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  1. Winner
    virr got a reaction from yesstergi in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    While the evidence gathered on our servers is not enough to warrant a permanent ban, there is a demo of you on another server which clearly shows you aiming and locking on to enemy heads through walls.
    The demo has been reviewed by our tf2 higher ups as well as a few other staff members. That demo in conjunction with your toxic chat history and spam despite several warnings from staff has made us come to the conclusion to not unban you. However, if you still want to be unbanned, please follow this link: Want To Get Unbanned? | Xeno Gamers
    Feel free to add to my post if i missed anything @Basquiat @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12
  2. Sad
    virr reacted to Donakonda in Selfie Sunday   
    no thunderlimes
  3. Like
    virr reacted to Donakonda in Selfie Sunday   
    here is another picture of me but from 2 years ago.

  4. Agree
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    He seems to be hacking on the demo @CappyCappy has submitted. Additionally he was advertising hacks, trolling and disrespecting other players, which is something that xG does not condone.
    Due to the several rules OP broke he shall stay permanently banned.
    If you still want to be unbanned, read this: Want To Get Unbanned? | Xeno Gamers
    - closed
  5. Sad
    virr reacted to Brady1780 in Fml   
  6. Agree
    virr reacted to Forest in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    Is there really that much to discuss here? While screenshots can provide context, by no means should they alone be substantiated enough to warrant a permanent ban for hacking, especially when the screenshots aren't even that credible provided the following facts:

    It's common to camp a corner
    Audio cues from behind the wall
    Tendency for a Player to be behind said-wall
    Facing the direction that the user will be shooting

    I'm sorry, but screenshots of someone facing a wall when it just so happens that someone is behind it does not equate to a permanent ban for wall-hacking. With that said, while not relevant, the accused even has 1,811 hours recorded for TF2 on top of 382/520 achievements which is something to consider; anyone hacking could just as easily create a new Steam account and play TF2 as it is F2P without worrying about their main account facing any sort of ban/suspension.
    Now I'm not saying that the Moderator wrongly accused the Player, nor am I saying that the Player 100% did not hack. All I'm saying is that there just is not enough given here to warrant a permanent ban for hacking, which is why I'm going to +1 for an unban.
    TL;DR - Players should be treated as innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around. Evidence is not clear enough to warrant a permanent ban for hacking.
  7. Agree
    virr reacted to Tatost in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    yes yes, hello. These screenshots are worthless lol, he could have his cursor over the corner so he can check it, it's normal for someone to do that around a corner. As you can see in the screenshots, his cursor is never even on the guy. I mean, it's not 100% he's not cheating, but the screenshots aren't enough proof to say "yeah he's hacking, -1 xd." You guys are just saying "yeah to me it looks like he's hacking because his cursor is relatively near someone on the other side of the wall. I'm going to stay neutral at this point, as there is no way I can depict whether or not this guy is cheating from pictures.
  8. Agree
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    On the one hand I see how this would prove that he has walls, on the other hand, this COULD be some coincedences, as we don't have anything that gives us a better insight on the context (you say he was walling, he says he wasnt - we have one person's word against another's). A demo should have been taken. Was other staff online that can support your statements @Spoopy?
  9. Useful
    virr got a reaction from CappyCappy in Xgmc current status   
    Minecraft Suggestions/update Megathread | Page 4 | Xeno Gamers
    I'm just going to assume you meant 2 weeks, not 2 months.
  10. Useful
    virr reacted to MineCrack in Xgmc current status   
    I mean minecraft servers need a lot of money/advertisements backing it to be successful if you want population. Minigames is the trend as well. And if you want to make any money you spend back you need to break the minecraft EULA then proceed to evade their blacklist once you are caught.
    Not to mention if you want your server to be scalable for big populations you will 100% need an experienced Java developer that knows how spigot and profiling the JVM works, which is not possible through the NFO game panel we have had access to. Although this is not an issue we have right now because we have zero population any form of traffic to the server and you will 100% have these issues.
    The point I am trying to make is successful minecraft servers cost money. Currently, almost all successful minecraft servers do what they do for profit (and by successful, I mean servers that consistently have population, even if it is a small amount of players). It's definitely time to move on from minecraft and shut down the division. They haven't seen anything outside of short success for several revisions of the division. This post will probably be disregarded but it's the truth, I keep saying it and it always happens. The minecraft division will keep dying.
  11. Agree
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in Spray rules clarification/rework   
    Let's have it explicitly stated once we're finished with overhauling the current rule. I think it's important to have everything written down, so people can't say it's not stated anywhere when breaking rules. This way you would also not have to go to a staff member to ask about little details, as you can just read the General MOTD.
  12. Informative
    virr got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in The objector issue   
    Fun fact, there is a thread up on admin forums right now rewriting the rule regarding sprays. We could extend it to include objectors and stuff too if you guys want.
  13. Like
    virr got a reaction from Bone in The objector issue   
    Fun fact, there is a thread up on admin forums right now rewriting the rule regarding sprays. We could extend it to include objectors and stuff too if you guys want.
  14. Informative
    virr got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Bigbeefer5000 - team fortress 2   
    I believe you're right. Thats how csgo jailbreak works and its a pain.
  15. Are You Insane
    virr reacted to TBOHB in No son   
    Did yall think you could mess with my family's ding dong Dooping Beans? Well my family's Dooping Beans have been in my family for generations and generations. It started when my great great grandpappy Porter, his wife Patricia, and her brother Patrick. They had just arrived in Port Dingaling that had a fascination with Dooping Beans. These beans were the greatest of the land that no other bean could match. My great great grandpappy Porter, his wife Patricia, and her brother Patrick decided to start a Dooping Bean farm by Dooping their ding dong normal beans to make their dooping beans and they said "My my these are some fine ass Dooping Beans. Best in the land actually!" Now son you think you can mess with their ding dong Dooping Bean recipe? Well I'll tell you what kid ya got another thing coming. No sir-e you can't get out of this without punishment son. These fricking Dooping Beans are the best in the land and can't be tampered with I'll tell you that.
  16. Like
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in General Update Thread   
    Donator commands:

    DSP effects (sm_dsp) - Since some effects were annoying and overly loud, we had to remove two of them. Just a heads up for every donator!
    tauntem (sm_tauntem) - Good news, friendos! I edited the code of the plugin to add additional taunts to it. Not sure if you could use newer taunts before, but now you'll see a list of newer taunt IDs by typing !tauntem_list.

    >Gotta give credit where it's needed:
    Thank you @TheSupremePatriot for suggesting these two things! Both took me a little while since these plugins have no configs and I had to go through their code! :D
  17. Agree
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread   
    Why don't we we just use the one we have on TGH? It's set to something like five minutes before it kicks you. If you're AFK for more than five minutes, even as a staff member, you should be kicked. I personally really don't see why staff would be excluded from getting kicked. If someone's AFK, they're AFK and shouldn't take up a server slot. On a side note, when a staff member is online, the calladmin plugin does not send out messages for reports on that server anymore. If staff goes AFK, they're prettt much blocking the calladmin bot (don't get me wrong, everyone goes AFK for a few minutes every now and then, but if it's something like 5+ minutes and you're the only staff member, people can't report any wrongdoing anymore.)
  18. Funny
    virr reacted to Elcark in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    Finally got one I had some fun with and they didn't just run away right away, here you go @shwash

  19. Are You Insane
    virr reacted to Pepper in Hey   
  20. Bad Spelling
    virr got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Spray rules clarification/rework   
    I've heard from a couple of staff members that the rule regarding sprays is hard to enforce or is being enforced differently depending on who is online at the time. Do you think the rule is in need of a bit of a touch-up or is it fine as it is?
    While we're at it, I think it is time we update the ingame Motd to better reflect the ones found on forums.
    Thoughts? @Bello @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Sesh
  21. Agree
    virr got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in We should remove lolicon title.   
    If we're being technical, loli≠lolicon. The scout one can stay imo.
  22. Like
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in Game giveaway real aegean edition!   
    always wanted to know what living in turkey felt like
  23. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Tatost in Goodbye For Now   
    I think we'll end the discussion there. This thread has spiraled way out of control and while everyone is entitled to their own opinion, some of the comments in this thread are super unnecessary and really uncalled for.
    Hope to see you around sometime @Skeletal. Best of luck wherever life takes you.
    Thread Closed~
  24. Useful
    virr got a reaction from Egossi in Goodbye For Now   
    I think we'll end the discussion there. This thread has spiraled way out of control and while everyone is entitled to their own opinion, some of the comments in this thread are super unnecessary and really uncalled for.
    Hope to see you around sometime @Skeletal. Best of luck wherever life takes you.
    Thread Closed~
  25. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Thorax_ in Goodbye For Now   
    I think we'll end the discussion there. This thread has spiraled way out of control and while everyone is entitled to their own opinion, some of the comments in this thread are super unnecessary and really uncalled for.
    Hope to see you around sometime @Skeletal. Best of luck wherever life takes you.
    Thread Closed~