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  1. Like
    james8470 reacted to Red in Xander   
    Aren't you the guy who got banned from the discord and looking through your history. You're a massive troll. 
    @Xander You're not helping your ban protest at all if you keep being immature and toxic.
  2. Like
    james8470 reacted to Dethman in Oh Honey   
    Getting angry over minecraft lol

  3. Like
    james8470 reacted to MineCrack in Oh Honey   
    Yeah if someone destroyed my fake base I would be as composed as you.

  4. Funny
    james8470 reacted to lilbleed in Oh Honey   

  5. Thinking
    james8470 reacted to Nyxll in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    Who's learning?
  6. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from cook in Cya   
    You know, (while I'm not a big fan of desks in general) that's actually a pretty clever design (nazi symbol aside). Seems like it would be useful for state exams.
  7. Are You Insane
    james8470 reacted to FenrirTheWolf in Cya   
    Attending concentration camp

  8. Creative
    james8470 reacted to FenrirTheWolf in Cya   
  9. Like
    james8470 reacted to Thunder in wowie he's turning over a new leaf   
    heck you ?
  10. Like
    james8470 reacted to virr in wowie he's turning over a new leaf   
    It's all good friend. Lets start anew again, shall we?
  11. Friendly
    james8470 reacted to Tatost in wowie he's turning over a new leaf   
    So, over the last year or so I've been growing steadily bitter, which quite a few people have already pointed out to me. I've been starting to show my face a lot more on the servers and such after a few months of almost never playing. I've had a few conversations with people I was friends with for a while and was disappointed, to say the least when they called me things such as "a bloodsucking demon," or "an absolute dick." I can't disagree with these statements since my behavior both on and off the xG servers has essentially deteriorated from what it was back in 2016 when I started playing, but no one wants to be remembered by their friends as some savage.
    Recently, I've been trying to clean up my act, but it's still kind of hard since a lot of people still look upon with obvious disdain. I'll use this thread as a general apology to the entire community while also apologizing to specific individuals.
    So, to the entire community, I'm sorry. Over the last year and a half or so, I've constantly been poopposting, most recently the "I'm so sorry" joke that kind of led me to leave the xG discord for about a month or so (wasn't really keeping count).
    I've caused quite a bit of trouble for @virr with my poop posting, so for that, I'm incredibly sorry.
    @BonfireCentiped I know I had already apologized for going off on you especially hard in discord, but I thought I would apologize again. At the time I was incredibly stressed out for personal reasons and vented my frustrations out on you.
    So I don't really know anyone else who I should apologize to specifically. So, if you feel like you actually deserve an apology or there is something you need to talk to me about, you can message me on discord, since I'd rather not have people add me on steam.
  12. Ding!
    james8470 reacted to HydorHD in What came first...   
  13. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to Dannypicacho in The Current Reactions Tab is Bad   
    If you're like me and use reactions a lot, you have probably noticed how annoying it is. First of all, choosing a reaction feels like a crappy coolmathgames maze where you have to move your mouse carefully without touching the edge, because if you mouse goes slightly off the thin reactions bar, you're screwed and have to do it all again. The second problem is when I click somebody's profile to react to their status, the bar/tab goes off the screen, which means I have to 'CTRL -' and then it also makes the maze even harder as not only is the reactions tab thinner compared to your mouse, but also smaller, and no that doesn't make choosing a reaction at the end any easier because of the "short" distance. It would be better if the reactions bar was click-based rather than hover based (click to open the bar, then click on the reaction you wish to use), and also if the current 32 reactions were in a 4x8 bar instead of the current 1x32. MAKE xG GREAT AGAIN! 
  14. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to YeEternalTuna in Leaving for another 4...   
    Oh my god. I was actually going to start ranting; you broke my ankles so hard lmao. Hope you enjoy meeting your extended family.
  15. Eggplant
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Leaving for another 4...   
    days. Not months, this time. ?
    Going to meet extended family, you know how it is. ?
    Remember to lock the doors, and keep the TF2 Secret Police seat warm for me.
  16. Funny
    james8470 reacted to Bone in It's time   
    I didn't think I hit that much yet, but still, oof. Guess that means I've finally reached the legendary status of "Paid Non-Member"
  17. Informative
    james8470 got a reaction from Bone in It's time   
    * I forgot to mention that Bone has donated $1010.00 to xG as well, which is freaking insane 
  18. Funny
    james8470 reacted to Kypari in Remov trade_plaza_square_station_v1   
    We've had the map on not even a day. Chill.
  19. RIP
    james8470 reacted to Tatost in It's time   
    that's more than I'm worth wtf
  20. Like
    james8470 reacted to Snackbar in Matsi   
    First off, i banned you for one second while you were completely alone, as I do with a bunch of people. harmless fun.
    It was one time and you immediately ran to Silence and complained for roughly 30 minutes, shouting ABOOSE ABOOSE!! until I apologized and said I wouldnt do it again. (See- "Victimized")
    Dont come in here and single me out for something that we even agreed was over and done with.
    Seems like youve got lots of people to address here.
  21. Ding!
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in hi im asŝ   
    Is that profile picture from lego star wars?
  22. Friendly
    james8470 reacted to Deko in Deko's Introduction   

    My name is Deko
    I enjoy playing video games and watching anime.
    Just graduating, I have a lot of free time so feel free to message me if you wanna play any games or just chat!
    I am very nice and I love to talk. ^^
    Some Basic Info:
    Music Tastes: Future Bass, EDM, Punk, Techno, Lofi, nightcores okay I guess
    Favorite Color: Purplish Pink Wombo Combo
    Games I Play Often: For Honor, TF2, League of Legends
    Its nice to meet you all and I hope I can make an impact here ❤️
  23. Losing It
    james8470 reacted to butt in hi im asŝ   
    hi my name asŝ this is my introduction post
    things about me:  my name is asŝ, i like asŝ, i eat asŝ, i am 8 year old, my irl name is sir asŝ, i listen to only 6ix0ine, i can sing dpespaciquito my favorite color is black cuz thicc woman in black leggings
    i hope to see you guys around i personally play the tf2 servers cuz am furry jk lmao goteem deez nuts
  24. Informative
    james8470 reacted to Krampus in Scam Warning   
    Yeah there's many scammers out there kek, I get tons everyday and I'm sure that many others do also. What I usually do though is if your their inventory is private or has nothing or close nothing in it if it's not private and you have not seen them in game then I instantly block them since that's probably the easiest way to find out if they are one. Plus if you ever get a link or any notification about free items or coupons of any sort just never click em and you should be good. But anyway that's just some simple advice for anyone new to trading who need an easy way of identifying scammers
  25. Agree
    james8470 reacted to LAN_Megalodon in sug.: "don't talk over people"   
    People don't have the social cues they normally have in an irl conversation, so I agree, it's really fudgeing annoying to have some higher up butt into the middle of a civil conversation and yell 'EXCUSE ME PLEASE ONLY ONE ON THE MIC" just because one of you didn't realize the other wasn't done yet. Like I've seen this enough times and it's honestly like "okay, what do you think annoys people more here, the fact that two people were briefly talking at the same time, or someone grinding the entire discourse to a halt to holler at them not to do something neither of them were intending to do?" 
    Equally enough times I've seen people just not fudgeing caring what's going on or who's talking before them and it just devolves into noise, so while the first situation is annoying, the rule is a necessary evil imo.