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Posts posted by Lithium

  1. honeslty should just be a "Other Games Discussion" subforum here, which would satisfy the rocket league people + the overwatch people + everything else


    theres a weird mix between general and games and consoles, neither of which are really used properly. removing games adn consoles and adding my idea might be a baetter step towards fixing this? also could possibly merge the moba thing into this as thats super dead as well

    That's not a bad idea, there could be the dedicated subforums like we have now for the divisions that we have servers for, and the Other Games could have subforums for games that we dont (or cant) have servers for, but a large number of people play - MOBAs, Rocket League, Overwatch etc.

    Also, it might not be a bad idea to merge some or all the creative ones too, and move the game division subforums further up (why are they at the bottom anyways?)

  2. New update for CS:GO on a beta branch - This is a fairly major update, with a large number of important fixes for hitboxes, landing animations, and changes to crouch spam. I figured I'd post this here just to let everyone know how you can play this beta, since it's not automatically pushed to all clients.


    Patch Notes: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


    To switch your CS:GO client to the beta branch (or back to release), go to your Steam library, right click on csgo and select properties:


    Then, click on the "Betas" tab and select to play the beta. (To switch back, simply select "NONE")


    Note: You will not be able to play on any servers not opted in to the beta (our servers are not), only play offline.


    Any discussion is welcome below.

  3. Hub

    • Added Galaxy and Aurora auras to public (Prices are 4000 and 5000 respectively)
    • Added ability to toggle whether you see others' auras, no auras, or just your own for people with potatoes. Use !settings or !auravisibility to change.


    • Added Pulse and Pulse Fade auras (Prices are 3000 and 3500 respectively)
    • Added auras for teams who participated in Cologne 2016 that weren't already added
    • Added a few tags

  4. they're just calling it a day without doing anything

    I edited the JB rules to clarify that you cannot call a special day without using !days, so mods/admins pls start enforcing that if you haven't been already

    @virr @Sizz @Wario @DrLee @Bonk @Firewolf @Warriorsfury @BlackWidow @Oden @Athrun @ThePenguin @Charles @Rabid @Cristo @DrPepperPhreak @orangejuice

  5. Any way to do multiple colours in names? (Not messages because that would be too hard to read) for example my name is SUN[xG]SHINE i would totally spend extra credits to make it made from yellow to red (left to right) and my the clan tags like purple. That would cost a lot but if you buy multiple colours you should be able to use them no?




    Could you buy knife skins for xG severs?


    Like chrono said, absolutely not.

  6. sort of to add on to stevens trivia thing you could have a "trivia bot" that asks random questions could be csgo could be math could be geography etc. and only give credits if 3+ people !join the trivia, and give variable credits based on number.


    I've thought about this, maybe a small chance (very small, so it happens maybe once every few hours) that at the beginning of a round it prints a trivia question in chat? Only if like more than 5-6 people are on the server though. Could be interesting. @Bleed


    it could be priced lower


    Yea I've changed it to 10 credits, so you should be able to use it every 2-3 rounds easily now


    should not cost credits at all, if anything maybe have it so you could use credits for more frequent days


    Each CT gets 1 free special day per map, extra days cost credits (although the price will likely be lowered significantly once @Bleed adds a cvar for that). This cuts down on special day spam and people who just call warden to call special days once every 3 rounds.

  7. What happened to Auras? I'd also love to see the return of hats, masks, and glasses.

    Aura's will be added soon. Hats take quite a bit of setup, but there's still a chance they'll be added at some point.


    change class or create a custom class

    I believe @Bleed made a classes plugin that uses store, though I'm not sure if it works or is even done.


    LastCT weapons and songs also will be added, once we've had a chance to test them.


    I forgot to mention in the patch notes, there is also !priorityguard - costs 75 credits (may be changed) and you get put in the guard queue as a higher priority.

  8. Hub!

    • Added Hub to CTF, RPG Surf, Minigames, and Jailbreak
    • 7 types of items:
      • Chat Color: Changes the color your text appears in chat
      • Name Color: Changes the color your name appears in chat
      • Chat Tags: A colored prefix that appears before your name in chat
      • Grenade Skins: Replaces the model for your grenades when you throw them
      • Grenade Trails: A colored trail that follows your grenade when you throw it
      • Tracers: Colored trails that go where you shoot
      • Sprays: Similar to CS:S sprays, a custom image you can spray on the wall with Shift + E
      • More to be added soon...

      [*]Earn credits by playing on the server, or buy / transfer them from the forums


    • RTD now costs 25 credits
    • Bounty now uses credits
    • Use !priorityguard to get placed in the guard queue with a higher priority - costs 75 credits

  9. Post here if you have an idea for a new item on the CS:GO hub!

    Any ideas are welcome, such as something you'd like to see as a new chat tag, a new spray, or even a new category of item.


    Note that we have no plans currently to add trails, and we may add custom player models at a later date.


    If someone suggests something in this thread and you want to see it in-game, then vote their post Like/Agree, so we can judge if enough people want it.



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