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Reputation Activity

  1. Furry
    Thorax_ reacted to HydorHD in Take this liberals   

  2. Drunk
    Thorax_ reacted to Tatost in Anyone?   
    I threw my xbox out the window when I read this my b
  3. Furry
    Thorax_ reacted to Egossi in Forest   
  4. Friendly
    Thorax_ got a reaction from DepressedNeonNepp in Hi!   
  5. Furry
    Thorax_ got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Forest   
  6. Furry
    Thorax_ reacted to Chrono in Forest   
  7. Furry
    Thorax_ reacted to hongkongatron in Forest   
  8. Furry
    Thorax_ reacted to mrnutty12 in Forest   
  9. Furry
    Thorax_ reacted to Kypari in Forest   
  10. Furry
    Thorax_ reacted to Tatost in Forest   
  11. Furry
    Thorax_ reacted to YeEternalTuna in Forest   
  12. Furry
    Thorax_ reacted to Red in Forest   
  13. Furry
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Red in Forest   
  14. Furry
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Tatost in Forest   
  15. Smelly
    Thorax_ reacted to Tatost in Goodbye, again.   
    do you have a trusted friend?
  16. Random
    Thorax_ reacted to Faceme in How do you say DannyPastacio   
    A: DannyPissTaco
    B: DannyPastacio
    C : DannyPacito
    D : Other "If other please give me the name."
  17. Funny
    Thorax_ reacted to Chrono in Taking a break   
    saw the title and thought it was another neonnep thread about taking a break from xg and shit
  18. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Dannypicacho in CS:GO 10 man with only TF2 Players   
    Okay so here's what's poppin jimbos. 
    It will be on the scrim server, how to get in is pinned in discord in #csgo.
    Usually we have the best two as captains, in this case (I think) they would be @mrnutty12 and @Semper.
    Best of 3, maps will be vetoed be captains (no map can be played more than once). 
    First come first serve, I will be a sub if needed, most likely if Semper's internet dies like he says it does.
    Teams should not have more than 2 coaches each, if anybody would like to be a caster (no more than 2) they will have to be in a seperate discord channel with whoever is streaming. Anyone who is going to watch via spectator should mute themselves in discord if joining the voice chat.
    It will be when most people are available. Please tell me when y'all are available.
  19. Thinking
    Thorax_ reacted to Tatost in Report Scammers   
    jesus christ the grave digging
  20. Boring
    Thorax_ reacted to MJP in Am I Way Too Talkative   
  21. Random
    Thorax_ reacted to DepressedNeonNepp in Report Scammers   
    Any random girl profile with some random girl name ( like Marie or Jessica) and has a link to her social media. Those Phish links children. Don't click them just block the account and go on with your day.
  22. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Tekk in Selfie Sunday   
    Photo was taken about a year ago but honestly it's one of my favourite photos of me.
    Performing with my old acoustic band at a festival and a photographer took a photo of me off-guard. Nose looks giant but heyho natural smiles are the best smiles

  23. Informative
    Thorax_ reacted to QueenOfHearts in Selfie Sunday   
    He never asked, i just decided to not delete it and send the wrong message, I def do not find it funny
  24. Bad Spelling
    Thorax_ reacted to Dannypicacho in CS:GO 10 man with only TF2 Players   
    Okay, I won't play then, unless a sub is really needed. But I'm not the only own with map knowledge.
  25. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Topaz in I'm back, forever   
    Okay, @MJP, let me try this again and address everything you said.

    He did not have a right to be pissed, he messed up and had to deal with the consequences of that. I am pretty much repeating myself at this point so I will not go into more detail. See previous post.
    I do not understand the point you are trying to make with this sentence. From what I am gathering you are essentially saying that if you had been called out for doing something stupid your reaction "would not have been good for anyone"? I will assume that was just poor word choice and ignore it.

    Right. The whole "Get a life" retort. Original. Just to clear something up, there were very few people who took a 'shit' on him for his behavior, even then I would simply call those responses unproductive at worst. Unless you call pointing out and asking for the behavior to stop 'taking a shit on them'. Very few people were outright ugly to him until he started acting like a brat. I do not condone it, but seriously. Also, spamming forums is not just 'whatever', it is a rule, and it is there so people do not create topics and posts that have no substance to them just to obtain a position of power. It exists for a good reason, as it is a good indication of the patience and maturity of the offender if they break it.
    Here is the biggest problem I have. While from your perspective it may appear as if we were dog piling, in reality it looks that way because the people that all posted something similar agreed with one another. Even then, most posts had some original take, and suggestions on how he could have improved. It is possible to provide constructive criticism you know?

    Just to close out here, I want to state for the record that I do not hate @DepressedNeonNepp. He is just a kid who has problems with making rash and short-sighted decisions. I think most of us fall under that statement. However, what I do hate is defending and/or giving that behavior a pass. That goes hand in hand with shooting down criticism because it does not seem nice.

    That is all, I am done with this, it was a messy affair from start to finish. Frankly I do not think this is the best avenue to continue such a discussion, partly because it is a rather ironic topic, but more importantly I have said all I feel needs to be said. If for some reason you still have more you want to say, I am in discord and you can PM me to your heart's content.