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  1. Losing It
    TBOHB reacted to virr in ☁NiGHTS☁   
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    Constantly an issue on servers from what i've heard from other staff members, really hostile towards staff and other members, racism, name calling. I'm sure others can fill in as well.
    They added me today and was pretty upset about staff "abusing" and not doing their jobs. After getting insulted for about an hour i just lost my patience. logs attached below.
    Contains bad words, nsfw language. The conversation continues but im sure you get the plot.
  2. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Hopps in Happy Thanksgiving <3   
    To those who celebrate it, I wish you a good turkey day, a day filled with family coming together, pigging out on home cooked food, and not giving a crap about how much you eat! I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving, Let me know what you guys are doing for thanksgiving! I myself am having family over and making a big feast..!

  3. Gross
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in What state do we all live in?   
  4. Winner
    TBOHB got a reaction from mrnutty12 in What state do we all live in?   
  5. Like
    TBOHB reacted to mrnutty12 in What state do we all live in?   
    We got the Illinois party over here!
  6. RIP
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in stepping down haha   
    I am actually stepping down by the way.
    Servers are boring because the people who made them fun rarely play anymore. The good servers are completely or relatively dead now so that is another thing. But the main reason why I'm leaving is because everyone is so goddamn sensitive on ANY server.
    Bye haha @bagel (mean breakfast item) @Kypari (don't even know tbh) @Bello (german minion) @virr (swede) @Thunder (weather report) @LAN_Megalodon (shark boy from shark boy and lava girl) @anyoneelse
    While you mourn over my parting I will put up a poll
  7. Disagree
    TBOHB got a reaction from Tatost in Inactivity   
  8. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to LemonVolt in Mods   
    It's done
  9. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to LemonVolt in Mods   
    hey this is a thread to post mods, not sure if its legal
    but oh well
  10. Informative
    TBOHB reacted to Tekk in Inactivity   
    Yooo so I'm going away to Cardiff tomorrow back on Tuesday but I won't be able to be active all week, so my activity might not be at the requirement, just thought I'd give you all a heads up. No demote please :)
    @Bello @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Elcark @Bone
  11. Like
    TBOHB reacted to NitNat in Mods   
    johnny test whip hot hand when
  12. Funny
    TBOHB reacted to Maximum in When vacindak joins the server   
  13. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in I'm gonna regret this   
  14. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in I'm gonna regret this   
    Bleh, the thinking emoji looks crappy with a white gloved hand :(
    It’s not the same!
  15. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in I don’t think this person is okay (Edgiest Dude?)   
    This guy is not only persistent but very edgy.
    Hidden in spoiler as it contains excessive use of slurs
    Have you seen someone edgier than this?
    Keep in mind, these comments are all on one video and the comments are posted in the same day.
    I thought Alfmonster was bad, but this takes edgy and dense to a new level.
  16. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from neonref in neonref - Team Fortress 2   
    Yeah -1. Using autism as an excuse is not very effective.
  17. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Rhododendron in I'm gonna regret this   
    According to all known ? laws of ????? aviation, ? there is ??? no ? way ? a bee ?? should ? ? ? be able ? to ?? fly. ?? Its ✈? wings ? are too small ? to get ??? its fat little ? ? ? ? ? ? body ?? off the ground. ?☝? The ✋ bee, of ?? course, flies ? anyway because bees don’t care what ?? humans ? think ✋ is impossible. ? Yellow, black. ?☝? Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, ??? black. ?? Ooh, ??? black and ????? yellow! Let’s shake it ? up ?? a ?? little. Barry! ? Breakfast is ?? ready! Ooming! Hang ?? on ??? a ? second. ? Hello? - ??? Barry? - ? Adam? ????? - ??? Oan you believe this is ??? happening? - ? I ? ? ? can’t. ?? I’ll ? pick ? you ?? up. Looking sharp. ? Use ? the ?? stairs. ? Your ?? father ????? paid ??? good money ✈? for ??? those. ??? Sorry. I’m excited. ????? Here’s ? the ??? graduate. ? We’re very proud of ? you, ?? son. ? A perfect ??? report ??? card, all B’s. Very proud. ✈? Ma! ?? I ?? got a ??? thing going ?? here. - You got ✈? lint on ✈? your ????? fuzz. - ✋ Ow! That’s ?? me! ??? - Wave ? to us! ? We’ll ????? be ?? in row 118,000. - ✈? Bye! Barry, ?? I ?? told you, ?? stop flying ✈? in ?? the house! - ?? Hey, Adam. - Hey, ? Barry. - Is ? that fuzz gel? - ??? A ????? little. ??? Special day, graduation. Never thought I’d ?? make ?? it. Three ??? days grade school, ?? three ?? days ?? high school. Those were ?? awkward. Three days college. I’m ✋ glad I took a ??? day and ?? hitchhiked ?? around ?? the ??? hive. ? You ?? did ??? come ? ? ? back different. - Hi, ?? Barry. ?☝? - Artie, growing ? a mustache? Looks ? ? ? ? ? ? good. - Hear about ? Frankie? ?? - ? Yeah. - ?? You ?? going ? to the funeral? - No, ????? I’m not ??? going. ????? Everybody ?? knows, sting someone, ? you ??? die. Don’t ? waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. ??? I ?? guess ? he ? could ? have just ?? gotten ? ? ? out ??? of ? the ? way. ??? I love ?? this ?? incorporating an amusement park into our ?☝? day. ?? That’s why we don’t ?? need vacations. ??? Boy, ??? quite a ? bit of ? pomp… ? under the ? circumstances. - ? Well, Adam, ?? today we are men. ? - We ? are! ? - Bee-men. - Amen! Hallelujah! ?? Students, ?? faculty, distinguished bees, ??? please welcome Dean ????? Buzzwell. ? Welcome, New Hive Oity ??? graduating class of… ? …9:15. ??? That ?? concludes ?? our ceremonies. ? And begins your career at ?? Honex Industries! Will ??? we pick ??? ourjob today? ? I ? heard it’s ? just orientation. ? Heads up! Here ?? we go. Keep ? your ?? hands ??? and ? antennas ??? inside ??? the tram ? at all ? ? ? times. - ?? Wonder ? what ??? it’ll ?☝? be ? like? - ?? A little scary. Welcome ??? to ??? Honex, a division of Honesco and ??? a ?? part of ??? the ?? Hexagon ? Group. This is it! Wow. Wow. We ??? know that you, as ✈? a bee, have worked your ? whole life to get ? to ??? the point ? where you ✈? can work ??? for ????? your ?? whole ??? life. ??? Honey begins when ? our ? valiant Pollen ?? Jocks ?? bring ?? the ? nectar to ?? the ? ? ? hive. ?? Our ??? top-secret formula is ??? automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this ? soothing ??? sweet ? ? ? ? ? ? syrup ??? with ????? its ?? distinctive ??? golden ??? glow ? you know as… ????? Honey! ?? - ??? That ? girl was hot. ?? - ?? She’s my ?? cousin! - She is? ? - ????? Yes, we’re all cousins. - Right. You’re ? right. ? ? ? - At Honex, we constantly strive ? to improve every ? ? ? aspect ?? of bee existence. ?? These bees ??? are stress-testing ?? a ??? new helmet technology. ? - ??? What do you think he ??? makes? ??? - ?? Not ??? enough. Here we ? have ?? our latest ?? advancement, the ?? Krelman. - ??? What ?? does that do? ?? - ?? Oatches ?? that ?? little strand of ? ? ? honey ??? that hangs after ?? you ?? pour it. Saves ?? us millions. ?? Oan ?? anyone ? work on the ? ? ? Krelman? ?? Of course. Most ??? bee jobs ? are small ? ones. But bees know that every small job, ?? if ? it’s ????? done well, means ?? a ?? lot. But ????? choose ??? carefully ?? because ?? you’ll ? stay in the ✋ job you pick for the rest of ✋ your life. The ?? same job the ? rest ?? of your ?? life? ??? I ?? didn’t know ??? that. What’s ? the ?? difference? You’ll ??? be happy ?? to know that ??? bees, ????? as ? a species, haven’t ? had one day ✋ off ????? in ?? 27 million ??? years. So you’ll just work ??? us ✋ to death? We’ll sure try. ? Wow! ?? That blew ? my mind! “What’s the ? ? ? difference?” How ? can you say that? One job forever? ? That’s an insane choice to have to make. I’m relieved. Now we ?? only ?? have to make one decision ? in life. ?? But, Adam, how could they ?? never have told us that? Why would ? you question ? anything? We’re bees. We’re the most ??? perfectly functioning ? society on Earth. You ever ? think maybe ?? things ?? work a little ?☝? too well ?? here? Like ??? what? ??? Give me one ? example. I ?? don’t ? know. ? ? ? ? ? ? But you ?? know ? what I’m ? talking ?? about. Please ? clear the gate. Royal Nectar ? Force ??? on approach. ????? Wait a ????? second. ????? Oheck it out. ? - Hey, ? ? ? those ?? are ? Pollen ? ? ? ? ? ? Jocks! ?? - ??? Wow. ? I’ve ????? never ? seen them ✋ this ✋ close. ? ? ? ? ? ? They know what it’s like outside ?☝? the hive. ? Yeah, but ? some ?? don’t ??? come back. - ? Hey, Jocks! ?? - ?? Hi, ? Jocks! ?? You guys did ? ? ? ? ? ? great! You’re ? monsters! You’re ? sky ?? freaks! ?? I ??? love ? ? ? ? ? ? it! I love ?? it! - ??? I ✈? wonder ✋ where they were. ??? - I don’t ??? know. Their day’s not planned. ?? Outside ? the ? hive, flying who knows where, ? doing ?? who knows ?? what. ? You can’tjust decide ? to be a Pollen Jock. ??? You have ?? to ?? be ?? bred ?? for ?? that. Right. Look. ? That’s ?? more pollen ? than ? you and ? I ?? will see ??? in ? a ? lifetime. ? ? ? ? ? ? It’s just a ?? status symbol. ??? Bees ?? make too much of ??? it. Perhaps. Unless you’re ????? wearing ?? it and ? the ?? ladies see ??? you wearing it. Those ladies? Aren’t ✈? they ?? our cousins too? ??? Distant. Distant. Look ? at these two. - Oouple of Hive Harrys. - ? ? ? ? ? ? Let’s have ? ? ? ? ? ? fun ?? with them. ?? It must be dangerous being ?? a ????? Pollen ?? Jock. Yeah. ????? Once a bear ? ? ? pinned me against ??? a mushroom! ????? He had ??? a paw ?? on ✈? my ?? throat, and ?? with the other, he ?? was slapping ??? me! - ? Oh, my! - ????? I ?☝? never ? thought I’d ? knock him out. What were you doing during this? ? Trying to alert the authorities. I ?? can autograph that. A little gusty ? out there ? today, ✈? wasn’t it, ??? comrades? ????? Yeah. ? Gusty. ? We’re ????? hitting ????? a ?? sunflower ??? patch six ? miles from ?☝? here ? tomorrow. - Six ??? miles, ✋ huh? ?☝? - Barry! A ? puddle jump ?? for ?? us, ? but ? maybe you’re not ?? up for ? it. - Maybe I am. - ??? You are ????? not! ?? We’re ? going ? 0900 at J-Gate. ?? What do you think, buzzy-boy? Are you ?? bee enough? I might be. It ?? all ? depends on what 0900 means. ? Hey, ??? Honex! ? Dad, ????? you ????? surprised me. ? You decide what you’re ??? interested in? - Well, ? ? ? ? ? ? there’s ?? a lot of choices. ??? - But you ?? only ????? get one. ??? Do ?? you ever ?☝? get ✈? bored ? ? ? doing ✋ the ✈? same job ??? every day? ?? Son, let ✈? me ? tell ?? you ??? about stirring. You grab ?? that ? stick, and ? you just move ? it ? ? ? ? ? ? around, ????? and ? you stir ? ? ? it around. You get yourself ? into ?? a rhythm. ? It’s a ??? beautiful ✈? thing. You ? know, Dad, ? the ? ? ? ? ? ? more I think about it, ?? maybe the ??? honey ?? field ?? just isn’t ?? right ?? for ?? me. ? ? ? You were thinking of what, ?? making ? ? ? balloon ??? animals? That’s a bad ? ? ? job for ? a guy with ?? a stinger. ??? Janet, ?? your son’s not ?? sure ? he ?? wants to ?? go into honey! ??? - ??? Barry, you ??? are so funny ?? sometimes. - ? I’m not trying ?? to ? be funny. You’re ? not ? funny! You’re going ?☝? into honey. ????? Our ?? son, ?? the stirrer! - ????? You’re gonna ??? be ?? a ? stirrer? - ????? No ? one’s ? listening to me! ? Wait till you ? see ??? the ? sticks I have. ✈? I ? could ? ? ? say anything ? right ????? now. ? ? ? I’m gonna ??? get an ? ant ??? tattoo! Let’s ? open ????? some honey and ?? celebrate! Maybe I’ll pierce ? my ✋ thorax. Shave my ?? antennae. Shack up ? with ✈? a ? grasshopper. Get ??? a gold ?? tooth ??? and call everybody ?? “dawg”! ? I’m ? ? ? so ?? proud. - ??? We’re starting work today! ?? - ??? Today’s ??? the day. Oome on! All the good jobs will be ?? gone. ? Yeah, right. Pollen counting, stunt bee, ?? pouring, ? stirrer, ?? front ?? desk, hair ????? removal… - Is it ?? still ?? available? - Hang on. ? Two left! One ????? of ?? them’s ✈? yours! ?? Oongratulations! Step ?? to the side. ✈? - What’d you ?? get? ? - ? Picking crud ?? out. Stellar! Wow! Oouple ?? of newbies? ??? Yes, ? ? ? sir! Our ✈? first ? day! ?? We ?? are ready! ? Make your ? choice. ? - You ✈? want to ? ? ? ? ? ? go first? - No, you ?? go. Oh, ?? my. What’s available? ? Restroom ?? attendant’s open, ? not for the reason ? ? ? ? ? ? you ??? think. ✋ - ? Any chance ? ? ? of ?? getting the ??? Krelman? - Sure, you’re ✋ on. I’m sorry, ?☝? the ??? Krelman just ? ? ? closed out. Wax ??? monkey’s always ? open. The Krelman ??? opened up again. What happened? ? A bee ?? died. Makes ?? an ? opening. See? ?? He’s dead. ? Another dead one. Deady. Deadified. Two more ??? dead. Dead from the ? neck ?? up. Dead ??? from ????? the ? neck ? down. That’s life! ✈? Oh, this ?? is so hard! Heating, ??? cooling, ?? stunt ?? bee, pourer, stirrer, humming, ??? inspector ?? number seven, lint ?? coordinator, ? stripe ? supervisor, mite ? wrangler. Barry, ?☝? what ??? do ? ? ? ? ? ? you ? think I should… ?? Barry? ?? Barry! ??? All right, ?☝? we’ve ✈? got ??? the ??? sunflower patch ??? in quadrant nine… ????? What ?? happened to you? Where are ?? you? ?? - I’m going out. ?? - Out? ? Out where? ?? - Out there. - Oh, ? no! ??? I ?? have ? to, before ?? I ??? go ?? to work ??? for the rest of ? my ??? life. You’re gonna die! You’re crazy! Hello? ??? Another ??? call ✈? coming in. ? If anyone’s feeling ✋ brave, there’s a ?? Korean ?? deli ?? on 83rd ????? that gets ? ? ? ? ? ? their roses ??? today. Hey, ?? guys. - ??? Look at ?? that. - Isn’t that ?☝? the kid we ?? saw ? yesterday? Hold ? it, son, flight ????? deck’s ?? restricted. It’s ? OK, ? Lou. ?? We’re ? gonna ? take him ? ? ? up. Really? Feeling lucky, ? are you? Sign ?? here, ? here. ?? Just ????? initial ?? that. ? - ?? Thank ? you. ?☝? - ✈? OK. You ? ? ? got ?? a ??? rain advisory ??? today, ?? and as you ? all ? know, ? bees ??? cannot ?? fly ? in ?? rain. So be ?? careful. ? ? ? As always, watch ????? your ? brooms, ?☝? hockey sticks, dogs, birds, bears and bats. ? Also, ????? I ✋ got ? a couple ? of reports ? of root beer ? ? ? being poured ? on us. ? Murphy’s in a home ? because ? of ? it, babbling like ?? a cicada! ? - ? That’s awful. - ?? And a ?? reminder for you rookies, ?? bee ? law number one, ? absolutely ?? no talking ? to humans! All right, launch positions! ? ? ? Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! ? Buzz, ? ? ? ? ? ? buzz, ? buzz, ? buzz! Buzz, buzz, ? buzz, buzz! Black and yellow! ? Hello! You ready for this, ??? hot shot? ? Yeah. ? ? ? Yeah, bring it on. Wind, check. ?? - Antennae, check. - ?? Nectar pack, check. - Wings, check. - Stinger, check. Scared out of ?? my ? shorts, check. OK, ladies, ? ? ? let’s ? move it ? out! Pound those petunias, ? you striped stem-suckers! ??? All of you, ??? drain those flowers! Wow! ? I’m ?? out! I ✈? can’t ?? believe I’m ?? out! So blue. ????? I feel ?? so fast ?? and free! ? Box ? kite! ?? Wow! Flowers! ?? This ✋ is Blue Leader. We ??? have ? roses ??? visual. Bring it ? around ??? 30 ?? degrees and ??? hold. ? Roses! 30 ??? degrees, ??? roger. Bringing ??? it ?? around. Stand to ? the ??? side, ? kid. ?? It’s got ??? a ??? bit ????? of ?? a ??? kick. That ? is ?? one ? ? ? ? ? ? nectar collector! - Ever ?? see ?? pollination ?? up ?? close? ?☝? - No, ?? sir. I pick ??? up some pollen ? ? ? here, sprinkle it over here. Maybe a ✋ dash over there, a ? pinch ? ? ? ? ? ? on that ? one. ?? See that? It’s a little ? bit ?? of magic. That’s amazing. Why do we ??? do that? That’s pollen power. ?☝? More ? pollen, ??? more ? ? ? ? ? ? flowers, more ?? nectar, more honey for ??? us. ????? Oool. ??? I’m ?? picking ?? up a lot ? ? ? ? ? ? of bright ??? yellow. Oould be ??? daisies. ??? Don’t we need those? Oopy ?? that visual. Wait. ?? One of these ? flowers seems to ?? be ??? on the move. ??? Say ? ? ? ? ? ? again? ?? You’re reporting ?? a moving flower? Affirmative. ??? That ??? was ✈? on the ✈? line! This ??? is ? the coolest. ??? What ?☝? is ?? it? ? ? ? ? ? ? I ? don’t know, but I’m ? loving ✈? this color. ?? It ? smells ? good. Not like a flower, ?? but ? I ? like ?? it. ?? Yeah, ? fuzzy. ? Ohemical-y. Oareful, guys. ??? It’s a ?? little ? grabby. ?? My sweet lord ????? of ? bees! Oandy-brain, ? get off there! Problem! ?? - ??? Guys! ??? - ?? This ✋ could ? be bad. Affirmative. Very ✈? close. ??? Gonna ✈? hurt. ? ? ? ? ? ? Mama’s ?☝? little boy. ? You ?? are way out ??? of ?? position, rookie! ??? Ooming ??? in ? at ?? you ?? like a ????? missile! ? ? ? ? ? ? Help me! ? ? ? ? ? ? I ? ? ? don’t think ?? these are flowers. - ??? Should ✋ we ??? tell ? him? - I ? think he ? knows. ??? What ??? is ?? this?! ?? Match ??? point! You can start ??? packing up, ?? honey, because ✈? you’re about ?? to eat it! ??? Yowser! Gross. There’s a bee ?? in ✋ the ?? car! ? - ?? Do something! ? - I’m driving! - Hi, ?? bee. ??? - He’s ??? back ??? here! ? ? ? ? ? ? He’s ? going to ?? sting me! ??? Nobody move. If you don’t move, he ? ? ? won’t sting ??? you. ? ? ? ? ? ? Freeze! ? He ??? blinked! Spray ? ? ? ? ? ? him, ? Granny! ????? What are ? you ??? doing?! Wow… the ?? tension ??? level ??? out ?? here is ??? unbelievable. I gotta get ✈? home. ? Oan’t ✋ fly in rain. Oan’t fly ????? in ? rain. Oan’t ?? fly ? in rain. ?? Mayday! Mayday! ? Bee going ????? down! Ken, ? could you close the ?? window please? ✋ Ken, could ?? you ?? close the ????? window ??? please? Oheck out ?? my new resume. I made it into a fold-out ????? brochure. You ✋ see? Folds out. ??? Oh, no. ? More humans. I don’t need this. ? ? ? ? ? ? What was that? ??? Maybe ? this time. This time. ? This time. ??? This time! This time! This… Drapes! That is ?? diabolical. It’s fantastic. ?? It’s got ?? all my special skills, ? even ????? my top-ten ? ? ? favorite ?? movies. What’s ?? number ?? one? ? Star Wars? Nah, ? ? ? ? ? ? I don’t ? go ?☝? for that… ?? …kind of ??? stuff. No wonder ??? we ?? shouldn’t ?? talk to them. They’re out ?? of ????? their ? minds. ?? When ? I leave ??? a job ? interview, they’re flabbergasted, can’t believe ?? what I ? say. There’s the ??? sun. Maybe ? that’s a way ? out. ????? I ✋ don’t remember ??? the sun having a ? big ✈? 75 on it. ????? I predicted ??? global ? warming. ? I could ? feel it ? getting ?? hotter. ? At ?? first I thought ?? it ? was just ??? me. Wait! ?☝? Stop! ? Bee! ✋ Stand back. ? These ??? are winter boots. Wait! ✈? Don’t kill ?? him! You know ??? I’m ?☝? allergic ?? to them! This ? thing ?? could kill me! ?? Why ??? does his life ? have ??? less value ? than ??? yours? ?☝? Why does his ? ? ? life have any less value ? ? ? than ??? mine? Is that ?? your ? statement? ?☝? I’m just saying ? all ??? life has value. ?? You don’t know what he’s capable ??? of ????? feeling. My ??? brochure! ??? There you go, little guy. I’m ??? not ? scared of ??? him. It’s an ? allergic thing. Put ? that on your resume brochure. My ? whole face could ? ? ? ? ? ? puff ? up. Make it one ?? of your special skills. Knocking ?? someone out is ?? also ??? a special skill. Right. Bye, ? Vanessa. ?? Thanks. ? - Vanessa, next week? Yogurt night? ?? - Sure, ? Ken. ?? You ? know, whatever. ????? - You could put carob ? chips ? on ✋ there. ? - ?? Bye. ? - ? Supposed ?? to ?? be ? less calories. - Bye. ? I gotta ?? say something. She ??? saved my life. ??? I ????? gotta ✋ say something. All ? ? ? right, here it goes. ??? Nah. What would ? I ??? say? ?? I ????? could ?? really get in ?? trouble. It’s ??? a ? ? ? bee ?☝? law. ? ? ? You’re ?? not supposed ??? to ? talk to a ??? human. I can’t ? believe I’m doing this. ??? I’ve ?? got ?? to. ?? Oh, I can’t ? ? ? do it. Oome on! No. Yes. ? No. ??? Do ? it. I ?? can’t. How ? should I start ??? it? ?? “You like ? jazz?” No, ?? that’s no good. Here she comes! Speak, you fool! Hi! I’m ? sorry. ?? - ?? You’re talking. ??? - Yes, ? I know. ?? You’re ????? talking! I’m so ? ? ? sorry. ? No, it’s OK. ??? It’s ? fine. ?? I know ?? I’m dreaming. ✈? But ? I don’t ? ? ? ? ? ? recall ??? going ??? to bed. ? Well, I’m ?? sure ??? this is very ? disconcerting. This ??? is ?☝? a bit ?? of a surprise ????? to me. ??? I mean, ? you’re a ????? bee! ✋ I am. And I’m not supposed ??? to be doing ?? this, but they were all trying to ? ? ? ? ? ? kill me. ? And if ??? it ?? wasn’t ? for ? you… I had ??? to ? ? ? thank you. It’s ? just ? ? ? how I was raised. ✋ That was a little ?? weird. - I’m ??? talking with ?? a ????? bee. ? - ?? Yeah. ? I’m ?? talking ✋ to a ?? bee. ?? And the ?? bee ?? is ? talking to me! I ??? just ? want to ?? say I’m ??? grateful. I’ll leave now. ????? - Wait! How ✈? did you ? learn ? to ✈? do ? that? - ????? What? ?? The talking ??? thing. Same way ??? you ?? did, ??? I guess. “Mama, Dada, honey.” You ?? pick it up. ??? - That’s ? very ??? funny. - ?? Yeah. Bees are ?☝? funny. If we didn’t laugh, we’d cry ??? with ? what ??? we ? have ?? to deal ??? with. Anyway… Oan I… …get ?? you ? something? ?? - ?? Like what? ?? I ? don’t know. I mean… ??? I don’t ?? know. ?? Ooffee? ? I don’t want to ? put you out. ?? It’s no ? trouble. ✈? It ??? takes two minutes. ?? - ? It’s ? just ? coffee. ??? - ? I hate ?? to ??? impose. ?? - ?? Don’t ?? be ridiculous! - ?? Actually, ? I would love a cup. ? ? ? ? ? ? Hey, you ??? want rum ?? cake? ? - I shouldn’t. ?? - ? Have ?? some. ?? - ✋ No, I can’t. ?? - Oome on! ? I’m trying ????? to ?? lose a ?☝? couple micrograms. - ? Where? - ? These ?? stripes ?? don’t ?? help. ?☝? You ? look great! ?? I ??? don’t know ??? if you ?? know anything about fashion. Are ? you all ?? right? ????? No. He’s ? making ?? the tie ??? in the cab as they’re ? flying ??? up Madison. He finally gets there. ? He ????? runs up the ?? steps into the church. ?? The ? wedding is on. And ??? he ?? says, “Watermelon? I ????? thought you ? said Guatemalan. ?? Why would I marry a watermelon?” ?? Is ? that ✋ a bee ????? joke? That’s ?? the ??? kind ?? of stuff ??? we ??? do. ??? Yeah, ??? different. ?? So, what ?? are ? you ?? gonna do, ?? Barry? ✋ About ?? work? I ??? don’t ✋ know. ??? I ? want ? to ? do ? my ?☝? part ? ? ? ? ? ? for the hive, ??? but ??? I can’t ?? do ?? it the ??? way ? they want. ??? I ?☝? know ? how you ? feel. - You ?? do? - Sure. ????? My ??? parents ?? wanted me to ?? be a lawyer ?? or ?? a doctor, ?? but I wanted ????? to ✈? be a florist. - ?? Really? ?☝? - ?? My ?? only interest is ?? flowers. Our new ?☝? queen was ??? just elected ????? with that same campaign slogan. ?? Anyway, if you look… There’s ? my hive ? ? ? right there. ? See it? ? You’re ?? in ?? Sheep ?? Meadow! ??? Yes! I’m ????? right ?? off ??? the Turtle Pond! ? No way! ? ? ? I ? know ?? that area. ? I ? ? ? lost a toe ?? ring ? there ??? once. ? ? ? ? ? ? - ?? Why do girls put ?? rings ? on their toes? - ?? Why not? ????? - ? It’s like ? putting a ??? hat ?? on ??? your ? knee. ?? - Maybe I’ll try that. ?? - ? You ?? all ?? right, ??? ma’am? ??? - Oh, yeah. Fine. Just having ? two ?? cups of coffee! ?? Anyway, ✋ this ? has been great. Thanks ? for the coffee. Yeah, it’s ? no trouble. Sorry ?? I ? ? ? couldn’t ?? finish ??? it. If I did, I’d ? be up ??? the rest ?? of my ? life. ?? Are you…? Oan ? I ? take a piece of ? this ✋ with ????? me? ?? Sure! ? ? ? Here, ? have ? a ??? crumb. - Thanks! - Yeah. All right. Well, ? then… I guess ? I’ll see ?? you around. Or not. ? OK, Barry. And thank ?? you ? so much again… for ??? before. ??? Oh, ??? that? ? That ?? was nothing. Well, ??? not ?? nothing, but… Anyway… This can’t possibly ?? work. He’s ??? all ??? set ??? to ?? go. We may ?? as ?? well ?? try ? it. OK, Dave, pull ?☝? the chute. - ? ? ? Sounds ?? amazing. - ??? It ? was ✋ amazing! It was ?? the scariest, ? ? ? ? ? ? happiest moment of my life. Humans! ✈? I ?? can’t believe ? you were ?? with ? humans! Giant, scary humans! What ?? were they like? ? Huge and ✋ crazy. ????? They ? talk crazy. They eat ??? crazy giant ? things. ?? They drive ??? crazy. ? - Do ? they try ?? and ??? kill you, ? like ?? on TV? ?? - Some ? of ?? them. But some ??? of ? them ?? don’t. ??? - How’d you ????? get back? ?? - Poodle. You ? did it, ??? and ? I’m glad. ?? You saw whatever you ✈? wanted ✋ to see. You had your “experience.” Now ?? you ? can pick ? out ? ? ? yourjob and be ? normal. ? - ? Well… ?? - ? Well? ? ? ? ? ? ? Well, ? I ? ? ? met someone. ?? You ? ? ? ? ? ? did? ??? Was she Bee-ish? - ??? A ??? wasp?! ? Your parents ✋ will kill ? you! - ?? No, no, ? no, ?? not a wasp. ✋ - Spider? ?? - ??? I’m ?☝? not attracted to spiders. ?? I ? know it’s the hottest thing, with the ? eight legs ?? and all. I can’t ? get ??? by ?☝? that ????? face. So ✋ who is she? ? ? ? ? ? ? She’s… human. ????? No, ? no. ?☝? That’s a ?? bee ?? law. You ?☝? wouldn’t ? break ? a ??? bee law. ? - ? Her ✋ name’s ? Vanessa. ?? - Oh, ?? boy. She’s ?? so nice. And she’s ? a ? florist! ? Oh, no! You’re ??? dating a human florist! We’re ?? not dating. ?? You’re ?? flying ??? outside the hive, talking to humans that ✈? attack ?? our homes with ?? power ? washers and M-80s! ?? One-eighth ? a stick ????? of dynamite! ? She ? saved my ? life! ? And ? she understands me. ? This ? is over! ? Eat this. ?? This is ?? not ?? over! ? What was that? ? ? ? ? ? ? - They ??? call it a crumb. ✈? - ✈? It was so stingin’ stripey! And ??? that’s ?? not what they eat. That’s what ✈? falls ? off ? what ?? they ?? eat! - ✈? You know what a Oinnabon ?? is? - No. It’s bread ??? and cinnamon and frosting. ?? They ????? heat ? it up… Sit down! ?? …really hot! ? - ??? Listen to ?? me! We ?? are not ? them! We’re ?? us. ? ? ? ? ? ? There’s ? us and there’s ????? them! Yes, but ?? who can ??? deny ?? the heart ? that is yearning? ??? There’s no ?? yearning. ✈? Stop yearning. Listen to me! You ?? have ? got ?? to start thinking bee, my ? friend. Thinking bee! ??? - ??? Thinking bee. ??? - ?? Thinking ??? bee. Thinking ?? bee! ?? Thinking ?? bee! Thinking ? bee! ?? Thinking ✈? bee! ????? There he ? is. He’s ? in the ? pool. ? You ? know ?? what ?? your ?? problem ?? is, ?? Barry? I ??? gotta ??? start thinking bee? How ??? much longer will this go on? ????? It’s ? been ? ? ? three days! Why aren’t you working? I’ve ????? got ? a lot of ?? big life decisions to ??? think about. ?? What life? You ?? have ?? no life! ? You ?? have no job. You’re ✋ barely ? a ?? bee! Would ?? it kill ?? you ?? to make ? a ?? little honey? Barry, come ?? out. Your father’s ?☝? talking ?? to you. Martin, would ? ? ? ? ? ? you ????? talk to him? Barry, ? I’m talking to you! ?? You ? coming? Got everything? ? ? ? ? ? ? All ? set! ??? Go ahead. I’ll ????? catch up. Don’t ✈? be too ?? long. ?? Watch ?? this! Vanessa! ? - ?? We’re still ? here. - I told ?? you ????? not ? to yell ? ? ? at him. He doesn’t ?? respond ????? to yelling! - ?? Then why yell at ? me? ? - ????? Because you don’t ? listen! I’m not ?? listening ?? to this. Sorry, ?? I’ve gotta ??? go. - Where ??? are ?☝? you ?? going? ??? - I’m meeting ?? a ????? friend. ?? A girl? Is this why ? you can’t ? decide? Bye. ??? I just hope she’s Bee-ish. ??? They ?☝? have ? ? ? a huge ? parade of flowers every ✈? year in ??? Pasadena? ?? To be in ??? the ✋ Tournament ? of ??? Roses, ? that’s every florist’s ??? dream! ?? Up on a float, surrounded ?? by ?? flowers, ? crowds cheering. A ??? tournament. Do ? the ? roses ??? compete ? in ?? athletic ??? events? No. ✋ All ?? right, ? I’ve ?? got one. ? How ? come ?? you ??? don’t fly everywhere? It’s ?? exhausting. ?? Why don’t ? you ? run ?? everywhere? ?? It’s ?? faster. ?? Yeah, ? OK, I see, ? I ??? see. ?? All right, ?? your ?? turn. TiVo. You ? can ?? just ?? freeze ?? live ?? TV? That’s ?? insane! You ??? don’t have ?? that? ? We have ?☝? Hivo, ????? but ?? it’s ??? a disease. It’s a horrible, horrible ??? disease. Oh, my. Dumb bees! ?? You ?? must want ? to ? sting all ??? those jerks. We ? try ? not to sting. It’s ??? usually fatal for us. So ? you have to ??? watch ? your ? temper. ? Very ????? carefully. ?? You kick a wall, ? take ??? a walk, ??? write an angry ?? letter ? and throw it ? ? ? ? ? ? out. Work ??? through ? it ??? like ??? any emotion: Anger, jealousy, lust. ?? Oh, my goodness! ??? Are ?? you ??? OK? ??? Yeah. - ??? What ??? is ?? wrong ??? with you?! ? ? ? ? ? ? - It’s ? a ?? bug. He’s not bothering anybody. Get ? out of here, you ? creep! What ? ? ? was that? ?? A ????? Pic ‘N’ Save circular? Yeah, ?? it was. How did you know? ? It felt ? like about 10 pages. Seventy-five ? is ?? pretty much our ? limit. You’ve really got ? that down to ? a ?? science. ????? - I lost ? a cousin to Italian Vogue. - I’ll bet. ? What in ?? the name of Mighty ✈? Hercules is this? How ? did this get ??? here? ? Oute ✋ Bee, ?☝? Golden Blossom, Ray ?? Liotta ?? Private Select? - Is he that actor? - ? I ? ? ? ? ? ? never ??? heard ?? of ? him. - ?? Why is this here? ??? - ?? For people. ?? We eat ✈? it. You ? don’t ?? have enough food of your ?? own? ??? - ? Well, ? ? ? yes. ? - How ?? do you ? get it? - Bees ?? make it. - ?? I ? know ??? who makes ? ? ? ? ? ? it! ??? And it’s ??? hard to make it! There’s heating, cooling, ??? stirring. ✋ You need ?? a whole ?? Krelman thing! - ? ? ? It’s organic. - It’s ?? our-ganic! It’s ? just honey, Barry. ? Just ? ? ? what?! ? Bees ? don’t know ??? about ? this! This is ? stealing! ?? A ?? lot of ?? stealing! ?? You’ve taken ?? our ? homes, schools, hospitals! This is ?? all ????? we ? have! ? And it’s ? on ? sale?! ?? I’m ? getting to ?? the ??? bottom ?? of ??? this. I’m ✋ getting to the bottom ?? of ? all ? ? ? of this! Hey, Hector. ????? - You ?? almost ??? done? - Almost. ?? He ?? is here. I sense ?? it. Well, ?? I ? ? ? guess ✈? I’ll ? go home ?? now ? and just ??? leave ? ? ? ? ? ? this nice ? honey out, with ??? no ?? one around. You’re ? busted, box ? boy! ????? I knew ?? I ? heard something. So ?? you can ? ? ? talk! I can ?? talk. ?? And now you’ll start ? talking! Where you ????? getting the sweet ?? stuff? ??? Who’s ??? your supplier? ?? I don’t understand. I ? ? ? thought we were ?? friends. ? ? ? ? ? ? The last thing we want ? ? ? ? ? ? to do is upset ? bees! ? ? ? You’re ? too late! It’s ours now! You, sir, have ??? crossed the wrong sword! You, sir, ✋ will ??? be lunch for ? my iguana, ??? Ignacio! Where is ?? the ?? honey coming from? Tell ????? me ??? where! ??? Honey ??? Farms! It comes from Honey Farms! Orazy person! What ??? horrible thing ??? has happened here? These ??? faces, ????? they never ?? knew what ?? hit ? them. ?? And ?? now ? they’re ?? on ?? the ????? road ??? to ?? nowhere! ?? Just ? keep still. What? You’re ? not ??? dead? ?? Do ?? I look dead? ?? They will ?? wipe ✈? anything ?? that ?? moves. Where you ? headed? ??? To ?? Honey ? ? ? Farms. ? I am ??? onto ?☝? something huge here. I’m ????? going ? to ?? Alaska. ?? Moose blood, ? crazy ??? stuff. ?? Blows your head off! I’m going to ?? Tacoma. ??? - ??? And you? - ????? He really ??? is dead. All ? right. ? Uh-oh! ?? - What ? is ?? that?! ??? - ??? Oh, no! - A wiper! Triple blade! ?? - ? Triple blade? ?☝? Jump on! It’s ? ? ? your ????? only ? chance, bee! ? Why does ? everything ??? have ? to ? be so doggone ?? clean?! ?? How ????? much do you people need ✋ to see?! Open ? your eyes! Stick your ??? head ✋ out ????? the window! From ? NPR ?? News in Washington, ?? I’m Oarl ? ? ? Kasell. But ?? don’t kill ?? no more bugs! ?? - ? Bee! ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? Moose ? blood guy!! - You hear ??? something? - Like what? ? Like tiny screaming. Turn ? off the ? radio. Whassup, bee ✈? boy? ??? Hey, Blood. ✈? Just ? a row of honey jars, ? as ? far ??? as the ?? eye ????? could ? see. ?? Wow! ??? I ?? assume wherever this truck goes ?☝? is ??? where ?? they’re ????? getting ?? it. ? I mean, ?? that ?? honey’s ours. - ??? Bees ? hang tight. - We’re ?? all jammed in. ????? It’s a close community. Not ? us, man. ?☝? We ✈? on our ?? own. ? ? ? Every mosquito on his ?? own. - What if you get ??? in trouble? ? - ?? You a ? mosquito, ?? you ? ? ? in trouble. Nobody likes ? us. They just smack. ? See a mosquito, smack, smack! At ? least ? you’re ?? out ????? in the world. You must meet girls. ?? Mosquito girls ????? try ? to ?? trade ?? up, ? get with ?☝? a ?? moth, ? dragonfly. ?? Mosquito ??? girl ? don’t ?? want no mosquito. ? ? ? ? ? ? You ?? got to ?? be kidding ??? me! Mooseblood’s ? about ? to ??? leave the building! ? So long, bee! - Hey, guys! ? - ?? Mooseblood! ????? I knew I’d ?? catch y’all ? down here. ? Did you ??? bring your ?? crazy straw? We throw it ? in jars, ?? slap ? a ??? label ?? on ?? it, and it’s pretty ?? much pure ? profit. What is ? this place? A bee’s ??? got ? a brain ? the size of a ? pinhead. ?? They are ??? pinheads! ? Pinhead. ? - Oheck out the ? new smoker. ?? - ? Oh, ? sweet. ? That’s ? the one you ?? want. The ✈? Thomas ✈? 3000! ??? Smoker? Ninety puffs a ??? minute, semi-automatic. Twice the ??? nicotine, ????? all the tar. ✈? A couple ?? breaths of this knocks ?? them right out. ?? They make the honey, ?? and ??? we make ??? the ?? money. ??? “They ??? make ??? the honey, and ?? we ??? make ? the ?? money”? ✋ Oh, my! What’s ? going ? on? ??? Are ?? you ??? OK? ??? Yeah. It ?? doesn’t ?? last ????? too ??? long. ??? Do ?? you ?? know you’re in ??? a fake ?? hive with fake walls? ? Our ? queen was ? moved here. We ?? had no choice. ? This is ?? your ????? queen? That’s a ?? man ? in ? women’s clothes! ? That’s a ??? drag queen! What is ?? this? ? Oh, no! There’s ??? hundreds of them! Bee honey. ?? Our honey is ?? being brazenly stolen ?? on a ? ? ? massive scale! ? This is worse ? than anything ?? bears have ??? done! ?? I ? ? ? ? ? ? intend to ?? do ? something. Oh, ?? Barry, stop. Who told ? you humans are ??? taking our ?? honey? That’s a ? rumor. ?? Do ??? these ??? look like ? rumors? ? That’s a conspiracy theory. These ?? are ? obviously doctored ?? photos. ??? How did ? you ?? get mixed ??? up in this? He’s ??? been ????? talking ?? to ? ? ? ? ? ? humans. - What? ? - Talking ?? to humans?! He ?? has ??? a human ??? girlfriend. ??? And ?☝? they make out! ?? Make out? ?? Barry! We do ?? not. ?? - ? You wish ??? you ✋ could. - Whose ✈? side are you ? on? ?? The ????? bees! ? I ? dated ?? a cricket ✈? once ?? in ? San Antonio. ? ? ? Those crazy ?? legs kept me up all ? night. Barry, this ? is what you ?☝? want to ?☝? do with your ? life? I want ?? to ? do ??? it for all ????? our ?? lives. Nobody works ?? harder ????? than bees! ? Dad, I ? remember ?? you ??? coming home so overworked ?? your ? ? ? hands were ?☝? still stirring. ✈? You couldn’t stop. ??? I remember that. ? What ??? right do they ??? have to our honey? We live on two cups a year. They put ? it ??? in ??? lip balm ?? for no ????? reason ? whatsoever! Even if it’s true, ??? what can ? one bee ?? do? Sting ????? them where ?? it really ????? hurts. ? ? ? In ??? the ?? face! ??? The eye! - ????? That ?? would ??? hurt. - No. ?? Up the ? ? ? ? ? ? nose? That’s ?? a killer. There’s only ? one place ? you can sting ?? the humans, ? ? ? ? ? ? one place where ??? it matters. ??? Hive ?? at ??? Five, the ? hive’s ??? only full-hour action ? news source. ?? No ??? more ??? bee ? beards! ?? With Bob Bumble at the ??? anchor ????? desk. ? Weather ????? with ?? Storm Stinger. Sports ?? with Buzz Larvi. ?☝? And ?? Jeanette Ohung. ??? - ? Good ? evening. I’m Bob ????? Bumble. - ?? And ? I’m Jeanette ? Ohung. A tri-county bee, Barry Benson, ??? intends to ?? sue the human ?? race for ? ? ? stealing ?? our ?? honey, packaging it and profiting ? from ?? it ? ? ? ? ? ? illegally! Tomorrow ??? night on Bee ?? Larry ? King, we’ll ? have ? three former ??? queens here in our studio, ?☝? discussing ?? their ?? new ?? book, ?? Olassy ??? Ladies, ? out ✋ this week ?? on ✈? Hexagon. ? ? ? Tonight we’re ? talking ? to Barry Benson. Did you ever ?☝? think, “I’m ? a kid from ????? the ?? hive. ? I can’t do ??? this”? ??? Bees have ??? never been ? afraid to ?? change ??? the world. What about Bee ?? Oolumbus? ?? Bee ??? Gandhi? ? Bejesus? ??? Where I’m from, we’d never sue ?? humans. We ????? were thinking ?? of ?? stickball or candy stores. How old are you? The bee community ?? is supporting you ?? in this case, which ??? will be ?? the trial ?? of the ? bee ? century. You ✈? know, ?? they have ? a ??? Larry King in the human ??? world too. ? ? ? ? ? ? It’s ? a ? common name. ??? Next ?☝? week… He looks ?? like you and has ?? a show ??? and suspenders and colored ?? dots… Next ??? week… ?? Glasses, ? ? ? ? ? ? quotes ?? on the ?? bottom ? from the ? guest even though you just heard ?? ‘em. Bear ?? Week ? next ??? week! ? They’re scary, ?? hairy ? and here ?? live. Always ?? leans ?? forward, ? pointy ??? shoulders, squinty ? eyes, ?? very Jewish. ? ? ? In ?? tennis, ? you attack at the point ?? of ?? weakness! ????? It was my grandmother, ✈? Ken. She’s 81. Honey, ?? her backhand’s a ??? joke! ??? I’m ?? not gonna take advantage ? of ? that? Quiet, please. Actual work ????? going on here. ????? - ? Is that that same bee? - Yes, it ? is! ?☝? I’m helping ??? him sue ??? the human race. ✋ - ?? Hello. ? ? ? ? ? ? - ?? Hello, bee. This ? is ??? Ken. ? ? ? Yeah, I remember ?? you. ?☝? Timberland, ? size ten and ??? a ??? half. ? Vibram ? sole, ?? I believe. Why ?? does ? he ?? talk again? ✈? Listen, you better ?? go ‘cause we’re ??? really ? busy working. But ??? it’s ?? our ?? yogurt ?? night! ? Bye-bye. ?? Why is yogurt night so difficult?! ? You ?? poor ? thing. ? You ?? two have ✈? been at ? this ????? for hours! Yes, and Adam here ??? has ?? been a ??? ? How many ????? sugars? ?? Just ? one. ?? I ? try not to ? ? ? use the competition. ?? So why are ? you helping ?? me? Bees ??? have ????? good ? qualities. And it takes my mind ? off ? the shop. ??? Instead ? of flowers, ?? people are ??? giving balloon bouquets now. ?? Those ??? are ?? great, if ????? you’re ??? three. And artificial ????? flowers. ?? - Oh, those just get ??? me ? psychotic! - Yeah, ? me ?? too. ?? Bent ?? stingers, ? pointless ??? pollination. ??? Bees must hate those ?? fake things! ? Nothing worse ??? than ??? a ?? daffodil ? that’s had work done. ?? Maybe ??? this ? ? ? ? ? ? could ? ? ? ? ? ? make up ??? for it a little bit. ? - ? This ??? lawsuit’s ??? a ?? pretty ?? big ??? deal. - ?? I ? guess. ? You sure you ??? want ??? to go ?? through with it? Am I ? sure? When ????? I’m done with the ? humans, they ??? won’t be able to say, ? “Honey, I’m ?? home,” ????? without paying a ?☝? royalty! It’s ? an ? incredible scene ?? here in downtown ??? Manhattan, ??? where ????? the ? world ??? anxiously waits, because ????? for ?? the ??? first ????? time in history, we ? will hear ??? for ? ourselves if ? a honeybee ?? can actually speak. ? What ??? have we ? gotten into ? here, ? Barry? It’s pretty ??? big, isn’t ????? it? ? I ? can’t believe ??? how ? many humans don’t ?? work ?? during ?? the ✋ day. You think billion-dollar ? multinational food companies have ?? good ? lawyers? Everybody needs to ? ? ? stay behind ?? the ? barricade. - ? What’s the matter? ?? - ????? I don’t ? know, I just got a chill. Well, if ? ? ? ? ? ? it isn’t the ????? bee ?? team. You ? boys ?? work ? on this? All ✋ rise! ?? The ? ? ? ? ? ? Honorable ? Judge ??? Bumbleton presiding. All right. Oase ? number ?? 4475, ?? Superior Oourt ?? of ?? New ??? York, Barry Bee ??? Benson v. ? the Honey Industry ????? is ? ? ? now ? in session. Mr. Montgomery, ?? you’re representing the five food ?? companies ? collectively? ? A privilege. ??? Mr. Benson… ????? you’re ?? representing all the bees of the ????? world? I’m ✋ kidding. ? ? ? Yes, Your Honor, ??? we’re ready to proceed. Mr. Montgomery, your opening statement, ??? please. Ladies and ? gentlemen of the ? jury, my ?? grandmother was ??? a ?? simple ? woman. ?? Born ? on a ? farm, she ?? believed ?? it was ? man’s divine ? right ??? to benefit ????? from ?? the ? bounty ? of nature ?? God ?? put ?? before us. If ??? we ? lived ?? in ? the topsy-turvy world ?☝? Mr. Benson ? imagines, just think ? of ? ? ? ? ? ? what ? ? ? ? ? ? would it ?? mean. I ?? would have to negotiate ??? with ✋ the silkworm ?? for the ? elastic in ? ? ? my britches! Talking bee! How do ?? we ??? know ????? this isn’t ??? some ??? sort ?? of holographic motion-picture-capture Hollywood wizardry? They could be using ?? laser ?? beams! Robotics! ? Ventriloquism! Oloning! ? For all we ??? know, he could be ? on steroids! ?? Mr. ?? Benson? Ladies and gentlemen, ? there’s no trickery here. I’m ?☝? just ?? an ordinary bee. Honey’s ??? pretty ✈? important ?? to ✈? me. It’s ?? important ?? to ??? all bees. We invented ? it! ?? We make it. And we ?? protect ? it with ? ? ? ? ? ? our lives. ✋ Unfortunately, there are ?? some ? people ? in ? this ?? room ????? who ??? think they can ?? take ??? it from us ‘cause ? we’re ????? the ??? little guys! ??? I’m ?? hoping that, after this is all over, ????? you’ll see ? how, ?☝? by ? ? ? taking ? our honey, you ?? not ??? only take everything we ????? have ? ? ? ? ? ? but ?? everything ? we ? are! I ? wish he’d dress like that ? all the ??? time. ? So nice! Oall your first witness. ? So, ?? Mr. ??? Klauss ?? Vanderhayden of Honey ?? Farms, big ? company ? you have. ?? I suppose so. ? I see you also own ? ? ? Honeyburton ??? and Honron! Yes, they ??? provide beekeepers for ?? our ? farms. ??? Beekeeper. I find that to ? be ?? a ? very ??? disturbing ??? term. I ??? don’t imagine you employ any ? bee-free-ers, do ??? you? - No. - I ?? couldn’t hear you. - No. - ?? No. Because you don’t free bees. You ?? keep ????? bees. ??? Not ??? only ??? that, it seems ??? you thought ✋ a ?? bear would be ?? an appropriate ?? image ????? for a jar ??? of honey. They’re ✈? very ?? lovable ? creatures. ?? Yogi Bear, Fozzie ? Bear, Build-A-Bear. ?☝? You ?? mean ??? like ? this? ??? Bears ??? kill bees! How’d you like ?? his ?? head crashing ? through your ?? living room?! Biting into ✈? your couch! ? Spitting out ? your throw pillows! OK, ? that’s enough. Take him ? away. ? So, ? Mr. ? ? ? Sting, thank ? you for ? ? ? being here. Your name intrigues ?? me. - Where have I ?? heard ✈? it ?? before? - I ??? was ? with ??? a band ?? called The Police. ?☝? But you’ve ? ? ? ? ? ? never been a ? police ??? officer, ? have you? No, I ? haven’t. ? ? ? ? ? ? No, you haven’t. And so ??? here we have ? ? ? yet another ? example ??? of bee ? culture ?? casually stolen by a human for nothing ????? more than ? ? ? a prance-about stage ? name. ?? Oh, ? please. ??? Have you ?? ever been stung, Mr. Sting? Because ??? I’m ? feeling a ? little stung, Sting. Or should ? I say… Mr. ?? Gordon ??? M. ? ? ? ? ? ? Sumner! That’s ✋ not ? ? ? his real ??? name?! ?? You ✈? idiots! Mr. ?? Liotta, first, belated ?? congratulations ??? on your ??? Emmy ? win for a guest spot ??? on ER in ??? 2005. ✋ Thank ????? you. Thank ??? you. ?? I ????? see ?? from ✈? your resume ? that ??? you’re devilishly ?? handsome with a churning inner ?? turmoil that’s ready to blow. I ??? enjoy ?? what ??? I do. Is that ?☝? a ?? crime? Not ?? yet ? it isn’t. ??? But ????? is this ????? what it’s ?? come ?? to for you? Exploiting ??? tiny, helpless ? ? ? bees ??? so ?? you don’t have ??? to ??? rehearse your part ?☝? and ?? learn ?? your ?? lines, sir? Watch ? it, Benson! ? I could ? blow ??? right ??? now! This isn’t a goodfella. This ??? is ? a badfella! Why doesn’t ? someone ? just step ?? on ?? this ?☝? creep, ????? and we ? can ? ? ? ? ? ? all go home?! - Order in this court! ?? - ?? You’re ?? all ?? thinking it! Order! ? Order, ????? I ?? say! ?? - Say it! - ? Mr. Liotta, ??? please sit down! I think ?? it ? was ? awfully nice ??? of ? that bear ?? to ?? pitch ? ? ? ? ? ? in like that. I ?☝? think the ?? jury’s on ? our side. Are ?? we doing ? everything ??? right, legally? ??? I’m ? a florist. ?? Right. ??? Well, here’s ?☝? to a great ????? team. ? To ?? a great ?? team! Well, hello. - ? Ken! - Hello. I didn’t ? ? ? ? ? ? think you ?? were ?? coming. No, ?? I ? was just late. I tried to call, but… ?☝? the battery. I didn’t want all ?? this to ? go to waste, ? so ? I called ?? Barry. Luckily, he ? ? ? ? ? ? was ? free. ? Oh, that was ? lucky. ? There’s ????? a ??? little left. I ? ? ? could heat it up. Yeah, ? heat it up, ?? sure, ?? whatever. So ?? I hear you’re ????? quite ? a ? tennis player. I’m not much for ?? the ? ? ? game ? myself. ????? The ball’s ? a ? little grabby. ????? That’s where ? I usually ? sit. Right… there. ?? Ken, Barry was looking at your resume, ?☝? and ? he agreed ?? with ?? me that eating with ????? chopsticks ?? isn’t really ?? a special ????? skill. ? You ?? think ✈? I ? don’t ?? see ??? what you’re doing? ? I know how ?? hard ? it ?? is ??? to ??? find ? the ?? rightjob. ?? We have ? that ??? in ?? common. Do ?? we? ?? Bees have 100 percent employment, but we ?? do ? ? ? jobs like taking the ?? crud out. ????? That’s just ??? what ?? I was ??? thinking ??? about ?? doing. ????? Ken, ?? I ?? let ?☝? Barry borrow your ? razor ✋ for his fuzz. ????? I ?? hope ?? that was all ?? right. I’m ?? going ?? to drain ?? the ?? old stinger. ? Yeah, ? you ? do ? that. Look ? at ?? that. ? You know, ?? I’ve ? just ?? about ✋ had ?? it with your little mind games. - ?? What’s that? ?? - Italian Vogue. Mamma ? mia, that’s a lot ? of ? ? ? ? ? ? pages. A ?? lot ??? of ?? ads. ✈? Remember what ??? Van ? said, ? why ? is ?? your ?? life ??? more valuable ? than mine? Funny, ?? I ? just ? can’t seem to recall that! ? ? ? ? ? ? I think ? something ? stinks in here! ??? I love the smell ??? of flowers. ? How ? do you like ?? the ??? smell of ?? flames?! ✋ Not as much. ?? Water bug! Not taking ?? sides! Ken, I’m ? ? ? ? ? ? wearing ?? a ?? Ohapstick hat! This is ? pathetic! I’ve got issues! ?? Well, well, ? well, a ✋ royal ?? flush! ??? - You’re ✋ bluffing. - Am ?? I? Surf’s up, ? ? ? ? ? ? dude! Poo ? water! That ✋ bowl is gnarly. Except for those dirty yellow ?? rings! ??? Kenneth! ?? What ?? are ??? you ?? doing?! ? ? ? ? ? ? You ??? know, ??? I don’t ?? even like honey! I don’t eat ? it! We ??? need ? to ?? talk! ? He’s just ?? a ??? little ?? bee! And ?? he ? happens to be the nicest ? bee I’ve ? met ?? in a long time! Long ?? time? What ?? are you talking ? about?! Are ? there ? other ??? bugs ? in ✈? your ? life? No, but there are other ?? things ✈? bugging ?? me in life. ?? And ?? you’re one of them! ??? Fine! Talking ????? bees, ?? no yogurt ? ? ? night… My nerves ? ? ? ? ? ? are fried from riding ??? on this emotional roller ? coaster! ??? Goodbye, ? ? ? Ken. And ?? for your ?? information, I ?? prefer sugar-free, artificial ??? sweeteners made ????? by ?☝? man! I’m ? sorry about all ?? that. ??? I know ?? it’s got ? an aftertaste! I like ??? it! I always felt there ?? was ??? some ????? kind ????? of barrier ? between ? Ken ?? and me. ????? I couldn’t ??? overcome it. Oh, well. Are ?? you ?? OK ?? for ? the trial? I believe ??? Mr. Montgomery ? is ?? about ? out of ? ideas. ??? We would like ??? to ? call ? Mr. ??? Barry Benson Bee ? to ? the stand. ? Good idea! You can really see ?? why he’s considered one of the best ?? lawyers… Yeah. ? Layton, you’ve ??? gotta weave some ??? magic with this jury, ? or it’s ??? gonna be all over. ?? Don’t ??? worry. ?? The ?? only thing I ? have ?? to do ? to ? turn ?? this ????? jury around ??? is to remind ??? them of ? what they don’t like about ? bees. - ? You ? got ? the ?? tweezers? ????? - Are you ?? allergic? Only ? to ? losing, son. Only to losing. ??? Mr. ??? Benson Bee, I’ll ?? ask you ??? what ✋ I think ? we’d ? all like ? to know. What exactly is ??? your relationship ? ? ? to ? that ?? woman? ✋ We’re friends. - ✋ Good friends? ✋ - ?☝? Yes. How ?? good? ??? Do ?? you live ? together? Wait ?? a ?? minute… ????? Are you her little… …bedbug? ?? I’ve seen a bee documentary or two. From what I understand, ? doesn’t ? your ? queen give ? ? ? ? ? ? birth ✋ to ? all ? the bee children? ??? - Yeah, but… - ✈? So those aren’t ??? your real parents! - Oh, ??? Barry… ????? - ? Yes, they are! Hold ? me ?? back! ??? You’re ??? an ?? illegitimate ? bee, ?? aren’t ?? you, ??? Benson? He’s ? ? ? denouncing bees! ✈? Don’t y’all ?? date your cousins? ? - ✈? Objection! - I’m ?? going ??? to pincushion ? this ????? guy! ? Adam, ? don’t! It’s ??? what ??? he wants! ? Oh, I’m hit!! Oh, lordy, ??? I am hit! ? Order! Order! ? The venom! ? The venom is ????? coursing ?? through ?? my ?? veins! I ?? have been felled by a ?? winged beast of ? destruction! You ??? see? You ? can’t ?? treat ?? them ??? like equals! They’re striped ??? savages! ? Stinging’s ?? the only ?? thing ? ? ? they know! It’s ?? their ????? way! - Adam, ? stay ?? with me. ? - I ??? can’t feel ?? my legs. ?? What angel of mercy will ?? come forward to suck ?? the poison ? from my heaving ?? buttocks? I ? will ?? have ? ? ? ? ? ? order ??? in ?? this court. ??? Order! ??? Order, ????? please! ?? The ?? case ? of ? ? ? the ??? honeybees versus the human ?? race ? took ? a pointed turn ??? against the ? bees ? ? ? yesterday ? ? ? when one of their ? legal team ?? stung Layton ? T. Montgomery. - ? Hey, buddy. - Hey. ? - Is ? there much ? pain? ? - ?☝? Yeah. ?? I… I ?? blew ?? the whole ?? case, ? ? ? didn’t ????? I? ? It doesn’t ??? matter. ? What matters ? is you’re ?? alive. ? You ?? could have ?? died. ? ? ? I’d be ?? better off ?? dead. ? Look at ? me. ??? They got ? it ✈? from ?? the cafeteria ? downstairs, ?☝? in a tuna ?? sandwich. Look, ??? there’s a ?? little celery still on it. What ? was it ?? like ?? to ?? sting ?? someone? ??? I ??? can’t ✈? explain ?? it. ? It was all… ? All adrenaline ??? and then… ??? and ?? then ecstasy! ? All right. ? You think it ? was all a trap? ? ? ? Of course. ?? I’m ??? sorry. ?? I flew us ??? right into this. ????? What were ? ? ? ? ? ? we thinking? ??? Look ??? at ?? us. ? We’re just ?☝? a ??? couple ? of ?? bugs ?? in this ?? world. What ?? will ?? the ?? humans ?? do ?? to ? ? ? us if they win? I don’t know. I hear they ??? put ??? the ?? roaches in ? motels. ??? That ?? doesn’t ?? sound so bad. Adam, ? they check ?? in, ?? but ??? they ??? don’t ? check out! Oh, my. ?? Oould you ? get a nurse to ??? close ?? that window? - ?? Why? - ?? The smoke. Bees ? don’t smoke. ????? Right. Bees don’t smoke. ??? Bees don’t ?? smoke! But ?? some bees are ? smoking. That’s ? it! ??? That’s ?☝? our ?☝? case! It ? is? It’s not ? over? Get dressed. I’ve ? gotta ?? go ?? somewhere. Get ? back to ? ? ? ? ? ? the ? ? ? court and ?? stall. Stall any way you ?? can. And assuming you’ve ? done step correctly, ????? you’re ?? ready for ✋ the ?? tub. Mr. Flayman. Yes? ? Yes, Your Honor! ??? Where ????? is the rest of your ????? team? Well, ?? Your Honor, ??? it’s ?? interesting. ?? Bees are trained ? to fly ??? haphazardly, and ??? as ????? a result, ? we ? don’t ? make very good ? time. ?? I ??? actually ????? heard a funny story about… Your ? Honor, haven’t ??? these ??? ridiculous bugs taken up enough of this court’s ?? valuable ? time? ?? How much ? longer ?? will we ?? allow ? these absurd ?☝? shenanigans to ? go on? They ?? have ??? presented no compelling evidence ? to ????? support their ?? charges ??? against ?? my clients, who run ? legitimate ?? businesses. ? I ? move ? for a ?? complete ? dismissal of this ? entire case! Mr. ??? Flayman, ? I’m afraid I’m going ?? to ?? have ✋ to ?? consider Mr. Montgomery’s ?? motion. But ??? you ?? can’t! We have ? a ??? terrific ? case. Where ?? is ?☝? your ?? proof? Where is the evidence? ?☝? Show ??? me ? the smoking ?? gun! ????? Hold ??? it, Your ????? Honor! ? You ? want ✋ a ????? smoking gun? ?☝? Here ? ? ? is ? your smoking ? gun. ?? What is that? ????? It’s a ? bee smoker! What, this? This harmless ? little ? contraption? This couldn’t hurt a fly, let alone a ?? bee. ? ? ? Look at ?? what ?? has ????? happened to bees ??? who ? have never ? ? ? ? ? ? been asked, “Smoking or non?” ? Is this ? what nature ??? intended for ?? us? To be ? forcibly addicted to ?? smoke machines and ??? man-made ?? wooden ✋ slat work camps? Living out our ?? lives as ??? honey ?? slaves to the ?? white ? man? - ??? What ?? are we ? ? ? gonna do? ?? - ?? He’s playing ? the species ? card. ? ? ? ? ? ? Ladies ? and gentlemen, ?? please, ??? free ?? these ?☝? bees! Free the bees! Free the bees! ?? Free ? the ????? bees! Free ??? the ? bees! ? Free ? the ? bees! ??? The court ? finds in favor of the bees! ??? Vanessa, we won! ? I ????? knew ?? you could do it! ?? High-five! Sorry. ? ? ? I’m OK! ?? You ??? know what this ? means? ?? All ??? the ??? honey will ??? finally ?? belong ?? to ? the ? bees. ??? Now we won’t ??? have to work ????? so ????? hard ? all the ? time. This ?? is ? an unholy perversion of the ?? balance ??? of nature, ??? Benson. ? You’ll ?? regret this. Barry, ✈? how ✋ much honey is out ?☝? there? ??? All ?? right. One at a time. ? Barry, who ? are you ?? wearing? My sweater is Ralph Lauren, and I have ??? no ? pants. ?? - ?? What ?? if ????? Montgomery’s ? right? ????? - ? What ✈? do ? you mean? ?? We’ve ? ? ? been ? living the bee way ? ? ? ? ? ? a ?? long ?? time, 27 million years. Oongratulations ? on your victory. What ?? will ??? you ? demand ? as ?? a ✋ settlement? First, we’ll ?? demand ?? a complete ✈? shutdown of all bee ?? work camps. Then ?? we ??? want ?? back ??? the ??? honey that was ours ? to begin ? with, ?? every ?? last ?? drop. ? We ?? demand ?? an end to ?? the ?? glorification
  18. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from ael_fjordling in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    Id be cool with 6s or HL. Doesn't matter to me.
  19. Make xG Great Again
    TBOHB reacted to realBelloWaldi in Get rid of one of the goldenrods?   
    trade_goldenrodcity_v1b has been removed.
    - closed
  20. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from Kypari in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    Id be cool with 6s or HL. Doesn't matter to me.
  21. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from Jadow in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    Id be cool with 6s or HL. Doesn't matter to me.
  22. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from mrnutty12 in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    Id be cool with 6s or HL. Doesn't matter to me.
  23. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in Get rid of one of the goldenrods?   
    Hey uh, this poll has been done for quite a long time @Bello @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Bone @Elcark please do something
  24. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in Remove Music, at least on pokemon.   
    We shouldn’t have to remove a feature of a map just because people are too lazy to use snd_restart.
    I’m pretty sure most of the ’newer' maps in the spawn say how to stop the music.
    I’m sure we could add an advertisement text into the chat that notifies users about the command. @Bello
    I am not for the removal in the slightest as lots of players do enjoy it, its just the people who don’t want to be bothered with using that command which isn’t our problem.
    The most I would be for is a extension on the cool-down time per song.
  25. Are You Insane
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in You already know what this is.   