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  1. Like
    TBOHB reacted to yesstergi in Bad Mother Fucker - Team Fortress 2   
  2. Are You Insane
    TBOHB reacted to Egossi in Nigga is not a slur.   
    Actually fuck off for that comment, people are in fact allowed to joke in this clan.
    If you cant take it then contact a higher up and they will remove the post if necessary.

  3. Not Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from dr.derpy in Bad Mother Fucker - Team Fortress 2   
    btw I said adam on purpose :3
  4. Funny
    TBOHB reacted to Egossi in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    If you guys are legit thinking of censoring/disallowing swastikas or images of hitler himself especially in a joking manner and take it as "hate symbols" ill actually go join hellsgamers instead
  5. Funny
    TBOHB reacted to shwash in ZackTheshark   
    Yeah -1
  6. Feels Bad Man
    TBOHB got a reaction from Thorax_ in Bad Mother Fucker - Team Fortress 2   
    btw I said adam on purpose :3
  7. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Goblins in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I'm sorry that I'm not contributing anything in this reply, but I feel as if it's not needed.
    I will say that you're stupid as hell for thinking the term "nigga" is not a slur or slang. Use your damn head before you make threads like this.
    Plus it doesn't matter if someone uses it as a "term for endearment"; It's still a slur/slang in the long run.

    You have no idea what "Free Speech" actually is. Just stop.

    This is because you act as if this a joke. If staff can see that it's fine, then they won't do anything. Plus this is completely different than using a slur.
    Stereotyping someone won't really get you in trouble unless it's going too far or the person doesn't like how they're being treated because of it.

    Because no matter what, the word will have power. You can't just take that away from literally everyone who comes across the servers.
    Go use the word in a public setting. See how many people look at you like you're out of your mind. The word may be banned here in xG, but in society it's almost just as banned. It's very frowned upon.
    So please, use your head and think a lot more. They say there is no such thing as stupid questions, but this thread proves that wrong.
  8. Thinking
    TBOHB got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Bad Mother Fucker - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 shoulda called for an adam. Would've probably permmed em. But yeah definatly a troll.
  9. Bad Spelling
    TBOHB got a reaction from Vargas in Bad Mother Fucker - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 shoulda called for an adam. Would've probably permmed em. But yeah definatly a troll.
  10. Feels Bad Man
    TBOHB got a reaction from Kypari in Bad Mother Fucker - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 shoulda called for an adam. Would've probably permmed em. But yeah definatly a troll.
  11. Bad Spelling
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Bad Mother Fucker - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 shoulda called for an adam. Would've probably permmed em. But yeah definatly a troll.
  12. Bad Spelling
    TBOHB got a reaction from Thorax_ in Bad Mother Fucker - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 shoulda called for an adam. Would've probably permmed em. But yeah definatly a troll.
  13. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from Coryinthehouse in Nigga is not a slur.   
    So if I may chime in for a hot second
    @Jacklyn I totally respect your opinion on the word and have every right to argue to rule against it, but you gotta understand. There are people that get offended by it. It is most likely someone who is black is going to be offended, "Hard R" or not. The word itself, no matter what iteration of it has been used as a derogatory term for ages much like "Faggot", "Chink", and "Zipperhead".
    Now like I said before, I respect your opinion and have the right to an opinion, but the reality of it is, no matter how many years, however many times the word is used "Hard R" or not, it will always be offencive on some level to somebody and you will never know who it is.
  14. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to Vexx in Nigga is not a slur.   
  15. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to dr.derpy in Nigga is not a slur.   
    justifying your point with an idubbz video isn't exactly a strong arguement
  16. Not Funny
    TBOHB reacted to Jacklyn in Nigga is not a slur.   
  17. Are You Insane
    TBOHB reacted to Jacklyn in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  18. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Thunder in New Server Suggestion   
    Murder sucks bring back slender fortress that was the shit
  19. Feels Bad Man
    TBOHB reacted to Spoopy in AgentGreen64   
    Stole my tele in ff2 and didn't feel bad about it.
  20. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to MineCrack in Hey klure   
  21. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to Aegean in Bun_E / Amy - Minecraft   
    I already addressed she got warned for using Creative in her own town, and will be removed from power if she is caught using it again to benefit herself. This conversation was only yesterday, and she didn't deny doing it, apologized and knows the consequences if caught again.

    Here are the logs. Did you know that @grap_grop was being rude and annoying in chat, is that why you omitted grape's part of the conversation and pretty much the whole context to put her in a bad light? He definitely deserves a kick and/or a mute. I wouldn't have even blamed her for a 30 minute ban to cool down if he continued after this.
    I'm actually interested to know how much of grape's comments you knew towards Amy and still made this thread regardless, did you think we would disregard any context? We have rules about stuff like this and try to do our best to get evidence from all sides on purpose to stop groups of friends to circlejerk and target someone they don't like with false narratives. This is a gaming community, you do not need to like everyone, but acting hostile and trying to make them feel unwelcome is not acceptable.

    Had to quote this recent post from you into my post, you egged her on for both of her "responses" that you guys were trying to show she was disrespectful for, did you think we can't see logs, or did you just forget your behaviour when you cherrypicked your screenshots? She also said she doesn't know in terms of spawners, and that Hina would. You belittle her in the chat, insult her and keep putting the stupid :thinking: meme and sarcastically call her the best dl in xG when she's telling you to shut up. You have got to be kidding me with this thread.
  22. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to PiNoYPsYcHo in Bun_E / Amy - Minecraft   
  23. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Healix in Bun_E / Amy - Minecraft   

    Minecraft Staff Name:

    Bun_E / Amy Staff's Identity:

    STEAM_0:1:29168923 Evidence:

    Further Information:

    Pictures of the DL building in creative in her town, where she and three other people live. And a picture of her admitting to using creative to build.
    Also when constantly asked by a player who needed help with the bugged Iron Golem spawner, not replying, which led to her getting told by people on the server to do her job she got angry, the player who first told her to to her job got flamed and kicked.
    Amy's town, Paradise has, as I've mentioned three other residents. Who play the game legitimately. One of these residents has admitted to only two of all the buildings in Paradise being built legitimately. So having someone build everything in creative is an unfair advantage.

  24. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Moosty in Selfie Sunday   
    It's not sunday but it's still so damn real out here tbh. Send help.

  25. Friendly
    TBOHB reacted to Hopps in A Big Thank You!!   
    To all the brave Mods and Admins, The Issues of people attacking, bashing, and treating you like rubbish for doing your job.. Thank you, Your all brave souls, Strong people, Who work hard to keep the environment of the servers safe and friendly, You guys always are there when you can be to help, I want everyone to take note and Remember, These guys do there best to help us, and sometimes admins and mods don't get much appreciation.. So once in awhile remember to thank them! Send them a message, or if you see them in-game just tell them thank you or good job! They do a lot of hard work.. A Personal thank you from me to all your working hard at Xenogamers, A big thank you for giving me a safe home to relax at when I've had a stressful day, Cool new friends who accept me for well.. Me, Admins, Mods, Players of Xenogamers, Thank you.