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Posts posted by KSPlayer1337

  1. If you don't know what the net neutrality event is, here's some background info.


    Without net neutrality, ISPs (internet service providers) can control what websites they can fee for the user and can also control what websites are fast or slow for people who don't pay the extra fee as said before.


    With that being said, many people are creating letters to Congress, as well as contacting local politicians, to keep net neutrality to not let these circumstances happen.


    This is a major event and could determine the fate of the Internet.


    You could visit https://www.battleforthenet.com for more information.


    (sorry for sounding like a sponsor)





    With these being said, I created a very pessimistic poll in the thread.

  2. Write us a Constitution. Make it authentic by pretty much outlawing the apostrophe.


    We the people, in order to establish a stable community, have created this Constitution of xenoGamers.


    ARTICLE I: Legislature

    Section I:

    All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the Council of xenoGamers, which shall consist of the Community Moderators and Clan Leaders.

    Section II:

    The Community Moderators shall be composed of Moderators chosen anytime by the People of the several Divisions, and the Electors of each Division shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Divisions of the Community Legislature.

    Section III:

    The Clan Leaders of xenoGamers shall be composed of several Clan Leaders from each Division, chosen by the Divisions thereof, for a permanent time.


    ARTICLE II: Executive

    Section I:

    The executive Power shall be vested in a higher Council of xenoGamers.

    Section II:

    The higher Council shall be the Commanders in Chief of xenoGamers and the Moderator of several Divisions. They shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Community Moderators, to make Announcements.

    Section III:

    They shall from time to time give to the lower Council information of the Monthly Update.

    Section IV:

    The higher Council and all Moderators of xenoGamers shall be removed from Moderation on Demotions for, and Convictions of, admin abuse, game crashing, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.


    ARTICLE III: Judiciary

    Section I:

    The judicial Power of xenoGamers, shall be vested in one Moderator Council.

    (I just slightly copied the American Constitution)