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  1. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in Xander   
    I also believe the ban should be extended. 
    You really are digging yourself into a grave you soon won’t be able to ever make your way out of.
  2. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Haruka in Xander   
    You LEFT the server after a few minutes of Maf finding you. You rejoined and Maf had still not received the item. We waited about 5 minutes, and Maf had still not received anything. You were banned for a day. And then I received this lovely screenshot

    I'd like to propose a longer ban.
  3. Are You Insane
    TBOHB reacted to TAoWHunter in Xander   
    Close this down ~Closed I don't give a poop bout this anymore. fudgeing hell you staff don't even know your own rules. I get kicked for Shooting on ramps, even though the guy was afk, I get muted for talking about a topic everyone else was talking about. I get fudgeing trash talked no admin does a poop, I say poop I get a fudgeing warning. Do you guys even give a fudgeing poop about me. Just close this down. 
  4. Drunk
    TBOHB reacted to TAoWHunter in Xander   
    Dude what do you have on me fudge off will you I said close it down.
  5. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Red in Xander   
    Aren't you the guy who got banned from the discord and looking through your history. You're a massive troll. 
    @Xander You're not helping your ban protest at all if you keep being immature and toxic.
  6. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Elcark in General Update Thread   
    -Added surf_nameless
    Freak Fortress
    -Added vsh_seine_b3
    -Removed Human Sentry Buster
    -Removed Hitler
    -Removed Mokou
    -Removed Triceratops
    -Removed Ganon
    -Added Game and Watch
    -Added Cuphead
    -Adde ripperro
    -Added Wamuu

    Special Weapons
    These unique weapons have special boons to them that are active when equipped, more to come
    Warrior's Spirit (hyper heavy)
    Grants a speed boost
    Removes primary and secondary ammo

    The Gas Passer
    Explode's on ignite

    The Thermal Thruster 
    Stuns when landing near the boss

    Splendid Screen and Tide Turner
    (Nearly) Instantaneous recharge
    No health from external sources while shield is active (medics/health packs)
    The Ambassador 
    Fires a single round that does large critical damage on headsots
    Much slower reload speed
  7. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Kypari in BonfireCentiped   
    Kypari approved the submission
  8. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Kypari in BonfireCentiped   
    Congrats on CL
  9. Like
    TBOHB got a reaction from Dannypicacho in oof...   
    I would totally be down for community events in CS:GO tbh. I think I a lot of other people would be fine with it as well
  10. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Elcark in So we have a free server...   
    There are other more pressing things to be worked out right now like Kypari mentioned. Due to the minimal support for it last time it was brought up (https://xenogamers.com/forums/topic/23005-objective-server-requests/) it became a pretty low priority compared to other projects. 
    It's right now one of the three main things being worked on (again, low priority) but there's no harm in getting ideas for another server setup in the meantime, especially if that server gets more feedback and support.
  11. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Kypari in So we have a free server...   
    It's being worked on. It's out of my hands personally, and this is just for ideas for a future server. We have a lot on our minds at the moment including FF2 and fixing JB, but I hope soon that it will be completed.
  12. Make xG Great Again
    TBOHB reacted to Dannypicacho in The Current Reactions Tab is Bad   
    If you're like me and use reactions a lot, you have probably noticed how annoying it is. First of all, choosing a reaction feels like a crappy coolmathgames maze where you have to move your mouse carefully without touching the edge, because if you mouse goes slightly off the thin reactions bar, you're screwed and have to do it all again. The second problem is when I click somebody's profile to react to their status, the bar/tab goes off the screen, which means I have to 'CTRL -' and then it also makes the maze even harder as not only is the reactions tab thinner compared to your mouse, but also smaller, and no that doesn't make choosing a reaction at the end any easier because of the "short" distance. It would be better if the reactions bar was click-based rather than hover based (click to open the bar, then click on the reaction you wish to use), and also if the current 32 reactions were in a 4x8 bar instead of the current 1x32. MAKE xG GREAT AGAIN! 
  13. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in YeEternalTuna   
    If you want to take choosing staff to the next level, you should start playing a lot more on the servers the applicant plays on. In this case, Surf, as that is the only server I've ever seen Tuna play on.
    While I respect your opinion, I just feel like you make your mind too quickly. I feel as though you should spend a bit more time forming an opinion, especially as a higher up. Our vouches are only meant to sway the higher-ups into coming to our side because in the end you guys just make the decisions instead of it being a majority vote like a member application.
    I'm not saying you haven't seen Tuna since he came back, but I am saying that you should make it your job to gather a bit more information than you did when you were an admin, mod, member, or even non-member. If you've already been playing surf with Tuna, then I guess this post means jack poop, but I guess I'm going to post it just in case.
    As the final decision rests in your hands, you need to be the most educated on the topic.
    EDIT: Just going to say that Kypari and I have already talked about my post from earlier. I'm just going to say now that my post was not meant to start a poop storm, so please refrain from turning the thread into something of the sort.
  14. Friendly
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in wowie he's turning over a new leaf   
    So, over the last year or so I've been growing steadily bitter, which quite a few people have already pointed out to me. I've been starting to show my face a lot more on the servers and such after a few months of almost never playing. I've had a few conversations with people I was friends with for a while and was disappointed, to say the least when they called me things such as "a bloodsucking demon," or "an absolute dick." I can't disagree with these statements since my behavior both on and off the xG servers has essentially deteriorated from what it was back in 2016 when I started playing, but no one wants to be remembered by their friends as some savage.
    Recently, I've been trying to clean up my act, but it's still kind of hard since a lot of people still look upon with obvious disdain. I'll use this thread as a general apology to the entire community while also apologizing to specific individuals.
    So, to the entire community, I'm sorry. Over the last year and a half or so, I've constantly been poopposting, most recently the "I'm so sorry" joke that kind of led me to leave the xG discord for about a month or so (wasn't really keeping count).
    I've caused quite a bit of trouble for @virr with my poop posting, so for that, I'm incredibly sorry.
    @BonfireCentiped I know I had already apologized for going off on you especially hard in discord, but I thought I would apologize again. At the time I was incredibly stressed out for personal reasons and vented my frustrations out on you.
    So I don't really know anyone else who I should apologize to specifically. So, if you feel like you actually deserve an apology or there is something you need to talk to me about, you can message me on discord, since I'd rather not have people add me on steam.
  15. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in Well...   
    Not a single person wants to know what you jerk it to, what the fudge dude. It's actually disgusting reading "I'll beat it to anything."
  16. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to Kypari in Well...   
  17. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to FrostyBoiGrim in Well...   
    I never posted one of these.
    Hi, Im Frosty, and if you thought this was me leaving you just got PRANK'D *dab*
    Now that you've been dabbed on, I just wanted to say Hi because I forgot to post one of these. Also here's some info on me because why not.
    •My b-day is Feb 14th, 2003 (yes Valentines day)
    •I live in California and have only lived on the west coast of the USA
    •Im thicc
    •I love peanut butter with a burning passion
    •While I am straight, I will still beat it to gay porn and literally fudgein anything else because im a horny cunt
    •I'm a straight white male because idk
    •I hate political talk only because im terrible at it
    •I like anime because I like cartoons and I dont give a flying fudge where its from
    •I love music and play the clarinet 
    •I insult people because im somewhat jocular with people I consider peers.
    •I act like a know it all because I secretly fear that im retarded and everyone else is way smarter than me
    •I am opinionated but try not to let it jade me
  18. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Caribou in kiriy   
    Kypari's a guy
  19. Optimistic
    TBOHB reacted to realBelloWaldi in sug.: "don't talk over people"   
    Can't understand why this thread was downvoted so much. Granted, I don't play on the servers anymore, but that was already a somewhat "controversial" rule when I was DL.
    I've never been a fan of that rule since I actually think it's quite stupid. I had my best times in xG on Jailbreak, a server that is based on people using voice chat. Imagine if you were to strictly make sure only one person is talking on mic. That would ruin most of the fun, to be honest, since while the gamemode itself is pretty mediocre, the community part of it was fun. The interactions with 20+ people were what made it quite unique and of course it happens that people talk over each other.
    I think this is more of a common sense thing (haha @Kypari ? ). If there's two people talking and they accidently interrupt each other, nobody needs a staff member saying "GUYS! ONLY ONE PERSON ON MIC!". If someone is talking to someone through voice chat and another person happens to join during that situation and is like "hey guys, what's up", there's no need to enforce that certain rule. Another scenario that is a bit more elaborate: If someone would tell the server a story of how we walked his dog and some other dog almost attacked him, and someone interrupts asking a question relevant to the topic, (i.e. "what breed was the dog that attacked you) on voice chat, then I don't think anyone needs to do anything about it.
    If, however, someone is purposely disturbing a conversation to "troll/harass" someone, that's a different case where a staff member should take action.
    That being said, I don't think you can make rules that cover every situation possible. There are several cases where that rule makes no sense at all, but there are also cases where it would make sense. Staff has to do some thinking sometimes.
    Still kinda dumb to give @maf427, an active player on the servers last time I checked, so many bad ratings tbh. He made a very reasonable and constructive* thread imo, but at the end I'll just have to agree to disagree with these people.
    * EDIT: Maybe not the way he worded it, but the point he's making.
  20. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to LAN_Megalodon in sug.: "don't talk over people"   
    People don't have the social cues they normally have in an irl conversation, so I agree, it's really fudgeing annoying to have some higher up butt into the middle of a civil conversation and yell 'EXCUSE ME PLEASE ONLY ONE ON THE MIC" just because one of you didn't realize the other wasn't done yet. Like I've seen this enough times and it's honestly like "okay, what do you think annoys people more here, the fact that two people were briefly talking at the same time, or someone grinding the entire discourse to a halt to holler at them not to do something neither of them were intending to do?" 
    Equally enough times I've seen people just not fudgeing caring what's going on or who's talking before them and it just devolves into noise, so while the first situation is annoying, the rule is a necessary evil imo.
  21. Thinking
    TBOHB got a reaction from james8470 in sug.: "don't talk over people"   
    K I get that people have their opinions and I usually respect that, but  this is fudgeing stupid.
    Comparing servers and a party is about as effective as comparing an orange and a piano. When everybody is talking to each other at once on mic, you can't talk to one specific person like at a party because everybody is at the same volume It's annoying for everybody else to listen to. Even for me my ears want to die on a full server where half of em' have a mic Voice chat isn't the only way to talk about something as well. If there is an argument / debate, nobody else wants to hear that on the mic
  22. Friendly
    TBOHB got a reaction from Deko in Deko's Introduction   
    Hello! I saw you on surf the other day. Glad to see you coming to the forums!
  23. Drunk
    TBOHB reacted to maf427 in sug.: "don't talk over people"   
    this rule is absolutely and indubitably pathetic and retarded, especially when it occurs in a populous server (surf and tgh at this point). it disappoints me when everybody talks at once and many of staff go apepoop, and as time passes it gets crazier. it happens all of the time when a discussion is currently taking place. either everybody talking at once comes to the epiphany that they're all talking over each other and they all hesistate, which stops the talking, or the people will commence the talking, and in this case, it wreaks havoc. better to not have it as a server rule to give people more freedom while talking on the mic, which brings a more social and friendly atmosphere, and to further shun the staff from having such a hard time with the ongoing issue. it occurs almost every single day i come on surf, but i'm not sure about tgh regarding the issue. a rule where people are not allowed to talk over each other only makes things worse. let them talk, regardless of the amount of people talking. i don't want to hear "don't talk over people" every minute, which not only pisses people off, but it also delays most of the conversations that the server has, this delay being (x) admin giving a poop and talking in (y) tone that talking over people is not allowed.
    imagine going to a huge party. you hear everybody around you talk, the music is loud, and everybody is having a fun time. you're hearing all of this noise, and if people are going to complain about people talking over each other, then maybe you should go outside. some others can view this controversial topic as a "lack of respect" for talking over somebody about to say something, but in a video game, latency exists, and it can't be compensated for when people are talking. this "lack of respect" can be intentional and non-intentional, and i'm sure the most of you guys can tell whether it was on purpose or completely on accident. otherwise, the victim is just being sarcastic.
    i understand that servers have their own rules and it's equivalent to going to a night club or any other local area with a myriad of people, but i've never been to any other server that enforces that rule, and if i see any reason being because the server is more unique that way, i'm going to cry.
  24. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in hi im asŝ   
    referring to this v
  25. Drunk
    TBOHB reacted to butt in hi im asŝ   
    hi my name asŝ this is my introduction post
    things about me:  my name is asŝ, i like asŝ, i eat asŝ, i am 8 year old, my irl name is sir asŝ, i listen to only 6ix0ine, i can sing dpespaciquito my favorite color is black cuz thicc woman in black leggings
    i hope to see you guys around i personally play the tf2 servers cuz am furry jk lmao goteem deez nuts