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Posts posted by Lithium

  1. Considering it's only been a little over a day, and you really gave no indication at the time that it was an accident, I'm just going to leave the ban sit for now.


    You can post another ban protest in a month, and we'll see about it then.

  2. NOW he has enough




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  3. It (At least used to) not work in CSGO. Players could interact with all triggers and buttons. Also players can stand in front of CTs/Ts shooting and make them do less damage, as well as hear the constant damage sound. The player name will be visible to other players.

    I'll try and test this later today, see if that all still happens. If it won't work, then we won't add it.

  4. - Is the player completely and utterly invisible? That is, is there anything that can be seen on their model at all (IE. knives, etc). If so, could they be stripped of everything and just roam freely in the T-stance?

    - Will the player's name appear if another player has their crosshair/cursor on them?

    Assuming this is fucntionally identical to the CSS version which it appears to be, yes. They will be completely invisible. I haven't tested it yet and I dont know if you'd see them with your crosshair on them.

    Cause people close cells

    Cell doors should be open by the time anyone dies, and people closing cells isn't really very common.

  5. For the second option, time would likely not be added to a round, only removing up to ~3 minutes, so testing wouldn't really require that much effort.


    Redie is an old plugin, it was also on the CSS RPG surf server I believe. You can move around the map as if you were alive, but you are invisible and cannot push buttons or open doors. You would be able to do map games like surf or climb or whatever if you wanted. I'm not sure what you mean by it being cheating though..

    And hub has been essentially ready on CS:GO for a while, its only waiting on the forum aspect.

  6. In regards to long round times, I've thought of a few possibilites that I'd like some input on -

    1. We simply shorten the round time a minute or two. Shortening too much could make it somewhat unfun when more people are on though, and it feels like rounds are too rushed.
    2. Scale the round timer based on number of players on the server. This would keep the round time where it is now for when a large amount of people are on (15+?), but shorten it by 1-3 minutes if theres only a few people on.
    3. Add a !redie plugin. This allows dead players to type !redie and run around and play map games or whatever as a ghost, but not affect the round or people still alive in any way.

    Or, we could do nothing and keep it the same. thoughts?

  7. Right now, it seems like trading sites haven't been targeted, solely gambling sites. Their statements do seem to imply that trading sites are under the restriction as well, but none of the sites targeted by the cease and desists were solely trading sites.

  8. on another note, does anyone really trust mince with teamspeak/forum admin? i personally believe hed probably be trustworthy but id approach insta promoting him to full on DL with caution, if anything a possible developer rank or something could be fitting?

    Me and bleed discussed this with aegean, and no, we don't really trust him. You could always just put him as admin and give him server access, like I had for a while.


    And I'm still sorta against the whole upper staff of two separate divs thing, but we can at least see how it works out.

  9. As of right now, i have no problem with keeping chrono. If ever we feel we need more upper staff, we could try and find someone else who can be more active, but right now bleed, owl, and I seems to be enough for now.

    Me and bleed already discussed mince with aegean.


    Everything other than those, i agree with.

  10. Neat.

    Ive decided to spawn no guns in any cells because of how small of a space the boat is however...

    You could add a gun with a point_template, using a logic_case to only spawn it in randomly, so it's not there every round. Might give the map a little more variety, while not making rebelling too easy.

  11. Since the banning staff member said he thought it was an accident, I've shortened it to 2 weeks, as is typical for accidental masses. That being said, do not expect to have bans removed or shortened in the future for accidental things, as CTs are fully expected to be paying attention during rounds and know the rules.

  12. For anyone who hasn't seen it yet - News - In-Game Item Trading Update

    "In 2011, we added a feature to Steam that enabled users to trade in-game items as a way to make it easier for people to get the items they wanted in games featuring in-game economies.


    Since then a number of gambling sites started leveraging the Steam trading system, and there’s been some false assumptions about our involvement with these sites. We’d like to clarify that we have no business relationships with any of these sites. We have never received any revenue from them. And Steam does not have a system for turning in-game items into real world currency.


    These sites have basically pieced together their operations in a two-part fashion. First, they are using the OpenID API as a way for users to prove ownership of their Steam accounts and items. Any other information they obtain about a user's Steam account is either manually disclosed by the user or obtained from the user’s Steam Community profile (when the user has chosen to make their profile public). Second, they create automated Steam accounts that make the same web calls as individual Steam users.


    Using the OpenID API and making the same web calls as Steam users to run a gambling business is not allowed by our API nor our user agreements. We are going to start sending notices to these sites requesting they cease operations through Steam, and further pursue the matter as necessary. Users should probably consider this information as they manage their in-game item inventory and trade activity.


    -Erik Johnson"


    TL;DR - Valve is shutting down gambling sites using steam items.
