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  1. Disagree
    Tatost reacted to Reptile in Rust Server   
    Dat Kitty approved
  2. Gross
    Tatost got a reaction from Reptile in Gamemode Rotation Thread   
    Skill Surf would be fun. I'd also like to see a Rocket Jump server as well as Smash Bros.
  3. Boring
    Tatost got a reaction from Reptile in Memory Lane   
    I remember when my voice sounded like I was a boiling tea kettle. I also remember when @Hibiki removed "Best Girl" title from the shop so I couldn't have it.
  4. Not Funny
    Tatost reacted to Reptile in Later.   
    That's fine by me.
  5. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Reptile in Later.   
    Stepping down and stuff.
  6. Bad Spelling
    Tatost reacted to Thorax_ in Memory Lane   
    I remember your Bump fest @KSPlayer1337
    Good times, good times
    Dunt h8 me plz just jking
  7. Like
    Tatost reacted to Sylux in Remove trade_sylux_oubliettev2   
    I can't go offline for more than 2 weeks without some drama. :rolleyes:
    Basing your whole thread on speculation is your biggest downfall, this is all just assumption and haven't 1) talked with me, 2) talked with the workshop author, 3) checked the map formatting. Firstly you continued to make a thread which is embarrassing as hell for you when basing with just assumption. You removed and didn't responded to my message on steam so

    is a LIE. This was mentioned to @Tatost not you. 
    The fact you failed to keep me added and discuss/ hear the other side and just flat out remove me to post on forums shows to me you only want drama. HMK is only my friendlist and from day 1 I have said HMK is the texture man, nearly all are by hk in-which they are called 'hk_tree' etc.
    This map has been through several variations following player input and thus was changed to 'open' which makes it obsolete from being a route, the map doesn't have a proper name as it's not finished and the final various were still in the works.
    It's such a shame when you do nice things for the community and people try and piss all over it, espcially from someone who I thought was mature, very odd behaviour kid you should get that drama fetish fixed.
    - @Bello @Vexx @virr
    If you need any proof etc that the map is fine to use please let me know.
  8. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from Reiki in Bluez_   
    it wasn't every few minutes, see the time also shows the second he posted. He used his "rekt" bind 14 times in about 23 seconds. Grape also posted a picture showing Bluez calling @Reiki a "piece of shit." The user is obviously toxic when not being around staff members. It's a -1 from me.
    A: 8.5
    M: 2
  9. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from TBOHB in Bluez_   
    you're not very nice, Spoopy.
  10. Drunk
    Tatost reacted to Spoopy in Bluez_   
    He didn't do anything when I'm on . And @grap_grop if you think spamming binds a minute or two is spam then I should be for "spamming" kek
  11. Furry
    Tatost reacted to realBelloWaldi in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
    Your Moderator Submission has been accepted!
    Please remember to be...


    -Active on teamspeak, forums and servers
    -a Positive role model to the other players in our servers
    -Taking initiative and making sure our servers are #1

  12. Gross
    Tatost got a reaction from Rabid in Memory Lane   
    I remember when I proposed to @WubbaLubbaDubDub and had a wedding on Jailbreak.
  13. Gross
    Tatost got a reaction from Rabid in Memory Lane   
    I remember when my voice sounded like I was a boiling tea kettle. I also remember when @Hibiki removed "Best Girl" title from the shop so I couldn't have it.
  14. Like
    Tatost reacted to Hopps in Absence   
    I apologize for my absence and I have not been on as much as I used to, I got a promotion to lead nurse! so.. I have some more responsibilities now, and it gets rather busy, But I'm doing my best to come and see everyone! but if you miss me abunch you can just add me on steam, Steam Community :: Hopps Also wanted to say I hope everyone is doing well! and I miss you guys too!
    -Much Love,
  15. Drunk
    Tatost reacted to Thorax_ in Atamoose - Minecraft   
    Fine have an eggplant
  16. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to S1yajend in AceActual   
    +1 good sniper and a good guy always go and inform people to stop eating mic he also has my back when spoopy tries to hunt me down :3
  17. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Spoopy in AceActual   
    +1 tries to headshot me but gets only body shots. What a nerd. Active player in Pokémon and helps informs rules to people who don't know. Loves having pills being stuffed in his face.
  18. Like
    Tatost reacted to shwash in Doggo Tuesday   
    A bit of an update: Spencer is eating medicated food, and his improvement is quite visible.
    Also, here is Rock, my sister's dog:

    He is called Rock because he digs up pebbles in the backyard and barks at them while frantically jumping around.
  19. Agree
    Tatost reacted to virr in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    No its not. You are not allowed to color yourself normal while in friendly.
  20. Agree
    Tatost reacted to realBelloWaldi in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    Damn Vac I've never seen such a well written post from you! (y) (y) (y)
  21. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Kypari in Meme Dump Thunderdome   
    You also did as well????????????????? Scroll up a bit and you'll see.
  22. Drunk
    Tatost reacted to YeEternalTuna in Meme Dump Thunderdome   
    You also did as well????????????????? Scroll up a bit and you'll see.
  23. Like
    Tatost reacted to Vacindak in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    Actually I've never had problems with any donator before. The real problem I've seen very common is They didn't read the donators rules first.
    Most of our donators are valued
    members and they know the rules perfectly Well and they don't want to lose their powers so I think they are going to follow our rules however nothing is perfect, probably someone is going use those powers to break our rules so to avoid confusion we need to record and Give then the last warning in chat and voice chat after the week ban +Removal of powers because they are going to use the excuse of admin abuse and we need proves.
    Put yourself into the donator's shoes they are going to fight for their powers so most of them are going to use the ban protest or in the worst case admin abuse report to give their power back.
    I agree with Bello's protocol we need to think in the future and how they are going to act after losing their powers.
  24. Funny
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in Meme Dump Thunderdome   
    You also did??????????????? Scroll up a bit and you'll see.
  25. Sad
    Tatost reacted to neonref in neonref - Team Fortress 2   
    When ever I remind myself about this I cry