl @Chrono if you have anything to add feel free to post anyways (or discuss in private)


    Chat log for reference

  5. 3v3 capture the flag csgo tourney, randomized teams for those who sign up.


    Maybe a custom overwatch game 5v5? TF2 VS CS:GO members?


    these are good. Also we could do an actual cs:go 1v1 or 5v5 tourney since we already play those all the time, just not structured in any way



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  7. store/store-loadouts.smx

    I'm not sure if you guys had loadouts working before, but it didn't work on CS:GO either and wasn't really necessary so we just disabled it.


    L 09/22/2016 - 08:00:50: [sM] Exception reported: Unable to open store-equipment.gamedata: A property was declared outside of a section

    This just needs a gamedata update, you can download that here


    "store/store-refunds.smx": Could not find required plugin "store-loadouts"

    Refunds won't work because loadouts doesnt work. The plugin doesn't actually require it, I can give you guys a modified version of refunds that we use if you want refunds. If not, you can just disable that too to get rid of the error


    Exception reported: Invalid database Handle 0 (error: 4)

    L 09/22/2016 - 08:01:04: [sM] Blaming: store/store-backend.smx()

    This is the only one that could be causing the current problem, but I doubt it. Do the weaponcolors work at all? If that one was an actual issue, its likely a database config issue or something, not something i can look at without server access


    How long ago did this start happening anyways?

  8. Any errors in the logs, and what versions are your Simple Chat Processor and the two store plugins? (do sm plugins list in console, youll see something like "30 "Simple Chat Processor (Redux)" (1.1.5) by Simple Plugins, Mini")

  9. staff command to end last ct when lr is active just in case it doesn't cause it seems like it happens

    I've never seen or heard of this happening.. if it happened then we could just fix the bug, there's no reason to add a command as a workaround for something that could be fixed.