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  1. Dislike
    james8470 reacted to Spoopy in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    Bello has tag you for for Punishing Donor Abuse....
    You scared the shit out of me thinking I lost my Donor doing something I haven't done... yet :3
  2. Useful
    james8470 reacted to realBelloWaldi in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    There has been a lot of confusion on how to deal with Donator abuse, so the TF2 higher ups have discussed this subject and we came up with a little something:

    What counts as Donator abuse?

    Breaking our guidelines/rules on Donator powers that can be found here: Donator Information | Xeno Gamers
    Someone purposely misusing Donator powers is not allowed, an example would be killing people with noclip.
    However, I expect our staff to use common sense to determine whether something was intentional or accidental. Let's say someone buys über Donator and wants to test out his powers. They use /kartme and accidentally bump into another person. In situations like these, where someone was obviously just having an accident, it is not necessary to punish them. Try to explain the command to them to prevent this from happening in the future. Then again, if someone who had Donator powers for quite a while just charges into enemies with /kartme, they should be punished.
    Now let's get to the interesting part:

    How to punish abusive Donators:

    The protocol in these cases is:
    Warn -> Kick -> Day Ban
    Kick -> Week Ban + Removal of powers
    If they're abusing for the first time, give them a warning through chat and tell them what they've done wrong. If they do not listen, kick them. If they come back after a kick, you can ban them for a day. If they come back after a day ban and abuse again, you do not have to warn them again. Jump straight to a kick. If they come back after a kick and do it again, ban them for a week and notify the higher ups so we can remove their powers.

    A few things to add:

    As mentioned earlier, you shouldn't follow this protocol when someone accidentally screws up - it has happened to everyone.
    Additionally, it does not matter if someone has been banned before, this protocol applies for Donators regardless of their ban history (unless they have been banned for abuse before, obviously). To make it more clear, here's an example:
    If someone has a day ban for bodyblocking and abuses their powers, do not kick them and then jump to a week ban.
    [spoiler=Tags]- @Bello
    - @Vexx
    - @mrnutty12
    - @Sesh
    - @Vector
    - @BonfireCentipede
    - @Vacindak
    - @Kyuubey
    - @Elcark
    - @ThunderLimes
    - @YeEternalTuna
    - @Kypari
    - @Bone
    - @Natsu
    - @LemonVolt @TheSupremePatriot
    - @sick41057
    - @NitNat
    - @Blizzard
    - @shwash
    - @Spoopy
    - @Amylicious
    - @Thunder
    - @Frusty
    - @Tekage
    - @Matteomax
    - @Krampus
  3. Disagree
    james8470 reacted to Vexx in I AM FULLY ERECT - Team Fortress 2   
    Should just give this guy a warning, no point in jumping straight to ban even though his behavior is quite awful.
  4. Gross
    james8470 got a reaction from Egossi in ill41057 - Team Fortress 2   
    ill, I love you baby, which makes this all the more difficult to say.
    I've known you to be a funny and respectful person. You've been a good mod and you've always answered my questions promptly. However, you also act silly on the servers and there's been a couple instances where you haven't seemed to completely understand the rules, and also what is or isn't appropriate on xG.
    For example, you said it someone using the word 'nigga' on the servers was enough to warrant a ban, yet it turned out all it warranted was a warning (Tinky_winky - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers). Even back then, 50 days ago, I knew you well enough to know you might not be right about it, which is why I wrote "NAME WITHHELD" just so I would't be embarrassing you in front of other staff members. (n)
    Another example would be when you said I would be OK if I used [xG:D] tag. Well, just a couple days later @Kypari was told by @virr to tell me to remove it.
    I want you to stay moderator. In fact, I think the xG staff roster could benefit in a way it couldn't without someone funny and silly like you, who enforces the rules but has fun along the way.
    But to be honest, I don't think you act mature, stern, or informed enough for administrator.
  5. Funny
    james8470 got a reaction from TBOHB in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    Not really a scammer but I've been laughing at what this guy put on my profile for two weeks now. :ROFLMAO:
  6. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to hongkongatron in Mrwubbles   
    In-Game Name:

    Overgrouchy Grinchfruit Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG:

    No Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: [xG] Grape Banned:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    No Time Active on Servers:

    10 days and 11 hours. Age:

    18 Reasons for Joining:

    I'm almost always on xG when I play TF2 (usually every day), and I've been playing for quite a while. I really like the community and the staff, and would just like to be proud to be a member of the community.
  7. Funny
    james8470 got a reaction from yesstergi in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    Not really a scammer but I've been laughing at what this guy put on my profile for two weeks now. :ROFLMAO:
  8. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to shwash in Vacindak   
    Is a super regular on surf. From what i've seen he's a cool, mature guy.
  9. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to Vacindak in Vacindak   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    thevacindak Steam ID:

    "]Steam Community :: thevacindak Banned:

    No Previously in xG:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    No Time Active:

    all time in [xG] Surf-xenogamers.com Age:

    20 Further Information:

    I am elite in surf and actually [xG] Surf-xenogamers.com is my favorite server, i playing all time , cuz have trails , checkpointsaver and good community
    I can speak english and spanish
  10. RIP
    james8470 reacted to Spoopy in ill41057 - Team Fortress 2   
    Srry using my phone. It is one of them.
    Autocorrection at its finest. Hurrah for technology .-.
  11. Thinking
    james8470 reacted to Egossi in ill41057 - Team Fortress 2   
    about that
    I've pointed this out a bunch of times and i barely ever got a straight answer and if I did, i dont remember any, but why do mods not have access to perma ban in the first place if they can just /ban person 99999 "REEE-zun"?
    I think one answer i've gotten was that it's sort of like a checkpoint and any major ban a mod is issuing goes by a higher up first, but in the case where they dont have a limit, they can just ban someone for 900 years can't they?
  12. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to Thorax_ in ill41057 - Team Fortress 2   
    I like you, you are friendly, fun, and I have nothing against you personally, so please don't be offended by this or take it personally.
    You tend to be a bit immature from time to time, you are overly silly and hyper at times and tend to spam (name changes and light chat spam once in a while). You are a decent staff member, but you need to learn how to moderate better first along the lines of whats allowed, whats not and finally what you are allowed/not allowed to do. You just became a moderator not too long ago, give it a good while before you apply for administrator, get more experience as a moderator before considering taking the step up. ;)
    Nothing wrong with a chill, fun staff member but you kind of break the rules when having your fun.
  13. Agree
    james8470 got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Gamemode Rotation Thread   
    Wow, great idea! Good work, Bone. (y) How long did it take to make?
    I'd also like to suggest MGE as a gamemode.
  14. Agree
    james8470 reacted to TBOHB in Remove trade_sylux_oubliettev2   
    I had no idea that @Sylux never made the map. Not cool taking their map and putting your name on it. Just because it isn't finished doesn't mean its up for grabs. As stated before, it doesn't look like you did much at all. You were saying you were fixing some bugs and we never got an updated version of the map. I'm surious as to if you did anything at all besides the music boxes I think.
    But honestly I would +1 for removal. Ive played the map before and as stated before, it got boring for me.
  15. Agree
    james8470 got a reaction from TBOHB in Remove trade_sylux_oubliettev2   
    I'd have to +1 this (for removal).
    It's fun at first, but it quickly loses it charm and becomes irritating to play on for a prolonged period of time, so much so that I just leave the server after only like 30 minutes of play on it.
    I will say one thing good about it; it's not Goldenrod. :P
    As the @Sylux not being the original creator of the map, I was aware he just edited an old map and called it his, but after looking at some pictures of the original map they look literally identical. No offense Sylux, but what exactly did you edit? I can't see a difference to be honest. I don't think it's wise for xG to take a map made by someone else, and then claim it was made by one of our members.
    To any outsider, this just looks like a dick move (especially to the map creator!)
  16. Agree
    james8470 got a reaction from Thorax_ in Remove trade_sylux_oubliettev2   
    I'd have to +1 this (for removal).
    It's fun at first, but it quickly loses it charm and becomes irritating to play on for a prolonged period of time, so much so that I just leave the server after only like 30 minutes of play on it.
    I will say one thing good about it; it's not Goldenrod. :P
    As the @Sylux not being the original creator of the map, I was aware he just edited an old map and called it his, but after looking at some pictures of the original map they look literally identical. No offense Sylux, but what exactly did you edit? I can't see a difference to be honest. I don't think it's wise for xG to take a map made by someone else, and then claim it was made by one of our members.
    To any outsider, this just looks like a dick move (especially to the map creator!)
  17. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from hongkongatron in Remove trade_sylux_oubliettev2   
    I'd have to +1 this (for removal).
    It's fun at first, but it quickly loses it charm and becomes irritating to play on for a prolonged period of time, so much so that I just leave the server after only like 30 minutes of play on it.
    I will say one thing good about it; it's not Goldenrod. :P
    As the @Sylux not being the original creator of the map, I was aware he just edited an old map and called it his, but after looking at some pictures of the original map they look literally identical. No offense Sylux, but what exactly did you edit? I can't see a difference to be honest. I don't think it's wise for xG to take a map made by someone else, and then claim it was made by one of our members.
    To any outsider, this just looks like a dick move (especially to the map creator!)
  18. Like
    james8470 reacted to Thorax_ in Backwards - Matthias Original   
    This is really catchy, what do you think of it?
  19. Agree
    james8470 reacted to virr in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
    You are the one who are supposed to provide evidence in this case, as you are the one who is making the claim he's immature.
    Also, stop bringing up @Rejects. His situation is completely unrelated and should be handled as such.
  20. Like
    james8470 reacted to Bone in Gamemode Rotation Thread   
    Hello fellow TF2 Division players. I'm proud to announce the opening of a new server, the Game Rotation server (IP:
    What is this server, you may ask? Simply put, it's a server to add new gamemodes to our community without having to dedicate one to it for an extended period of time. Votes will be held here every month to see what gamemode will be hosted on the server.
    Currently, the server is running Murder, a gamemode suggested by @Spoopy about 2 months ago. The first vote will be held in this thread in about 2 - 3 weeks to see if it remains, or gets replaced by a new gamemode. So be sure to keep an eye on this thread for updates!
    The votes will consist of 3 new gamemodes and a vote to keep the current running gamemode.
    You can also suggest your own gamemodes for this server. If it's popular enough it will be added to the vote for the next gamemode change.
    Maps, additional plugins, or specific settings can also be suggested in this thread. As long as you feel your suggestion would help supplement the current running gamemode.
    If there are issues or concerns about the server, or if something is broken, post it here or message me either here on the forums or on Steam (Steam Profile)
  21. Informative
    james8470 reacted to Amymaniac in Minecraft, What Next?   
    now that donator packages are finished and fireworks are enabled again the next things I am going to be working on is an event hub with arenas for various events tbc.
    on top of that there will also be work beginning sometime on a secret project which will involve a fun additional way to obtain (and lose) credits, more on that at a later date!
    I will be posting various updates about the upcoming event hub as it gets developed, so stay tuned.
  22. Sad
    james8470 reacted to NitNat in See ya homeslice   
    I don't know how to word this any better, but I'm gonna take off once again. Sadly I can't give a better reason but I'm just disinterested and tired of most of the crap going around. I'm just going to deal with it now instead of later in the year. I've made my choice and I'm just stepping down to member for the final time. I had a lot of fun supporting xG though, thank you all for that.
  23. Disagree
    james8470 reacted to Jacklyn in Slurs Thread Redux   
    I feel as though its different if someone is trying to directly attack a player using slurs or what not, and the rule works in that situation. But it seems unnecessary to me if it's indirect or general.
    It doesn't matter what background you come from I still think it's bad to be too sensitive with words. sticks and stones my dude, I've had slurs thrown at me a lot and I've learned to shake it off overtime, which I feel everyone else should learn to do too because it's beneficial to have thick skin in this world.
  24. Ding!
    james8470 got a reaction from Thorax_ in Slurs Thread Redux   
    I agree inconsistencies happen between staff members and how they enforce the rules, however, what I don't understand is how allowing people to disrespect and insult each other based on skin color, sex, sexual orientation, or disability will somehow open us to a wider audience. These are insults, meant to literally get people to fuck off, rather than stick around.
    Now, you have a point that everyone has their own thing which can be made fun of, and you can't watch everyone, even when they're attacking you personally. But we can still do our best to promote respect based around traits we all have in common, such as the one's I mentioned earlier.
  25. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 got a reaction from Rhododendron in Net Neutrality Related Postv   
    That's absolutely true and I'm not going to go deeper into this for that reason.
    However, I just want to say this; while this debate is both politically tied and somewhat off-topic for a gaming clan, the outcome of it will also affect xG. After all, our games, website, and whatever else are all part of the internet. There is in fact a relation to xG and the whatever happens to net neutrality.
    We should probably stop talking about it for now, but a few years into the future, it may be a debate we need to jump into if we want xG's sites and servers to stay the way they are.