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Posts posted by Caleb956

  1. Deleted all the demos I had when I stepped down, don't even remember what happened, +1 for unban since it's been like a year as others said. I apologize if this was a false ban, Chr1s, hope you can get unbanned and start playing on the servers again!

  2. Division:


    In-Game Name:





    Time Active:

    Played a bunch right when server was revived.




    Moderator once on a server. Admin twice (on one admin was the highest rank given other than owner, which was for the owner obviously.). 600 hours of moderating that server alone. Was an Admin on the TF2 servers as well.




    Probably weren't expecting to see me here but ey, its whatever, how's it goin.


    Figure I should specify some things since I didn't above.

    I clocked 900+ hours on the server I played on since 2014 (Server got shut down twice in that time frame sadly)

    I'm still pretty familiar with most(if not all) staff commands in the game, along with plugins.

    Was starting to learn the console stuff before the server shut down, so I never got the chance to learn it much.

    Built several arenas/spawns for servers, pretty good with redstone/commandblocks/etc.


    Oh and to specify my activity, I played a bunch a week or two after the server came back up, never really saw anyone on after a while due to timezones or whatnot, so I stopped playing.


    Not sure if any of that matters, but worth a shot. :D


    Let's not be too harsh on me, aight? ;)


  3. Ima be taking a break from tf2 and the forums for a while for a different game (For honor c:), just making this to apologize to everyone I've made angry and perhaps when I do eventually come back we will be in the clear again(or at least I hope so), ima tag some people below. Just sayin, not gonna reply here again, so I'd prefer if you just kept it clean down there (not saying it was gonna get bad anyways but eh).










    See you guys :loldidntread:


  4. This might just be me, but I really don't see why this is such a big deal. It's literally as simple as testing out no random crits, if a large group of people complain then put them back on, it's not like removing random crits is gonna brutalize every single server xG owns within a week. :mad:


    Also to those arguing "but blues need crits on mwardays", thats why they would be removed altogether so its not unfair to one side or another..right?

  5. I like these badges so far. giff :coffee:




    Adding badges for where you are a "member" is counter productive to the goal of reducing the amount of segregation that is prevalent within our community.


    Frick you you cs nerd.










    jk ily

  6. I have to agree with Supreme on this one, granted I only recently started playing again, I've only started seeing you again within the past 2-3 days, which really isn't long enough to apply again. I would give it a while before you make another one of these if it doesn't go through so people can get to know you again.


    All that aside from what I remember you were a decent person, aside from those few incidents with your powers, so just work on not letting that happen again, and farther down the line I'm down for you being staff again.



    But that's just my two cents. :)

  7. Well I was talking with @SuperMaddud on the server, and I brought up if Mythicmobs will ever be added, now I don't know if the plugin has even been updated since 1.7, so if it hasn't then this is useless, but either way I will explain the plugin.


    Explanation of some sorts:

    Well, the plugin spawns these special named mobs (which are easy to distinguish between normal mobs since they have names above their heads) which are rarer than normal spawns. These spawns drop items such as Socket Gems, Socketed Items, Tomes of Knowledge (Don't remember their exact name lol), etc.




    Items you can get through this plugin and how they work!


    Well to start off, it is possible you can just get a normal weapon, but don't worry about this completely breaking the point of mining since the only way players can get diamond/high tier items are through extremely rare type of mobs that spawn wearing diamond armour/using diamond swords or whatnot, and even at that it's not confirmed that the items will always be socketed.


    Socket Gems: These are the big thing about the plugin, you can insert these into the socketed items to give it special enchantments, and that stands for swords, armour, the gem will have a label on it stating if it is meant for a weapon or armour so it's easier to sort or whatnot. (You can edit these through the plugin to make the gems be whatever you want them to be, for example sugar, or an emerald or something, but I recommend staying away from making them nether stars since it can be easily abused.)


    Unidentified Weapons: These are most commonly the items that are going to be the Legendary tier of weapons, so they will be highly enchanted, normally have 2 sockets. However it is also possible to get just a normal ol' stone sword that is unidentified, so don't waste your Tomes on those, but if you are going for an enchanted bow like myself did, its always fun to see if its good or not.


    Tomes of Knowledge(or whatever they are called): Following on the unidentified objects part, these are used to simply "Identify" what your unidentified object is, really no other purpose, these are also dropped from the named mobs.


    Socketed Weapons: You can insert socket gems into these items, armour gems into a socketed armour piece, weapon gems into a socket weapon and so on and so forth.


    I may be forgetting some small details about this plugin since it's been awhile, but that's most of what is important, thanks for reading ;)



    Oh by the way please tell me if a sentence doesn't make any sense and I will try and explain it better :p




    Edit: I may end up editing this with a few more plugins if I can remember any lol

  8. I personally would apose to a video being put into the MOTD as its just more stuff it has to load and the more lag a person may get.

    -1 to video in motd. They can look up vids on youtube tbh.


    Well, the video in motd not as in embedding it in video form, more so just putting the link somewhere where they can see it, or put the title to the video so that they can get to it easily or whatnot.



    >xG^OneGlove rolled Noclip!

    >xG^OneGlove: /cpsave

    >xG^OneGlove: /cptele (x8)

    Kinda takes the fun outta surf if you ask me, just basically racking up kills and that's it honestly.

    Exactly, if they want rtd they can go to one of the trade servers lol.

  9. but now he's not on Steamrep.


    Did you happen to save his SteamID or anything of sorts? When you're doin these types of trades even if the user is "clean", if you are using a middleman or whatnot, it may be a good idea to save their information if something like this happens. Sorry that this happened to you :(

  10. Tbh we should have one of our good surfers make a video showing how to surf and giving proper instructions on how to do it. We could put it in the !motd so they can learn how to do it.


    I'm a halfway decent surfer so I could do it, but I would definitely ask Vac about it! I know when I first joined the surf server I asked Vac about it and he taught me how to surf.