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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Dylanm345 in Clarification Regarding Racial/offensive Slurs Being On Weapons   
    I like the idea, but I feel like it would be a nightmare for staff to enforce. Having a bunch of rules that are too complicated/annoying to enforce in the first place is never good, and just leads to staff ignoring the rule most of the time.
    That being said, i do believe it would be a good addition, if we could somehow figure out a way to do it somewhat efficiently. Maybe we could expand on the "No racism" rule to include nametags and player names?
  2. Agree
    virr reacted to Reptile in What Is Your Favorite Drink?   
  3. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Dylanm345 in ♥ Aღy ♥ - Team Fortress 2   
    You would still need to meet the rest of the Moderator Submission Requirements
    I personally wouldn't mind removing the age requirement. Maturity is something that varies greatly from one individual to another and shouldn't be set in stone.
    Best of luck on your application @Amylicious!
  4. Creative
    virr reacted to Sora_ in If You Were An Rpg Character...   
    I dunno if anyone thinks about this as much as I do, but if you were coded into an RPG, what would you think your stats would be like?
    It's interesting to me to think about and to hear what others would say.
    So, because I have too much free time in programming class, I decided to make a thread \o/
    Starting off, I think my stats would look like:
    Health + + +
    Strength + + + +
    Magic +
    Skill + +
    Speed + + +
    Defense + + + +
    Resistance + + +
    What do you think?
  5. Funny
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in New Ghost System In Dr   
    I changed it alreday.
    Also, you are already cool, regardless of the plugin changing or not ;].
  6. Not Funny
    virr got a reaction from Lithium in Member App Changes   
    Hey everyone! How to handle member apps has changed slightly and even though i've spoken to a couple of you already i might as well throw a thread up to answer questions and report bugs.
    You can now see if someone has been accepted on the member-management page.
    In order to accept or decline someone, simply hover over "moderation macros" and pick the appropriate option. This will tag the app, post the acceptance message, give the applicant member and close the thread.
    Post feedback/bugs/glitches below
    Thank you!
    @Bello @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12
  7. Agree
    virr got a reaction from gangsterheavy in The Ghost Plugin On Deathrun Is An Issue.   
    Whoops, fixed.
  8. Informative
    virr got a reaction from Tatost in Nitnat - Team Fortress 2   
    staff tags on forums are automatic, idk why its so slow to remove them
  9. Agree
    virr got a reaction from jaygoki in What Is/are Your Favorite Candy('s)?   
    i don't have a favorite
  10. Funny
    virr got a reaction from Vacindak in What Is/are Your Favorite Candy('s)?   
    i don't have a favorite
  11. Like
    virr got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in The Ghost Plugin On Deathrun Is An Issue.   
    I turned the plugin off for now @Bello, hope you dont mind. It was actually close to unplayable.
  12. Like
    virr reacted to NitNat in Doggo Tuesday   
    but hell yes, some of you have probably seen that 1 photo I sent when i first got Zoey. Here is she now

    and for you filthy turds in disc who made my dog a meme..not gonna name any names @LemonVolt

  13. Informative
    virr got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Petition To Change The Colour Of The Server Mod Tag   
    The problem is that we use different ones on different places.
    CS:GO uses
    Mod: Green
    Admin: Red
    DM: Magenta
    DL/CM/C: Blue
    Teamspeak uses
    Mod: Puke green
    Admin: Purple
    Dm: Magenta
    DL: Green
    CM: Gold
    C: Gray/Metal
    Forum uses
    Mod: Yellow
    Admin: Purple
    DM: Blue
    DL: Green
    CM/C: Darkblue
    And then whatever tf2 uses. It would be great if they were the same across all divisions.
  14. Like
    virr got a reaction from Dylanm345 in Petition To Change The Colour Of The Server Mod Tag   
    There you go!
  15. Funny
    virr reacted to Sancock in Nitnat - Team Fortress 2   
    My best song ever :afro:
    +1 7w7
  16. Ding!
    virr got a reaction from Kypari in Petition To Change The Colour Of The Server Mod Tag   
    @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron
    ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Actual color or RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
  17. Like
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in General Update Thread   
    All servers:

    Added a new command: !staff --> Displays staff members that are currently online. Suggested by @Thunder.

    Special thanks to the CS:GO Division for helping out! @virr @Lithium @Bleed
  18. Like
    virr got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Member App Changes   
    Hey everyone! How to handle member apps has changed slightly and even though i've spoken to a couple of you already i might as well throw a thread up to answer questions and report bugs.
    You can now see if someone has been accepted on the member-management page.
    In order to accept or decline someone, simply hover over "moderation macros" and pick the appropriate option. This will tag the app, post the acceptance message, give the applicant member and close the thread.
    Post feedback/bugs/glitches below
    Thank you!
    @Bello @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12
  19. Like
    virr got a reaction from Reptile in Member App Changes   
    Hey everyone! How to handle member apps has changed slightly and even though i've spoken to a couple of you already i might as well throw a thread up to answer questions and report bugs.
    You can now see if someone has been accepted on the member-management page.
    In order to accept or decline someone, simply hover over "moderation macros" and pick the appropriate option. This will tag the app, post the acceptance message, give the applicant member and close the thread.
    Post feedback/bugs/glitches below
    Thank you!
    @Bello @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12
  20. Agree
    virr got a reaction from TBOHB in Depoptimist   
    Yeahhh. Unfortunately, multiclanning is a big no here, so you're either gonna have to leave that clan or have me close this app.
  21. Informative
    virr got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Depoptimist   
    Multiclanning has never been ok and is never going to. If you are an xG member you can't call yourself a "dankmeme420gamer" member too.
    The reason we do this is because of competition. We don't want xG members to support other clans that are competing with us, for obvious reasons.

    I've looked around a bit on idleserver's website and i cant find anything that makes it seem like it's not a rival clan.
    I'm not trying to be an asshole, but we are fairly strict on multiclanning. The fact that the first thing you did after you signed up is post this made me a bit cautious. Attacking or accusing you of multiclanning was never my intention, sorry about that.
  22. Informative
    virr got a reaction from james8470 in Depoptimist   
    Multiclanning has never been ok and is never going to. If you are an xG member you can't call yourself a "dankmeme420gamer" member too.
    The reason we do this is because of competition. We don't want xG members to support other clans that are competing with us, for obvious reasons.

    I've looked around a bit on idleserver's website and i cant find anything that makes it seem like it's not a rival clan.
    I'm not trying to be an asshole, but we are fairly strict on multiclanning. The fact that the first thing you did after you signed up is post this made me a bit cautious. Attacking or accusing you of multiclanning was never my intention, sorry about that.
  23. Disagree
    virr got a reaction from DepOptimist in Depoptimist   
    Yeahhh. Unfortunately, multiclanning is a big no here, so you're either gonna have to leave that clan or have me close this app.
  24. Creative
    virr reacted to Salad in Portrait Of [xg] Link   
    I made it earlier this month, but thought I should probably post it on here. I've recently been drawing similar pieces for several friends who want them, and would enjoy some feedback. :D It's of their TF2 Loadout btw. This has been a major improvement to my shading recently, and I'd consider this my first legitimately decent work since I only started using this tablet back in January, and only very rarely.
  25. Ding!
    virr got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Depoptimist   
    Yeahhh. Unfortunately, multiclanning is a big no here, so you're either gonna have to leave that clan or have me close this app.