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  1. Not Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from bagggel in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    And allow me to demonstrate what you sound like right now.
  2. Feels Bad Man
    TBOHB reacted to Spoopy in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    You took my flamethrower @Kypari
    D: I actually won it first but the bot was broken when I won it. And they had to fix it.
    You saying that it's useless actually makes me sad cuz I wanted.
  3. Funny
    TBOHB reacted to yesstergi in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    i kinda just wanted to get over with it lol
    SteamRep » [⇄]Wayne Buying Backpacks [banned] | 76561197960511715 | STEAM_0:1:122993
  4. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Rhododendron in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Also accepts ref at minimum price.
  5. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Rhododendron in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    The item will now not accept items under $0.50 or items that are not available in crafting.
  6. Friendly
    TBOHB reacted to Kypari in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Back at you and to everyone else if I upset them, that wasn't my intention :coffee:
  7. Friendly
    TBOHB got a reaction from Kypari in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Well I guess now would be a time to apologize to @Kypari and say that I too try to go hard during debates and looking back now I did go a little far and immature in my posts.m, and am sorry. Its just the way you worded it you sounded like a greedy bitch but now you seem pretty chill now. So now I apologize for sounding like an ass.
    In regards to the bot, my final thoughts are that we should:

    Have an option to opt out of of giveaways
    Reduce the size of announcement to maybe !msay or !tsay etc.
    Have a minimum amount of value you can add to the bot

    I think this is it. Once again @Kypari sorry for sounding like an ass to you.
  8. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to james8470 in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    If we're encouraging people to get on the forums with this plugin...
    Is this 7-page flamewar what we want them to see? :hilarious:
    But really, I'm down for setting a minimum requirement of around 1 Ref, seems fair to me.
    > Would encourage people to get on the forums even more (they wouldn't disregard the new plugin, knowing that all that ever comes out of it is worthless items).
    > 1 Ref is basically the lowest 'TF2 Currency', but it's still a notable amount, so people wouldn't be deterred from donating (hopefully).
    > I think a reward system for donating should be implemented, would further encourage the use of this plugin. Even something simple like a badge for donating, like, 5$ worth of items or something is good. This provides an incentive to donate items, even if it's a small one.
  9. Got It
    TBOHB reacted to Kypari in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    As I said they aren't my intentions at all. I'm just very direct and serious when it comes to it and I'm not going to dance around the topic to make someone feel better about it. Responding with immature comments such as Septik did for example is the problem. Everyone just takes what I say out of context and takes it as if I'm being rude to them when I'm not at all. My twin Tekage can confirm this is how I'm like in real life too and I upset a lot of people which is just not the reaction I expect at all.
  10. Ding!
    TBOHB reacted to Aegean in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    I totally agree that people shouldn't be mud slinging, but it's not a first time thing with kypari. There are many threads that we have had to lock in the past due to how he likes to debate, and this is just a prime example. It is a gaming community, and if you're going to be disrespectful to someone whose intentions were nothing but good, (Rhodo's in this case) people will be defensive and respond to him accordingly.
  11. F!$k Off
    TBOHB got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Not to sound like a super asshole here but if people want to donate stuff thats awesome. It shouldn't matter on the value of the item. Someone wanted to give it to the bot to give to someone else. While giving crates is not cool just be happy with you get. Like I said it isn't on the value of the item, its the thought that counts. You are really the only person that is pissed the bot exists.
  12. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from Krampus in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Not to sound like a super asshole here but if people want to donate stuff thats awesome. It shouldn't matter on the value of the item. Someone wanted to give it to the bot to give to someone else. While giving crates is not cool just be happy with you get. Like I said it isn't on the value of the item, its the thought that counts. You are really the only person that is pissed the bot exists.
  13. Not Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from Kypari in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Another thing you could do if you don't want the item you can put it back into the bot and maybe someone else would want it. There are multiple ways to solve your problem and you aren't accepting any of them.
  14. Useful
    TBOHB reacted to Aegean in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Just to summarize the thoughts of myself from the 6 pages so if anyone is reading can catch up and we don't repeat each other another few times.

    We will add an opt - out feature in some way so you don't need to get items at all if you don't want them.
    They are free items, they should not be considered like our raffles but more in line with "an extra drop" that TF2 / CS:GO already gives you from playing servers, except the higher-ups will actively put in valuable items (TF2, CS:GO keys like we already have)
    Not everyone has every yellow drop or 5 cent strange item, I know I personally wouldn't mind some if I played since I sold a bunch of stuff from my inventory in the past.
    Any items you DO get are able to be retraded, scrapped, used, sold, or deleted upon your desire.
    The bot is a work in progress, and I 100% disagree with people joining the forums for the giveaway bot, and thinking they will be mad at us since it's not a key, unusual or anything in between.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated as this is a discussion, the reason @Kypari got flack was not because he voiced something for a greater group of people, it's HOW he voiced it. He does not need to come off as an entitled jerk without trying to understand our reasoning behind what we are doing, or being condescending/rude to others because he plays TF2 to the point where low quality items no matter how free they are, are just annoying for him and the only things he wants if they are free, are if they are of value or can be sold.
  15. Ding!
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Another thing you could do if you don't want the item you can put it back into the bot and maybe someone else would want it. There are multiple ways to solve your problem and you aren't accepting any of them.
  16. Feels Bad Man
    TBOHB reacted to dr.derpy in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Can you take this a bit more seriously please.
  17. Are You Insane
    TBOHB got a reaction from dr.derpy in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Ok this was a little too far on my end and I apologize, but you get the point I'm trying to make here.
  18. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Not surf or pkmn.
  19. Not Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from dr.derpy in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    And allow me to demonstrate what you sound like right now.
  20. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Reptile in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    There should just be some sort of opt-out option for people who don't want to see the messages or take part in it if at all possible.
    Also, I want to just throw out there that people should relax a bit, some posts feel a little heated or spiteful and that's no good.
  21. Not Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from Elcark in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    And allow me to demonstrate what you sound like right now.
  22. Feels Bad Man
    TBOHB reacted to realBelloWaldi in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    You're going way too far, dude. Making instigative comments like these is gonna cause an actual shitstorm.
    Please calm down, this doesn't only go for TBOHB, but your posts were outstandingly mocking and provocative.
  23. Disagree
    TBOHB got a reaction from Elcark in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Not to sound like a super asshole here but if people want to donate stuff thats awesome. It shouldn't matter on the value of the item. Someone wanted to give it to the bot to give to someone else. While giving crates is not cool just be happy with you get. Like I said it isn't on the value of the item, its the thought that counts. You are really the only person that is pissed the bot exists.
  24. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to Vexx in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Usually when I find an item that I won't use, I either sell it or delete it. Any sensible person would simply sell an item like this, and you're wrong by saying it's worthless. As of looking up a Specialized Killstreak Backburner on the SCM right now, here are the sell prices:

    It's worth half a key at the least, a lot more than a scrap.
  25. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Aegean in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    I have close to 500 hours of TF2 lol, I know exactly what uncraftable means. The whole point of the bot as well is a nice gesture for playing on our servers and being connected to our forums, you can get better items, it's not limited to the bottom of the barrel stuff. We have put 10 TF2 keys and 5 CS:GO keys on the bot, and will constantly be adding things onto it. Yes every hour we don't give a key away or an unusual, but that doesn't mean it's not appreciated by others. As mentioned earlier, the bot will get worked on.
    I also understand you don't like free things unless they are worth something, but you can think of this exactly as an extra "drop" that TF2 or CS:GO already gives you just from playing the game, except you get more opportunities for them just from playing in our servers. You don't lose out on anything for wininng these items, and once again, you can do whatever you like with them including deleting them from your inventory if they bother you so much.

    Legit no idea what you're even trying to say here, they have a chance to earn something good from the bot by chance, if not it's something they can use / giveaway / discard. In minecraft we give keys that have a chance to give you something really good, or crap such as dirt. How is this any different? We aren't charging people, it's a free extra item for their inventory. Not everyone is entitled dude.