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Everything posted by james8470

  1. Just here to provide chat logs: https://xenogamers.com/rank/player_histories/chat/983960 No +1 or -1 from me (haven't seen you in-game and it wouldn't be fair for me to vote based on chat logs and forum behavior alone)
  2. *This might be old news for TF2 players and I guess even more so for CS:GO players, as far as I was away for 4 months, but I checked and didn't see a post about it in the TF2 discussion. There's a new kind of scam that's been spreading like wildfire. Basically, someone randomly adds you over Steam and asks you to "help them out" by visiting a certain website. They will say you can get a $20.00 coupon free to spend. This website masquerades as a sort of Steam Market-like website where you can supposedly buy and sell items for real-world money. This is not a marketplace website. This website will say that you need to deposit $70.00 worth of items before you can use it. Naturally, it steals your items. However, it gets worse. The website then says you need to refer people to the website in order to use your coupon and get your items back, which to a scam victim is a $90.00 value they need to secure, and this is why the scam is spreading like wildfire. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have had such scammers add me literally at least once a day. Watch out! Don't even accept random friend requests! This youtube video explains it well
  3. james8470

    Clash Royale

    Here's my battle deck, hope it helps you out: https://link.clashroyale.com/deck/en?deck=26000040;28000013;26000025;26000009;27000003;26000039;28000008;26000017&id=8VG2UL0C9 Play the support behind the golem, inferno towers is amazing defense against Mega Knights, PEKKA, Golem, etc. Zap is fast damage (goblins, skeleton army). Play clone on golem and support once it reaches princess tower (golem will explode 3 extra times, support safe behind non-cloned golem). Guards also benefit from cloning due to shields. Mega minion also works great for melee fighters like knight or valkyrie. ?
  4. james8470

    Selling Spells

    It's an old feature. Years ago during halloween events, you could find items on halloween maps. These items were spells that you could apply to weapons. Spells that were not applied to weapons/cosmetics were eventually removed by valve, so now only spelled items or cosmetics exist. There are a few different kinds of spells, they only work during full moon or halloween event or on servers that have halloween mode on (like xG servers): 1) Footprint spells (fire-looking footprints of various colors) 2) "Paint" spells (will slowly cycle though a range of colors) 4) Voice spells (change the pitch of your in-game voice to be deeper, things like "MEDIC!" or "Help me!") 3) Weapon effect spells (only three kinds, Exorcism [ghosts appear on player you kill] and pumpkin bombs [explosives blow up like pumpkins and have purple smoke trails], Halloween Fire [Flamethrowers have green flames]) Read more about them here: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Halloween_Spells
  5. james8470

    Clash Royale

    Game Name: Clash Royale Platform: Smartphone (Android, iOS) Time Spent: 500-1000 hours Do you recommend? Yeah! What you rate the game: 9 Initial Thoughts: I just randomly decided to get a phone game, picked off Clash Royale because it had amazing reviews on the app store and looked cool. Gameplay and Story: There's no real lore or story to it. However, the gameplay is amazing. It's simple, fun, fast-paced, engaging, and very addictive. When you battle someone (The main formats are 1v1 and 2v2), you deploy "cards" onto your side of the area. These cards include troop cards such as the Archers or Knight, spell cards such as Zap or Fireball, and building cards such as Goblin Hut or Inferno Tower. Each card costs a certain amount of elixer, which slowly builds up throughout battle. As they say, using your elixer efficiently is the key to victory. Here's what a battle deck might look like: Your goals are to defend your two princess towers and, more importantly king tower. You win by destroying the enemy king tower or one or two of their princess towers before the game timer is up. Here's what the gameplay looks like: The ultimate goal of the game is to rank up though the various arenas by defeating opponents in 1v1 battles and unlocking the new cards that come with each new arena you manage to get to. Things like clans and the shop can support you in this. You can use gold (earned from battle and a few other things) to buy cards from the shop, or request cards from a clan you may choose to join. Also, recently introduced, clan wars. You battle on behalf of you clan to rank up though a different set of arenas. Every week, you'll receive a chest full of cards with loot based on how well you clan did. It's pretty fun. Backstory: Clash Royale is pretty simple in many aspects, including backstory. There is none! There's no real lore or anything to it. Pros: (At least 2 reasons) - The game is kept well-updated - Fast, fun, addictive gameplay - Easy to learn, easy to play but a lot of strategies involved, too. - Kid-friendly Cons: (At least 2 reasons) - The shop (for real-world money) is often a rip-off, refrain from buying anything. Most of the cards you can get with the stuff you buy will be just as easy to get as you rank up though the arenas. - Sometimes, you can just randomly get kicked by a abusive kid co-leader or elder (ranked players) in your clan. Final Thoughts: Clash Royale is an amazing, free, fun game for your phone. It's just a nice quick-play type of game, but it is still fun to play for longer durations, too.
  6. Looking in the bigger picture, don't you think the issue of bias is because of how xG is structured? Small Clan --> Community-Based --> Relies on friendships* --> Those not in friendship circles take flack *also it's relatively easy to become staff It's a blessing and a curse. It means people work on the servers because they have passion, and not just for status or money, but it also means it's harder for the staff to hold themselves accountable. Just offering a somewhat different perspective.
  7. This is still pending?! Well, I'll still +1 then! Yeah I remember I originally thought he was mod already! I've never even known him to be toxic, just friendly and helpful.
  8. He only exists in the twilight zone
  9. omg how did you know? Yup it actually was for school ? I'm back! For good, this time. What's new? How is every1 doing?
  10. c6df56c80e84f76ad15a779dcced3a2c.png

    1. Thorax_


      No, this is irrelevant right now!  Reee

    2. james8470
  11. Well now, I'll be leaving for another 2 months. I've been having a lot of fun at my school away from home, but I look forwards to returning for good. Take care everyone! ?
  12. @Tatost + Lan I appreciate it ? since I can't post this on the poll thread Amy put up, I'll do it here. You know, it's funny that we're moving back to towny after factions had so much support despite myself and others making it clear that, well, obsidian water-coverd boxes would be the only lasting builds on the server. That being said, I do look forwards to having towny back. Factions is a gamemode which is at it's best when there is a large server population, and I think towny suits our little server for this and a few other reasons as well. Good luck with the development of the server @Amymaniac! Hopefully I can enjoy it when I come home in two months ?
  13. HINT: If you wish to make your factions's ends meet, then search the ruins of raided factions and you will find the treasure you seek. Good luck!
  14. The Titanium Tank MVM tour is really good! Wish Valve would update official MvM already.

    1. SegFault


      i just wish they would make it possible to match faster

  15. Guess who's back? Back again. James is back, tell a friend Oops it hasn't been 4 months yet has it? Well, it's been 2 months and I'll be hanging around on TF2 and minecraft for a week since I'm on spring break (yes, it was for school the reason I didn't say where I was going earlier was due to privacy concerns at the time) Wow have things changed or what? The website looks totally new, I actually don't like it but I'm sure it just takes getting used to. How have things been going? Hows TF2? Hows MC? How are you? ?
  16. Bye! I'll miss you all, everyone on my friend list! :waving: Tomorrow is the last day you'll see me for 4.5 months. Now for some F&Q: Q: Why are you leaving? A: I'm being blackmailed Q: So this is a joke, then? A: Nope, I'm actually leaving, I just don't wana tall ya'll why. I'll tell you when I come back. :p Q: How gone is 'gone' A: Well, I'll not be able to play any video games, but I might (in fact, most likely) be able to visit the forums on occasion, but I'll be dead on steam/discord/minecraft Q: Will you post weekly updates like you did over the summer? A: HELL NO Those were complete trash, no one read them, there were more a record-keeping thing for me than for anyone else, and it was arrogant and obnoxious of a high-class white boi like me to post them. Q: Why a Q/A format? A: Because I can pretend like I'm so popular people are asking me these questions and I'm not making them up as I go Q: Do you like green eggs and ham? A: yes :) Q: [All other questions] A: This video will tell you everything you need to know: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvWEhpzo5yM)
  17. ERECTION ======================== Anyways, welcome back! I knew I would be meeting you someday, and here you are :)