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  1. Friendly
    Vacindak got a reaction from LemonVolt in Selfie Sunday   
    update PLOP is not sunday!!! AND OPEN DOOOOOOOOOOOOR

  2. Funny
    Vacindak got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Selfie Sunday   
    update PLOP is not sunday!!! AND OPEN DOOOOOOOOOOOOR

  3. Informative
    Vacindak got a reaction from Moosty in Selfie Sunday   
    update PLOP is not sunday!!! AND OPEN DOOOOOOOOOOOOR

  4. Useful
    Vacindak got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Staff Psa: Issuing Warnings   
    Diagram was made By Vacindak and Bello XD
    Personally, i think we could follow this diagram because we can avoid futures problems,Is important to us To give a Warning in chat and also through mic too.I know Using the mic is faster than typing but we need a prove if someone says " You didn´t give me a warning".

  5. Like
    Vacindak reacted to Kypari in Staff Psa: Issuing Warnings   
    It's very helpful but I feel we're giving people way too many warnings at this point.
  6. Useful
    Vacindak got a reaction from Kypari in Staff Psa: Issuing Warnings   
    Diagram was made By Vacindak and Bello XD
    Personally, i think we could follow this diagram because we can avoid futures problems,Is important to us To give a Warning in chat and also through mic too.I know Using the mic is faster than typing but we need a prove if someone says " You didn´t give me a warning".

  7. Useful
    Vacindak reacted to Vexx in Staff Psa: Issuing Warnings   
    So apparently staff doesn't know how warnings work on the servers based on recent incidents, so I'm going to go over how warnings should be issued.
    A normal warning: You tell the player through All Chat (which is just a single @ before your sentence in public chat) OR Voice what they are doing wrong. If the player does not acknowledge when using voice, give them another warning through All Chat, before punish them for their first punishment.
    Quoted from the staff manual: Warn, then slay/mute (sometimes optional), then kick, then ban [WSKB]
    Players should know why they were punished
    When you punish a player, make sure to let them know why they were punished so they can improve.
    Example: Person Y freekilled person X, you slay person Y and respawn person X. You need to tell person Y why they were slain. Something like "You were slain because you freekilled person X." works.
    How past warnings work: If you warn a player for something in the past and they do it, don't immediately jump to banning them. Depending on the amount of time it has been since their last warning for the incident, you may need to warn them again to remind them not to do it. 1 warning per week is good enough for someone who is repeating the same offense. If you feel the person has committed an offense too many times you can jump to a kick.
    Now keep in mind, you can skip warnings for certain things. An example of this would be: Hacking, micspamming music, exploiting, etc. Generally if you are unsure what to do about a situation, feel free to ask a fellow staff member. If you're still unsure, please look at the staff manual here: TF2 Staff Manual (Everything you need to know!)
    @Bello @Sesh @mrnutty12 @Rejects Feel free to add on to my post if you feel I left something out.
  8. Informative
    Vacindak reacted to realBelloWaldi in General Update Thread   
    Rule change for surf:

    Removed: !cptele should only be used to advance in the map, NOT for gaining an advantage in the arena/fighting area!

    You can basically CPTele anywhere except the enemy team's spawn now. This rule was removed since it is not being enforced.
    @Rejects @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Sesh @Vector @bagel @Dethman @Kypari @BonfireCentipede @Shadower @Floppy @Parasect @Tatost @YeEternalTuna @LemonVolt @Skeletal @TheSupremePatriot @Thunder @Healix @Isabelle @Sylux @Moosty @Hiryunix
  9. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to Moosty in Rhetorical (rejects) - Team Fortress 2   
    Pretty much, all of this. The man knows his server side stuff, and without him we lose a large chunk of our ability to fix and customize our servers. That's a big thing to note, demoting rejects lessens what we can do with the servers, None of our other current higher ups are as savvy with server coding as rejects.
    That being said, continuing to do something you've been warned for is not a good look at all. I really dont know what to say here. It isn't as simple as just demoting him because we don't have someone else who can do the job as well right now. But there has to be SOMETHING done. I love my baby Rejects but this is not good. I'm neutral for now just because I don't see a good option either way, but damn.
  10. Sad
    Vacindak reacted to hongkongatron in Rhetorical (rejects) - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 Staff Name:

    Rhetorical (Rejects) Staff's Identity:

    STEAM_0:0:64498855 Evidence:

    Abuse of weapon stats by adding "Allows you to see enemy health" to weapons.

    Recorded demo
    This stat obviously provides a substantial advantage when fighting enemies. Further Information:

    In the past, there have been several anonymous users suspecting this very same abuse of stats like faster revving up speed and firing speed on heavy, and this further confirms it.
    @Rejects @Bello @mrnutty12 @Vexx @Sesh @Aegean
  11. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to realBelloWaldi in Rhetorical (rejects) - Team Fortress 2   
    This thread is really disappointing.
    Rejects has done great work, really humongous amounts of work and he is definitely more experienced when it comes to server stuff than me.
    I mean, we got VSH back and it's actually really great, all thanks to Rejects.
    But Rejects, I really don't know what's going on in your mind. It is beyond me why you'd go back to abusing after everything that has happened.
    Rejects does care about the clan, very much, I believe, there's no doubt about it. -> Why else would he do all the work for our FF2 server.
    We spoke for a good two hours about the incidents that happened previously on TeamSpeak, you seemed like your position really meant something for you and that you wouldn't wanna lose it.
    You promised not to do it again, but here we are.
    I'm not even mad, angry or anything similar, just a little disappoined in Rejects.
    I'm not sure if he should be demoted, yes, he has really fucked up, but I, myself, couldn't even get to his level of server experience.
    I really don't think Rejects does realize what he's doing. Whenever he does things like that, it's probably just some harmless fun for him which I can't blame him for.
    >but bello, does that justify it!!! :rage: :punch: :mad: @Goblins
    No, it does not. In no way am I implying that it was justified whatsoever.
    Really, I'm quite unsure at this point what to do. I personally wouldn't want Rejects demoted, but if you're looking at everything from an unbiased perspective, you have to admit that it's pretty bad.
    No +1 or -1 from me yet, just my thoughts so far.
  12. Ding!
    Vacindak reacted to yesstergi in Monarch   
    We need your Steam-ID.
  13. Like
    Vacindak reacted to NitNat in Vsh/ff2 Drawing   
    Something I did when I was bored over the last couple days.

    and progress sketches..

  14. Agree
    Vacindak got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Xg | Ill41057 - Team Fortress 2   
    is that importan? PLOP!! o_O
    Venom If you are tired of dying a lot, you should type !friendly in chat And Hilo try to put yourself in the Venom's shoes.
    What would you do if someone do same to you? :(
    I really sorry for those words guys but this is a moderator application.
    You are playing tf2 for getting fun OK.(y)
  15. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to Moosty in Xg | Ill41057 - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm neutral since I've only seen you a couple times, but we've had a rule/very strong suggestion in the past that staff have mics. I'm of the opinion that it's super useful to be able to communicate quickly without typing, but I'm not sure it's still a requirement. Either way, good luck!
  16. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to Goblins in Xg | Ill41057 - Team Fortress 2   
    I hate to put this here, but it's not me!!! :rage: >:( :punch:
    But on-topic, good luck, fam.
  17. Winner
    Vacindak got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Xg | Ill41057 - Team Fortress 2   
    Si!! HiloOoOoOoOo!!
    ill41057 is person who spends Time in our server so much and brings fun, She is probably the 5th person i´ve ever seen who is Extremly active.apart from that,She knows perfectly the rules ,She is always helped me with The people who is breaking our Rules For example : saying who is breaking the rules,explaning The rules and giving information about My spanish version of the rules :3 etc etc etc .not only that, she is so kind, she helped my friend Regin when anybody wanted to helped him.Personally,I think she could be a Really nice moderator. SO....
    Firma Oficial de Vacindak (+1)
  18. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to realBelloWaldi in You Are Whalecum   
    Give me one good reason not to delete this thread.
  19. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to Thunder in Gamecade   
    -1 woah woah he just got banned by @TheSupremePatriot for being toxic etc etc. I mean looking at that and the submission oh hell no
  20. Winner
    Vacindak reacted to YeEternalTuna in Gamecade   
    -1 All I had to do was look at this and his profile to determine the type of person he is. These are the type of people to make xG look bad so I dont want him being member at all.
  21. Winner
    Vacindak reacted to Thorax_ in Gamecade   

  22. Disagree
    Vacindak reacted to MysteryMann in Mysterymann - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Mystery Mann ϟ Identity:

    STEAM_0:1:116525948 Ban Type:

    Server Ban Information:

    It may only be a 1 day ban. But I don't think it should be a ban to begin with. I was banned for "Punishment Evasion - Comment on Profile" Though i dont feel commenting on a profile is evading a punishment as i am not talking in game. Therefor there is not punishment tot be evaded. The punishment was to keep me from talking on the server and i have in no way evaded that.
  23. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to Elcark in Regin360   
    +1 Steals my sign everytime
  24. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from Aegean in Regin360   
    I Know him,He is very active here because of The people in our surf server
    He is very quiet because he don't know English very well. PLOP actually I helped him in this member application.he has 4 months in our server and People know him very well although he don't talk and understand english very well. I think he understand some words.
    He broke the rules at the past because he couldn't understand the rules and the multiple warnings, I explain him the rules correctly. And he is not giving problems anymore. He is so friendly and kind ... To be honest the most harmless medic I've ever seen XD. Regin is part of our surf server because he was too much time with us all time
    A: 9
    M: 10 (not a salty person or rude )
    Firma oficial de Vacindak (+1)
  25. Ding!
    Vacindak reacted to Elcark in Birbeads   
    Nothing stopping you from warning people about such and informing them about rules even without being member. Kudos for wanting to help people out like that though