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  1. Like
    LucehMcellion reacted to Goblins in St. Patricks Day What Are You Gonna Do?   
    Heading through a snowstorm to go to a weeb convention with some friends.
  2. F!$k Off
    LucehMcellion reacted to MineCrack in Social Media Widgets   
    You're so dense I'm done responding thanks for your wall of text lmfao. Facebook/twitter is dumb for a gaming community with forums.
    P.s. idc what you said with goblins
  3. Agree
    LucehMcellion reacted to OneGlove in Get Hyped Kids   
    majoras mask and clocktown are overrated and honestly mostly trash in our community
    oh man cant wait to play on some oot3d_hyrule trade_clocktown v2
  4. Useful
    LucehMcellion reacted to Caribou in Remove The Teleport Spawncamping Rule?   
    The rule should be enforced only against nests.
    If you can't break a camp that has a combo and Sniper that means you're just not trying. The other team camping doesn't get spawncamped because they don't try; only stay friendly and want things handed to them. The no camping teleport spawns should be changed rather than removed.
    Alot of people stay by the spawns and complain about spawncamp, how are staff supposed to know he was out and stayed there or not. Besides spawn protection is there anyways, especially on TGH, Lasts long enough for you to kill 2 or 3 people.
  5. RIP
    LucehMcellion reacted to Tatost in How Much Do You Know About Computers?   
    I know that mine is complete shiet
  6. Informative
    LucehMcellion reacted to Aegean in League Of Legends Open Ranked Discussion   
    If you do ever want to play ranked, a thing that helps quite a lot of people is to type /mute @all at the beginning of the game. Prevents you from seeing other people's comments and allows you to focus on your own gameplay. I personally don't do it but I see the benefits for either option
  7. Agree
    LucehMcellion reacted to Forest in League Of Legends Open Ranked Discussion   
    One of the reasons I avoid playing Ranked is because I play the game to have fun; which typically means playing with unconventional builds from time to time (Crittlesticks) and just generally not taking the game seriously. Chances are you'll face toxicity both in and out of ranked, it'll just be more potent in ranked because it's full of try-hards who want to win and excel, and they can't do this if others aren't "pulling their weight" so to speak. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case as there's a huge tendency for players to get tilted from minor things which in turn affects their gameplay.
    More often than not, I've found that players who lose their cool end up bringing the whole team down. Whether that be through verbal abuse, or through irrational decision making. We all know that one player; the one that continuously throws him/herself at an opposing player with the mentality of 'this time I'll kill him' until they go into full tilt mode when it never works and the enemy snowballs off of it. Or the one player who starts picking apart the team in terms of whose lane is doing the worst and solely blames them for throwing the game.
    Needless to say, if you plan on playing Ranked it's important not to let anyone get to you; opposing players or otherwise. Prepare yourself for the toxicity beforehand and act accordingly. If someone is upset with how you're playing, simply defuse the situation by apologizing, stating that you're somewhat new to the ranked scene, or what-have-you. It's far easier (and way more constructive) to acknowledge that someone on the team is upset and to reply in a way that won't make them tilt any harder than it is to give a sarcastic or hostile response.
    That all being said, Ranked certainly isn't for everyone. I prefer my games with a little less salt, if you know what I mean :Old Man:
  8. Informative
    LucehMcellion reacted to Barmithian in League Of Legends Open Ranked Discussion   
    no problem. im bored a lot so if you want to play league some time add me. my name is Barmithian
  9. Like
    LucehMcellion got a reaction from Forest in League Of Legends Open Ranked Discussion   
    @Barmithian @Forest
    Thank you so much for the help and advice, i'll be honest with myself, i'm a filthy casual and have no place in ranked games. That being said, i only tried playing ranked to be able unlock those mastery chests for the chance to get the champion shards for blue essences because everyone i looked trying to figure out how to get chests, people said ranked matches so i went with what i could find.
    +1 to @Barmithian and @Forest for being helpful and everything~.

    In response to your answer @Barmithian, i kinda figured this was the case, but i was just caught off guard by the instant toxicity from my first ranked matches, and was concerned if this would end up being the norm or not, and figured if im gonna ask around, i may as well open a discussion on the forums for people to talk about/vent their concerns and make myself a little more useful in the xG community. 

    I didn't know that this was a thing, thank you so much~
  10. Winner
    LucehMcellion reacted to Barmithian in League Of Legends Open Ranked Discussion   
    yeah thats easier or you can just play normals. u dont have to play ranked.
    to answer your question, yes. every game that has a very competitive ranked ladder comes with people who get very upset when they are losing. its just natural, it has nothing to do with the game specifically. people are like that in other games like overwatch and csgo. LoL just has a lot of people so you see it more often. you have to realize though that there are a ton of people who aren't crazily toxic as well. its a part of playing competitive team video games that you have to deal with teammates
  11. Winner
    LucehMcellion reacted to Forest in League Of Legends Open Ranked Discussion   
    You can purchase Mystery Champion Shards from the ingame Store for IP and then break those down for Blue Essence. Figured it would save you some time and frustration. Pretty sure they're 1,500 IP each :coffee:
  12. Useful
    LucehMcellion reacted to Owl in League Of Legends Open Ranked Discussion   
    moved to moba discussion~
  13. Funny
    LucehMcellion reacted to BashinBolshevik in Selfie Sunday   
    Personally, I think mine's the best.

  14. Funny
    LucehMcellion reacted to Swift in Selfie Sunday   
    I know it's not sunday anymore, but i dont care and posting me anyways. btw this the the face of evil if you hate me
  15. Funny
    LucehMcellion reacted to Scootaloo in Selfie Sunday   
  16. Sad
    LucehMcellion reacted to Reptile in Be Back In A Bit, Hopefully.   
    Seems my PC is borked right now and Windows might need to be re
  17. Agree
    LucehMcellion reacted to Scootaloo in Remove Cyberpunk_2_2 Poll Leave Or Stay Edition Only For Gameboy Color   
    Not gonna lie, but I'm not liking the "Let's remove all of the TGH maps I dislike" tirade ever since edventures got the axe.
    There's nothing wrong with cyberpunk. There's nothing wrong with echidna. They're both staples of our server. If you dislike either map, nominate something else when rotation happens or try playing on a different server while the map is active.
    My two cents. Thread will stay open until tomorrow, but I doubt there's going to be an avalanche of support to remove cyberpunk. The early results already show something like 75% of people want to keep it.
  18. Agree
    LucehMcellion reacted to Goblins in Remove Cyberpunk_2_2 Poll Leave Or Stay Edition Only For Gameboy Color   
    That's not really a legit reason to try and remove the map..
  19. Like
    LucehMcellion reacted to Vexx in Remove Cyberpunk_2_2 Poll Leave Or Stay Edition Only For Gameboy Color   
    Just gonna quote myself from the other thread.
  20. Optimistic
    LucehMcellion reacted to Reptile in Stepping Downerino   
    Aye, as long as it makes you happy then go for it. See you around when you decide to pay a visit to the servers here and there!
  21. Agree
    LucehMcellion reacted to Kypari in Why Do I Get Ads?   
    I'm Uber-donator and I think that one of the perks would be that you don't get ads, but sometimes (rarely but still happens like once every few days), I'll get an ear-rape ad. Fix plz @Bello @Rejects
  22. RIP
    LucehMcellion reacted to Warriorsfury in I Quit   
    I mean...
    ... good luck I guess?
  23. Funny
    LucehMcellion reacted to Aczel in I Quit   
    I do but I mean surely he can find a little hole to hide in by the time it catches him right? :coffee:
  24. Agree
    LucehMcellion reacted to Charles in I Quit   
    You bait me with juicy drama and give me this shit?
  25. Ding!
    LucehMcellion reacted to Swift in Undertale   
    Copypasta brought to you by Undertale Hell, where the cringe continues