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About DepOptimist

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  1. I miss these servers, I think about them sometimes.

  2. It's been awhile since I've been here, I don't even go by DepOptimist any more. I go by Pugless now.

    1. Caleb956


      Welcome back! ?

  3. Ahh, I feel as dumb as I did when I posted mine, lmao.
  4. Similar to what happened in my application, aren't you a staff member on Idleserver.com?
  5. Like you stated, xG is my primary affiliation.
  6. I understand why, it doesn't help lots when people advertise other servers, and I can see where you're coming from.
  7. I've said, many a time before, Idle isn't a clan. Also xG is my primary affiliation.
  8. I do wish to join xG and have made a post.
  9. I have made a post on the Idle fourms about xG, thanks.
  10. Thanks, I really wouldn't consider myself an official member of Idle anyways, The servers have gone to garbage in my eyes, and me and others have agreed that the owner has no idea what he's doing. He's let in a mod who abuses often and has done nothing. I've really drifted apart from Idle and found myself here once again.
  11. I barely play Idleserver, I hate to say something, but Idle isn't a clan. It's a string of servers. I wanna clarify that I have been around in xG longer than Idle. I have no intention of joining Idle, I apologize for the inconvenience if I caused any. Though like I've stated Idle isn't a clan. The owner "Wing" has stated on his profile that Idle is indeed a string of Idleservers.
  12. Idle? I mostly have friends, and enjoy jailbreak. I'm a kinda known member and active on the fourms.
  13. In-Game Name: [xG:REP] Depressed Optimist Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Identity: Steam Community :: [xG:REP] Depressed Optimist Banned: No Teamspeak Account Synced: No Time Active on Servers: 3 days Age: 16 Reasons for Joining: I enjoy the servers, they're my favorite pass time and I enjoy the members and others. I like the variety, and maps. I enjoy the time I've spent, and have been looking toward the moment I could apply, and felt ready. I always try my best to help and be friendly to those, and talk to others.
  14. Playing the server to get store credits, all be it boring, I get to be cool and flashy.