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  1. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to YeEternalTuna in Surf Suggestion   
    Also there are people with the noclip command donator or not so they could also cheat. Trust me this wouldn't work out.
  2. Agree
    Vacindak got a reaction from Thorax_ in Surf Shop Suggestion   
    When i bought it ...all my weapons were blue.
    actually in my surf video . You will see my primary and secondary Blue
    see it in 1:57
  3. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from Tatost in Surf Shop Suggestion   
    When i bought it ...all my weapons were blue.
    actually in my surf video . You will see my primary and secondary Blue
    see it in 1:57
  4. Friendly
    Vacindak reacted to Skeletal in What Made You Join Xg   
    I stayed in surf cause of vac and he wanted me to become member cause of how much time i spent in surf.
  5. Friendly
    Vacindak reacted to YeEternalTuna in What Made You Join Xg   
    I remember joining the tf2 surf and it being barely anyone on but like 5-7 people. First person I made friends friended me because he thought I was funny and wanted to be friends. Hes no longer my friend because our relationship was like oil and water (First time joining was around the middle of February). I always remembered there being like no staff on so I obv would break the rules (not saying which ones lmao) and always used to see this god tier surfer on called Vacindak (coolest d00d on the server still). Couple months pass and its Summer break and there are more and more people. This is when I actually decide to socialize with everyone and make friends with people on there. During that summer we had this squad going on comprised with (these are the people I remember) Lemonvolt,Samualo,Vacindak,Lifeless,i love crippling depression,sex party (currently Plague),Tocsik (was named Grimm at the time),Grandpa Wolz,SupremePatriot,and Mr.Nutty12 . I remember it being super lit during that summer and I was known for being super edgy at the time but for some reason the server still liked me for it and I was persuaded by Vacindak to make a member app which was around Aug 21. Sadly some of the people I mentioned aren't active on the server anymore. There a chunk where new people come in but thats too much to type. I've been through so much with this community (whether it being fun or through arguments I still loved this place) and has been probably the longest i've been with a community/clan in tf2 (I used to play gmod before this but I quit that shit cus it was getting tiring).
  6. Friendly
    Vacindak got a reaction from CappyCappy in Scammers...   
    That's sad bro :(
    You had a terrible luck...
  7. Agree
    Vacindak got a reaction from Shadower in What Made You Join Xg   
    Plop... I'll my best to write a long paragraph....I don't want to tell many details.cause it's Extrenly long
    I was finding a good surf sever..them I found a good one.
    Xenogamers. remember the map. Surf_revolution.
    I started kill everybody....them someone broke the Cristal...the shield turn off... And someone said in mic ( don't CAP)
    In that moment ... My English was Extremely basic. So I tought. He said (DONT CAMP)
    After that he put a message... But I didn't see it, cause I got disconnected. (thanks Peruvian internet ) so when I rejoined.I decided cap the point....I was happy cause I wanted to change the map.... But received a ban for a day. I'm my first day PLOP!
    One week later I decided play surf again...I came back at Xenogamers. I got surprise. Cause anyone was there... The server was complete empty... Dead... I was close to leave. But the map change to Surf Mesa.(Good surf map) them I tought ... OK let's nominate something good....I saw only 7 or 9 maps
    I said myselft "Haaaay concha De Mono".. I felt alone...So Them someone arrived ...
    (Vac's mind )
    OK... I need to practice my English so.i will talk with this Guy
    I'm only said:hi.... Few seconds later he left T_T ..them other guy came ....I remember his name .. Chicken panda (the staff who banned me) he used to play at Surf server . He was active
    he asked me... "do you like this server?"
    I was confused . Cause my English was extremely basic to answer... But I was Enoght to understand. I said:" yes .. Needs maps.i like trails.and bhop "
    (Vac's mind )
    Oh no no... Probably he didn't understand. PLOP!!
    Them he said... you could Make a map request.
    I said :yes!!! ( I didn't understand anything Plop)
    He put a link in chat. And he helped me
    It was Extrenly hard for me made that map request.... You don't know how hard. I only had 2 months of English.
    After that... They added my maps. .. In that moment I decided. Don't leave this server.
    2 months later....he came back and he talked to me about If I wanted be a member...
    I said yes (without understand anything again)
    ( Vac's mind )
    member Hmmmm I don't know what's that hmmmm.ohh probably is a person who makes map request or gives information about surf maps :0
    Them I made my guide...
    I want to tell more... But I'm tired now.... It took me 2h to wrote this.
  8. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from NitNat in What Made You Join Xg   
    Plop... I'll my best to write a long paragraph....I don't want to tell many details.cause it's Extrenly long
    I was finding a good surf sever..them I found a good one.
    Xenogamers. remember the map. Surf_revolution.
    I started kill everybody....them someone broke the Cristal...the shield turn off... And someone said in mic ( don't CAP)
    In that moment ... My English was Extremely basic. So I tought. He said (DONT CAMP)
    After that he put a message... But I didn't see it, cause I got disconnected. (thanks Peruvian internet ) so when I rejoined.I decided cap the point....I was happy cause I wanted to change the map.... But received a ban for a day. I'm my first day PLOP!
    One week later I decided play surf again...I came back at Xenogamers. I got surprise. Cause anyone was there... The server was complete empty... Dead... I was close to leave. But the map change to Surf Mesa.(Good surf map) them I tought ... OK let's nominate something good....I saw only 7 or 9 maps
    I said myselft "Haaaay concha De Mono".. I felt alone...So Them someone arrived ...
    (Vac's mind )
    OK... I need to practice my English so.i will talk with this Guy
    I'm only said:hi.... Few seconds later he left T_T ..them other guy came ....I remember his name .. Chicken panda (the staff who banned me) he used to play at Surf server . He was active
    he asked me... "do you like this server?"
    I was confused . Cause my English was extremely basic to answer... But I was Enoght to understand. I said:" yes .. Needs maps.i like trails.and bhop "
    (Vac's mind )
    Oh no no... Probably he didn't understand. PLOP!!
    Them he said... you could Make a map request.
    I said :yes!!! ( I didn't understand anything Plop)
    He put a link in chat. And he helped me
    It was Extrenly hard for me made that map request.... You don't know how hard. I only had 2 months of English.
    After that... They added my maps. .. In that moment I decided. Don't leave this server.
    2 months later....he came back and he talked to me about If I wanted be a member...
    I said yes (without understand anything again)
    ( Vac's mind )
    member Hmmmm I don't know what's that hmmmm.ohh probably is a person who makes map request or gives information about surf maps :0
    Them I made my guide...
    I want to tell more... But I'm tired now.... It took me 2h to wrote this.
  9. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from XxDxrknessxX in What Made You Join Xg   
    Plop... I'll my best to write a long paragraph....I don't want to tell many details.cause it's Extrenly long
    I was finding a good surf sever..them I found a good one.
    Xenogamers. remember the map. Surf_revolution.
    I started kill everybody....them someone broke the Cristal...the shield turn off... And someone said in mic ( don't CAP)
    In that moment ... My English was Extremely basic. So I tought. He said (DONT CAMP)
    After that he put a message... But I didn't see it, cause I got disconnected. (thanks Peruvian internet ) so when I rejoined.I decided cap the point....I was happy cause I wanted to change the map.... But received a ban for a day. I'm my first day PLOP!
    One week later I decided play surf again...I came back at Xenogamers. I got surprise. Cause anyone was there... The server was complete empty... Dead... I was close to leave. But the map change to Surf Mesa.(Good surf map) them I tought ... OK let's nominate something good....I saw only 7 or 9 maps
    I said myselft "Haaaay concha De Mono".. I felt alone...So Them someone arrived ...
    (Vac's mind )
    OK... I need to practice my English so.i will talk with this Guy
    I'm only said:hi.... Few seconds later he left T_T ..them other guy came ....I remember his name .. Chicken panda (the staff who banned me) he used to play at Surf server . He was active
    he asked me... "do you like this server?"
    I was confused . Cause my English was extremely basic to answer... But I was Enoght to understand. I said:" yes .. Needs maps.i like trails.and bhop "
    (Vac's mind )
    Oh no no... Probably he didn't understand. PLOP!!
    Them he said... you could Make a map request.
    I said :yes!!! ( I didn't understand anything Plop)
    He put a link in chat. And he helped me
    It was Extrenly hard for me made that map request.... You don't know how hard. I only had 2 months of English.
    After that... They added my maps. .. In that moment I decided. Don't leave this server.
    2 months later....he came back and he talked to me about If I wanted be a member...
    I said yes (without understand anything again)
    ( Vac's mind )
    member Hmmmm I don't know what's that hmmmm.ohh probably is a person who makes map request or gives information about surf maps :0
    Them I made my guide...
    I want to tell more... But I'm tired now.... It took me 2h to wrote this.
  10. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from MineCrack in What Made You Join Xg   
    Plop... I'll my best to write a long paragraph....I don't want to tell many details.cause it's Extrenly long
    I was finding a good surf sever..them I found a good one.
    Xenogamers. remember the map. Surf_revolution.
    I started kill everybody....them someone broke the Cristal...the shield turn off... And someone said in mic ( don't CAP)
    In that moment ... My English was Extremely basic. So I tought. He said (DONT CAMP)
    After that he put a message... But I didn't see it, cause I got disconnected. (thanks Peruvian internet ) so when I rejoined.I decided cap the point....I was happy cause I wanted to change the map.... But received a ban for a day. I'm my first day PLOP!
    One week later I decided play surf again...I came back at Xenogamers. I got surprise. Cause anyone was there... The server was complete empty... Dead... I was close to leave. But the map change to Surf Mesa.(Good surf map) them I tought ... OK let's nominate something good....I saw only 7 or 9 maps
    I said myselft "Haaaay concha De Mono".. I felt alone...So Them someone arrived ...
    (Vac's mind )
    OK... I need to practice my English so.i will talk with this Guy
    I'm only said:hi.... Few seconds later he left T_T ..them other guy came ....I remember his name .. Chicken panda (the staff who banned me) he used to play at Surf server . He was active
    he asked me... "do you like this server?"
    I was confused . Cause my English was extremely basic to answer... But I was Enoght to understand. I said:" yes .. Needs maps.i like trails.and bhop "
    (Vac's mind )
    Oh no no... Probably he didn't understand. PLOP!!
    Them he said... you could Make a map request.
    I said :yes!!! ( I didn't understand anything Plop)
    He put a link in chat. And he helped me
    It was Extrenly hard for me made that map request.... You don't know how hard. I only had 2 months of English.
    After that... They added my maps. .. In that moment I decided. Don't leave this server.
    2 months later....he came back and he talked to me about If I wanted be a member...
    I said yes (without understand anything again)
    ( Vac's mind )
    member Hmmmm I don't know what's that hmmmm.ohh probably is a person who makes map request or gives information about surf maps :0
    Them I made my guide...
    I want to tell more... But I'm tired now.... It took me 2h to wrote this.
  11. Sad
    Vacindak reacted to CCDeVille in Scammers...   
    Hey everyone! I am in deep deep sh*t. on new years eve at around 10:30ish I had this guy add me and said he wanted to buy my Australium Professional killstreak Scattergun and my Unusual Thirst Blood effect Haunted Ghosts, for 250 dollars paypal... I checked his backpack.tf, his profile and everythi8ng seemed legit, but I don't know how they've done this but he's completely copied the actually persons profile somehow and that confused the shit outta me...anyway, he seemed legit and he made an offer for my items on steam and after chatting and chatting about how it works and if it is trustworthy.......I had to accept.... now I am actually completely poor, and mentally poor as well... I know asking for things is not the right thing to do but, I lost a 200 dollar backpack... and I'm asking the amazing community of xenogamers for help, just anything will help even one refined metal will go a long way. Thank you all for your time and happy new years!
  12. Friendly
    Vacindak got a reaction from Thunder in Hibernación (inactivity)   
    I'm going to travel to mancora. This Monday 02/01/2017 until 12/01/2017
    I wish all,Feliz año nuevo!!!!!!.
  13. Informative
    Vacindak got a reaction from Thorax_ in Hibernación (inactivity)   
    I'm going to travel to mancora. This Monday 02/01/2017 until 12/01/2017
    I wish all,Feliz año nuevo!!!!!!.
  14. Informative
    Vacindak got a reaction from Tatost in Hibernación (inactivity)   
    I'm going to travel to mancora. This Monday 02/01/2017 until 12/01/2017
    I wish all,Feliz año nuevo!!!!!!.
  15. Friendly
    Vacindak got a reaction from NitNat in Hibernación (inactivity)   
    I'm going to travel to mancora. This Monday 02/01/2017 until 12/01/2017
    I wish all,Feliz año nuevo!!!!!!.
  16. Informative
    Vacindak got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Hibernación (inactivity)   
    I'm going to travel to mancora. This Monday 02/01/2017 until 12/01/2017
    I wish all,Feliz año nuevo!!!!!!.
  17. Friendly
    Vacindak got a reaction from virr in Hibernación (inactivity)   
    I'm going to travel to mancora. This Monday 02/01/2017 until 12/01/2017
    I wish all,Feliz año nuevo!!!!!!.
  18. Informative
    Vacindak got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Hibernación (inactivity)   
    I'm going to travel to mancora. This Monday 02/01/2017 until 12/01/2017
    I wish all,Feliz año nuevo!!!!!!.
  19. Informative
    Vacindak got a reaction from Kypari in Hibernación (inactivity)   
    I'm going to travel to mancora. This Monday 02/01/2017 until 12/01/2017
    I wish all,Feliz año nuevo!!!!!!.
  20. Like
    Vacindak reacted to NitNat in What Made You Join Xg   
    I was actually fairly knew to pc games and was semi-new to tf2 as well. Like...I thought trade servers were THE coolest ever because people just hung out and socialized. I was searching for vsh server because I heard it was a cool game mode. BEHOLD, XG'S WAS THE FIRST TO ARRIVE ON MY LIST. First map was offblast. It was something new and fresh for me. Now let me tell you, some of you know me as a skeleton loving trashy outgoing memer. That...that is not how I started off. Probably the most mute person to ever live (idk man I was scared to talk to anyone and extremely shy). But what actually kept me was when I hid in a corner as a pyro barrel and became the last one.(I did that a lot and earned the title Barrel Queen) but memories were made!:LOL:
  21. Like
    Vacindak reacted to Kypari in What Made You Join Xg   
    My older brother used to be the only person with a laptop and I used to watch him play on Pokemon Trade. I loved it, so we got me a laptop and it was the first server I ever played on. Haven't stopped playing since and then I felt like applying because I loved being in clans. Then I found out that you couldn't multi-clan, so being as one of the clans I was in had the police investigating it and the other one was corrupt, I decided to re-apply after leaving the other two communities.
  22. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from LeToucan in I Just Made Thevacindak Really Happy!!!   
    it´s extrenly dificult Traslate Spanish. cause , Spanish has a Complex Gramar
    "Mil gracias = one thousand thanks"
    Justo ahora revisando, llegue a este thread ,lo lei, = I was revisiting Threads After that i found this Thread and then i read it (This sentence is especial , cause i need to add things)
    Buen trabajo eh!! El banco Blanco :D
  23. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to LeToucan in I Just Made Thevacindak Really Happy!!!   
    Rough translation, they don't call me El Banco Blanco for nothing.
    Thank you very much, this was not necessary. Very few people do this... Now revisiting this thread [might be wrong] i read it, and i cry in the process. Even while writing in my primary language it's difficult to describe how i feel. You have tried [wrong?] much, just to see me happy. You did this without receiving anything. Seriously, I don't have words, You're great!! I'm not joking. Millions of thanks.
  24. Friendly
    Vacindak got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in (upcoming) Inactivity   
    I HOPE YOU feel better Very soon , Camarada Bello ;)
  25. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to Kypari in Geckaliusmaximus - Team Fortress 2   
    Xeno Gamers Ban history
    I banned you for a week because of loopholing, trolling and slurs. You also said a death threat just before you were banned.
    Constantly trading on mic and loopholing around it by saying that you were just "asking if people had it in their inventory", trolling by aiming from spawn and arguing with staff about it including @Vacindak and myself. I've had issues with you before as well as shown in the ban history.
    I see no problem with this ban.