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Posts posted by Lithium



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  2. The more the topic of permanent bans is brought up, the more I think that, most of the time, they aren't really be considered permanent (with the exceptions of things like doxing/ddosing, darkwolf level abuse, or repeat offenders - we usually already note that in the ban reason, something like "Do not unban"). For most things (massing/leaving, abuse, whatever), it's simply a matter of forcing them to make an appeal, show that they've matured or whatever - not that any of this is a bad thing. Most people who come on the servers are between 13 - 17, and people tend to change and mature quickly around that time. So even something like 6 months after a ban, it might be reasonable to give a second chance (of course, depending largely on the offense, previous bans, have they/are they willing to change, attitude, etc.). More than anything though, its good to keep in mind that bans are all different, and should mostly be treated on a case-by-case basis - so I don't see that one ban protest should set a precedent.


    However, one thing your posts got me thinking about @Forest, is maybe we should have some kind of a minimum time (6 months, a year, idk) before someone can appeal a permanent ban (unless they think the ban was unjustified in the first place). It'd be a nice way to ensure to set a hard limit on minimum time, and can't appeal it until they've at least had some chance to mature. I'm not certain about preventing people from becoming xG members again, but these are all topics for another time/thread. (if someone wants to make a thread in the admin forum, we can discuss it there)


    Moving on to this specific ban, I understand the arguments for not unbanning people who abused, especially who did so as a way of saying "goodbye", but it has also been 4 years. Like I said earlier, most people here aren't even close to the same person they were 4 years ago. Given that and the (apparent) sincerity of this thread, I'm going to go ahead and unban you - but don't expect to be able to become a member/staff again, and don't expect anything past a second chance.

  3. I gotta say, most of the stuff in that thread isn't really relevant or reasonable. I certainly don't expect CS:GO staff to follow this.

    An admin must ban him for 240 minutes exactly. Anything above or below is breaking the rules.

    This kind of thing is just bizzare. Not every case is the same and they should definitely not be treated the same. I get this is probably meant to address favoritism, but it just doesn't realistically make sense.


    You should never use a permanent ban unless it is for the following reasons:

    The person broke the rules (hacking, scripting etc).

    I mean, every punishment is because someone broke the rules.


    The only thing there that I can sorta agree with is the bans for hacking - evidence is always good, especially in the case of a ban protest, and in most cases staff asks for a second opinion if someone's cheating anyways (unless its like spinbotting or name-change hacks, which is obvious).


    Regardless of that, imo staff should be able to use their common sense when deciding punishments, and if said staff member doesn't have the mental capacity to do so, then they should be demoted.

    Exactly my thoughts on this. We don't promote just anyone to staff, and we certainly don't promote people who wouldn't be able to understand what is acceptable punishments.

  4. Server: CSGO Jailbreak

    Bug or Suggestion?: Suggestion

    Please add more LR games and more Last CT songs.


    More LRs are always being worked on or added, and feel free to post any specific suggestions for lastct songs or LRs

  5. Valve banned community servers from giving players weapon skins they dont have a long time ago, and now they added sprays in game, and some people think valve will ban servers using custom sprays as well, although they have made no announcement on that yet.



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    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!

    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!


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