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  1. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to james8470 in Slurs Thread Redux   
    We care because xG is a community in which we respect one another! Just because you're apparently immune to being hurt on a personal level doesn't mean others are! Until you understand the background and stories of each and every individual, you have no right to make that statement. Just because you don't care if people hurt each other on xG, doesn't mean that everyone else doesn't.

    No, it's not! If someone's going out of their way to verbally attack someone for no reason, THEY are the ones causing the problem!
    I can sympathize with SOME of what you say, but please be careful in the future about making extremely generalized statements on how you think things should be on xG, without even justifying yourself.
  2. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in Add the Minimap plugin   
    With minimap mods, you would have to explore the area to get it on your map unless the map detail would be downloaded into the mod. This would make finding towns and woodland mansions literally the easiest thing ever if it was just given to you.
  3. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Forest in Slurs Thread Redux   
    Don't take this the wrong way, but the same could be said regarding those who don't agree with the rules and regulations that we have set in place. I understand that this whole thing can (and most likely is) be frustrating, but to engage in a discussion as monumental as this while retaining a closed-minded perspective is only going to exacerbate your own attitude or behaviour on the topic at hand. In other words, if you want to have a civil discussion, then I would not recommend going down the "but it's a stupid rule anyways" route or to start letting it affect you on a personal level, which seems to be happening based on your responses. Mind you, I'm not saying that you aren't capable of having this sort of discussion so much as I am saying that in order for your own opinion to have any sort of credibility or sway, you need to be able to receive feedback/criticism in a constructive way.
    With that said, you need to realize that the enforcement of rules and regulations based on a Staff Member's preference is something that is incredibly difficult to manage. On paper, it is a completely viable way of cutting down on bias; but in practice it is an incredibly difficult thing to do. In all fairness, we only have one or two Division Managers who manage the Staff of their respective Division. There is absolutely no way they can monitor every single Staff Member during every hour of the day.
    This is why we rely so heavily on our Players for feedback. If you can provide names and ample evidence to support claims that the Staff in question is/are working outside of our own rules, then our Higher-Ups can address the problem areas directly. Our Players are our eyes and ears on the Servers when our Higher-Ups cannot be. As previously mentioned in your other thread, this is why we have 'Member Protest' and 'Report Abuse' sections of our forums: to address problem areas with Members or Staff.
    For the record, I agree 100% that there is definitely a large amount of bias in terms of what Staff say, do, or even enforce in terms of rules. I've seen my fair share of contradictory actions, but it is what it is and there is only so much our Higher-Ups can do.
  4. Salty
    TBOHB reacted to Jacklyn in Slurs Thread Redux   
    who the fuck cares if people get offended. Boo hoo
  5. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to dr.derpy in Marriage plugin?   
    -1 it's just a simple towny server i don't think we need anything like this
  6. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Marriage plugin?   
    I mean it would be cool as a joke to have it, but I don't think a lot of people would want it permanently. Maybe have it for like a day as a joke. Sorry, its a -1 from me.
  7. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to ZackTheshark in Marriage plugin?   
    I wanted to know if the server could get a marriage plugin [PLAIN]Marriage (Reloaded) [1.12-1.8][/PLAIN] Pretty simple and i just thought alot of people would like it
  8. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Kypari in Add the Minimap plugin   
    Face it: a bunch of people probably already go on the server with this neat plugin. We should like totally add it. :coffee:
    ServerMinimap Something like but not exclusive to this plugin.
  9. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to james8470 in Slurs Thread Redux   
    I agree inconsistencies happen between staff members and how they enforce the rules, however, what I don't understand is how allowing people to disrespect and insult each other based on skin color, sex, sexual orientation, or disability will somehow open us to a wider audience. These are insults, meant to literally get people to fuck off, rather than stick around.
    Now, you have a point that everyone has their own thing which can be made fun of, and you can't watch everyone, even when they're attacking you personally. But we can still do our best to promote respect based around traits we all have in common, such as the one's I mentioned earlier.
  10. Friendly
    TBOHB reacted to james8470 in PSA about the recent drama / conflicts   
    I'm glad you brought this up Aegean, I've noticed that the community has been a lot more tense recently, even though I haven't been in any xG discord groups. I think part of the problem is a lack of clarity on what kind of respect is tolerated on xG, a lack of clarity between both staff and players. Furthermore, I think that jokes involving the illusion of disrespect have set a precedent that disrespect towards players & staff is simply turned a blind eye to.
    To me, it seems like racism is the biggest taboo, followed by disrespect centered around sex, sexual orientation, disability, and finally national origin (plus others I can't remember). I don't get why these are on a unspoken list of 'bad to not-as-bad", and even enforced by staff with warnings/punishments based on this list. Usually, insensitive jokes involving items lower on the list are allowed to pass, and I think this might be contributing to the issue. Now, I'm not saying every staff member does this, but I feel like I've noticed this mentality in xG over the past half-year I've been around.
    Currently, some of the rule lists state that racism specifically is disallowed. There's another which states racism and sexism are disallowed, and yet another which states disrespect in general is disallowed, and even goes into detail listing of some of the examples I mentioned earlier. I think the inconsistencies in the guides are causing confusion on what level of jokes involving the illusion of disrespect are allowed to pass.
    For example, imagine I've just joined one of xG's servers, and the first thing I hear over the mic is someone joking with their friend, saying something like "Girls can't play video games, they're too frail and delicate!". The players who are joking have known each other for years, the staff members online have also known them for years, and understand the satire in the joke. However, I would be under the impression that sexism is general is allowed on xG servers if I was new.
    You could always argue that I should read the !motd, but honestly, what percentage of players are actually going to bother reading the !motd? Especially if they're newer to the server and don't have anything to lose of they get banned anyways, so why should they waste their time reading the rules? Besides, like I said earlier, there is inconsistencies in the rule lists.
    I think it's kinda been a subconscious mentality, and frankly, I'm probably just overanalyzing the situation, but I wanted to share my genuine observations on this issue, and speculation as to what might be causing it. Has anyone else noticed this trend?
  11. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to shwash in NickWam   
    Your time on TF2 doesn't really matter for applying. The time spent on an xG server is what matters.
    Regarding the application, I don't see you online that much. What servers do you play on primarily?
    Either way, good luck to you with the application!
  12. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Warriorsfury in PSA about the recent drama / conflicts   
    Unfortunate to see an issue like this went around, especially if its alienating members. Eager to start hanging around again and help.
  13. Friendly
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in PSA about the recent drama / conflicts   
    Yeah this needed to be said. There was a few conflicts that ive seen that seemed unlike I have seen on here before. I too would also like to thank all of the staff members and higher-ups. I know I have been here for a little over a year and some since the beginning, but we as a community wouldn't be here today and as big as we are today if you guys didn't show up or didn't volunteer to help keep the servers clean. I don't think I would be here if the community was as toxic as the last one I was apart of. i feel welcome here and thats saying a lot after the countless times Ive tried other clans.
    Would also like to thank all the members we have gotten within these past 6 months. Thank you for stopping in and saying hi. You guys help make the clan what it is today.
  14. Thinking
    TBOHB got a reaction from Vexx in PSA about the recent drama / conflicts   
    Yeah this needed to be said. There was a few conflicts that ive seen that seemed unlike I have seen on here before. I too would also like to thank all of the staff members and higher-ups. I know I have been here for a little over a year and some since the beginning, but we as a community wouldn't be here today and as big as we are today if you guys didn't show up or didn't volunteer to help keep the servers clean. I don't think I would be here if the community was as toxic as the last one I was apart of. i feel welcome here and thats saying a lot after the countless times Ive tried other clans.
    Would also like to thank all the members we have gotten within these past 6 months. Thank you for stopping in and saying hi. You guys help make the clan what it is today.
  15. Friendly
    TBOHB reacted to Aegean in PSA about the recent drama / conflicts   
    I think it's pretty clear to a majority of members that there has been feelings of hostility amongst a large number of staff and members, varied from group to group. I just wanted to shed some light on the issue, and would like to have an open conversation to hopefully resolve some of the underlying matters behind it. We know there's a lot of "cliques" amongst all the different discord servers with xG members, but still our stance is not changed that although we prefer you to use our teamspeak server, we have no plan to force you to use teamspeak as long as you don't encourage members on the server to use discord instead.
    First of all, you do NOT need to like everyone, as a community there will always be people who prefer their own group of friends to others, or just don't mesh well with a certain individual. That being said, to not like someone is not an excuse to make them feel unwelcome or to gang up on them with your friends. We are a gaming community, and as we are getting bigger, there will be more groups of friends who have different personalities and interests, the last thing we want is for new members to feel the hostility or to feel unwelcome.
    In regards concerning attitude towards staff, even if you're staff yourself, please understand that you do not know their situation and that treating them like garbage because they should be doing their "job" is definitely not okay. Being a moderator or higher on our servers is a position that we can't give enough thanks for, because the staff are what hold our servers together. We would not be where we are today, if we didn't have so many willing mods, admins, or higher ups who were willing to sacrifice their time (and sometimes money) to give everyone else a more pleasant experience.
    The overall message is just to be more respectful towards one another, and try to have some empathy the next time you interact with someone you aren't familiar with.
  16. Friendly
    TBOHB got a reaction from TheMostKrunknes in PSA about the recent drama / conflicts   
    Yeah this needed to be said. There was a few conflicts that ive seen that seemed unlike I have seen on here before. I too would also like to thank all of the staff members and higher-ups. I know I have been here for a little over a year and some since the beginning, but we as a community wouldn't be here today and as big as we are today if you guys didn't show up or didn't volunteer to help keep the servers clean. I don't think I would be here if the community was as toxic as the last one I was apart of. i feel welcome here and thats saying a lot after the countless times Ive tried other clans.
    Would also like to thank all the members we have gotten within these past 6 months. Thank you for stopping in and saying hi. You guys help make the clan what it is today.
  17. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from Sora_ in PSA about the recent drama / conflicts   
    Yeah this needed to be said. There was a few conflicts that ive seen that seemed unlike I have seen on here before. I too would also like to thank all of the staff members and higher-ups. I know I have been here for a little over a year and some since the beginning, but we as a community wouldn't be here today and as big as we are today if you guys didn't show up or didn't volunteer to help keep the servers clean. I don't think I would be here if the community was as toxic as the last one I was apart of. i feel welcome here and thats saying a lot after the countless times Ive tried other clans.
    Would also like to thank all the members we have gotten within these past 6 months. Thank you for stopping in and saying hi. You guys help make the clan what it is today.
  18. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from Blizzard in PSA about the recent drama / conflicts   
    Yeah this needed to be said. There was a few conflicts that ive seen that seemed unlike I have seen on here before. I too would also like to thank all of the staff members and higher-ups. I know I have been here for a little over a year and some since the beginning, but we as a community wouldn't be here today and as big as we are today if you guys didn't show up or didn't volunteer to help keep the servers clean. I don't think I would be here if the community was as toxic as the last one I was apart of. i feel welcome here and thats saying a lot after the countless times Ive tried other clans.
    Would also like to thank all the members we have gotten within these past 6 months. Thank you for stopping in and saying hi. You guys help make the clan what it is today.
  19. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to mrnutty12 in Garnifled - Team Fortress 2   
    Well I did a bit of looking with his steam ID, this is not his first chat punishment it is in fact the 10th on record. He also has 2 previous day bans, so given his history I would be in favor of a week ban.
    Also, afaik we still have the votemute/kick/ban functions if nobody is responding to calladmins. Alternatively you could client-side mute him.
  20. Funny
    TBOHB reacted to Rhododendron in BadMotherFucker - Team Fortress 2   
    You just joined the server and broke the same rule you were accused of.
    Permanently gagged until otherwise said. Mom is gonna be so mad at you.
  21. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to Vexx in Bad Mother Fucker - Team Fortress 2   
    User was permanently gagged by @Rhododendron, no need for thread to stay open as the user was punished accordingly.
  22. RIP
    TBOHB reacted to LAN_Megalodon in So my town (bridgeland) seems to no longer be under my own control.   
    I recently changed my name in minecraft from LAN_Megalodon to lan_megalodon because I think the capitals looked obnoxious. I had transferred the mayor-ship of the town from grape so that he could transfer them back to me afterwards, but it appears that for whatever reason, when he tried to transfer them back to me (while my name was is in lower case), it changed the mayor back to LAN_Megalodon (with capitals). Now I appear to have lost all permissions of my town despite being at least a resident of it, I cannot tp to outposts, (it tells me "town spawn travel is forbidden") and I cannot claim any new land (it tells me I do not have enough permissions to do so, but I have enough townblocks and money). I'd prefer to not lose the massive amount of progress I've made on my town, and I'd hate to see it revert by leaving it, as now that there is no account with "LAN_Megalodon" in caps, there's probably no way to transfer the mayorship anymore.
    Idk, maybe there's a problem here I'm not seeing, but if anyone has a fix it would be much appreciated. Maybe an external way to make me mayor again or something? Otherwise I have to wait 30 days to change my name back with the capital letters, and I'm not even sure if that will work, (I'd also really prefer my name in lowercase).
  23. Disagree
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in Away till the storm leaves.   
    wait hold on, does this mean I'm free from your sex dungeon?
  24. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Lecap   
    -1 based off of what others have said and

  25. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to WubbaLubbaDubDu in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    Christmas is better. Everyone in high school, middle school, college (OR elementary if you're really special)
    Should have a few more days than a Thanksgiving break. So @Tatost my vote would go to christmas.