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  1. Are You Insane
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in TheSupremePatriot - Team Fortress 2   
    Oh neat, do you have aspergers?
    So do I ;)
    And yea, I'd have to agree that terms like 'retarded' and 'autistic' plus others should fall under the racism whitelist, and here's why.
    1) Calling someone one of these terms almost always is an overgeneralized definition of who they are as an individual. For example, if I were to call you autistic, I'd be defining your character under that singular condition, while neglecting to mention that @TheSupremePatriot is also very intelligent, helpful, experienced, and friendly of both a person and staff member. In addition, autistic, retorted, etc. almost always are used (although incorrectly) as synonyms for "idiot". People who are autistic, retarded, or whatever other box they're being forced into by the insensitive use such words AREN'T necessarily idiots.
    I also don't like the overuse of "idiot" (often the person in question is NOT unintelligent, just uninformed) but I also don't care too much about it, since it's often used jokingly between friends. :p
    2) Regardless of weather or not the person you're calling such words as 'retarded' or 'autistic' actually has one of these conditions, it still contributes to this societal belief that people who actually have such conditions are inherently stupid. Which is both extremely RUDE and WRONG.
    3) And don't forget, this is the internet. People are going to say these things all the time, because they don't care about you, your race, or your conditions in the slightest, and they'll try to make you cry. That's what I love about xG, you can curse and joke around, but attacking someone personally is disallowed.
    Maybe this should've been a new thread? With a poll to add:
    "making fun of people for their conditions, or words such as 'retarded' or 'autistic' should be added to the racial slur (or whatever we call it) whitelist?"
    In fact, in general, I think attacking someone personally is taking it to far (making fun of their disability, a culture, country).
    Anyways, with that, I +1 this application!
    Good luck, @TheSupremePatriot! You've been an excellent friend to me. (y)
  2. Agree
    james8470 reacted to Bone in TheSupremePatriot - Team Fortress 2   
    Honestly, all rules need to be revisited, re-worded, and reviewed on the servers. Especially since some haven't been updated in a while, and people are dinguses with loop-holing.
    Now, on to the actual theme of the thread... I'm neutral for now.
    Supreme, you've been here for a long time and have done a lot for the community, it's really commendable. Every now and then though, you kinda stray from the rules to enforce something that you personally don't approve of. Kind of in line of what @grap_grop said. Heck, you recently removed a guy's spray and told him not to use it again because you were bugged by it even though it was following rules. I know you're a good guy and mean well, I just feel like you might be a little sensitive at times.
    Other than that, you're doing a good job. I'd like to see you move up within the ranks in the future, though, just perhaps not at this moment.
  3. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in vacation   
    Oh neat, in the city or countryside?
    I had a great time living in a village for a couple of weeks with our family's German friends a few years ago. Very mellow, sustainable way of life. :smug: ;3
  4. Thinking
    james8470 reacted to Chrono in vacation   
    Which side of the wall is this friend on?
  5. Like
    james8470 reacted to TBOHB in vacation   
    Almost forgot.
    See you on June 9th
  6. RIP
    james8470 reacted to Tatost in Highlander event interest check   
    I'll try my best to keep you guys posted here until I can get planning done, where I'll start a new thread with sign ups. I won't be online until the first of next month, my brother had drained all of our data usage streaming a show on Netflix nonstop.
  7. Agree
    james8470 got a reaction from Tatost in Highlander event interest check   
    Keep us posted. (y)
  8. Like
    james8470 reacted to shwash in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    "Curiosity" added me again!

    What a surprise, he is a scammer.
    I made an executive decision, I will be a bit sparing on using the pirate impression for these, since I just had a failure the last time I tried.
    I promise, it will come eventually.....
    ANYWAYS, "Curiosity" added me again. Like all other scammers, he asked for my Molten Mallard Scotsman's Stove Pipe.
    Here are the chat logs:

    I have decided to play my next character that I made up on the spot: Baron Reginald Thomas Wartlesbeck VIII; Fleet Admiral, Gentleman, Top Hat Enthusiast, and Champion of the Art of Barter.
    Enjoy this shitty meme.
    and I promise:

  9. Friendly
    james8470 got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tip: Get Any Steam Game 10%-20% Off   
    Well this was a stupid idea. :unsure: :S
    Thanks for pointing this out Aegean.
    Counting the cut steam takes, you'll only save 2.4% of a 200$ purchase.
    Who would go out of their way that badly just to save 4-5$?

  10. Like
    james8470 reacted to Rhododendron in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Also accepts ref at minimum price.
  11. Thinking
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    If we're encouraging people to get on the forums with this plugin...
    Is this 7-page flamewar what we want them to see? :hilarious:
    But really, I'm down for setting a minimum requirement of around 1 Ref, seems fair to me.
    > Would encourage people to get on the forums even more (they wouldn't disregard the new plugin, knowing that all that ever comes out of it is worthless items).
    > 1 Ref is basically the lowest 'TF2 Currency', but it's still a notable amount, so people wouldn't be deterred from donating (hopefully).
    > I think a reward system for donating should be implemented, would further encourage the use of this plugin. Even something simple like a badge for donating, like, 5$ worth of items or something is good. This provides an incentive to donate items, even if it's a small one.
  12. Thinking
    james8470 got a reaction from TBOHB in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    If we're encouraging people to get on the forums with this plugin...
    Is this 7-page flamewar what we want them to see? :hilarious:
    But really, I'm down for setting a minimum requirement of around 1 Ref, seems fair to me.
    > Would encourage people to get on the forums even more (they wouldn't disregard the new plugin, knowing that all that ever comes out of it is worthless items).
    > 1 Ref is basically the lowest 'TF2 Currency', but it's still a notable amount, so people wouldn't be deterred from donating (hopefully).
    > I think a reward system for donating should be implemented, would further encourage the use of this plugin. Even something simple like a badge for donating, like, 5$ worth of items or something is good. This provides an incentive to donate items, even if it's a small one.
  13. Informative
    james8470 reacted to YeEternalTuna in JustATeenMod   
    -1 Lied about hours and also fake tags/multi-clanning don't want this dude as member if he's just going to be a problem.
  14. Informative
    james8470 reacted to yesstergi in JustATeenMod   
    -1 Pretty toxic in general, reasons as stated above. Never been fun to deal with this guy in the servers
  15. Informative
    james8470 reacted to Thunder in JustATeenMod   
    -1 I think i remember this guy and i never had a fun time around him, hes a pretty big troll and im 99% sure he doesnt have 200 hrs on xG servers
  16. Thinking
    james8470 got a reaction from Ms.Spooks in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    If we're encouraging people to get on the forums with this plugin...
    Is this 7-page flamewar what we want them to see? :hilarious:
    But really, I'm down for setting a minimum requirement of around 1 Ref, seems fair to me.
    > Would encourage people to get on the forums even more (they wouldn't disregard the new plugin, knowing that all that ever comes out of it is worthless items).
    > 1 Ref is basically the lowest 'TF2 Currency', but it's still a notable amount, so people wouldn't be deterred from donating (hopefully).
    > I think a reward system for donating should be implemented, would further encourage the use of this plugin. Even something simple like a badge for donating, like, 5$ worth of items or something is good. This provides an incentive to donate items, even if it's a small one.
  17. Thinking
    james8470 got a reaction from Thorax_ in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    If we're encouraging people to get on the forums with this plugin...
    Is this 7-page flamewar what we want them to see? :hilarious:
    But really, I'm down for setting a minimum requirement of around 1 Ref, seems fair to me.
    > Would encourage people to get on the forums even more (they wouldn't disregard the new plugin, knowing that all that ever comes out of it is worthless items).
    > 1 Ref is basically the lowest 'TF2 Currency', but it's still a notable amount, so people wouldn't be deterred from donating (hopefully).
    > I think a reward system for donating should be implemented, would further encourage the use of this plugin. Even something simple like a badge for donating, like, 5$ worth of items or something is good. This provides an incentive to donate items, even if it's a small one.
  18. Agree
    james8470 reacted to Rhododendron in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    I will disable low price items from being donated so non-crate items will be given away. Maybe have the starting tier be at a minimum of $0.60?
  19. Informative
    james8470 got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    I wasn't entirely clear earlier, allow me to rephrase.
    I'm well aware that weed doesn't cause a chemical addiction, doesn't have harmful effects, and is far less 'potent' then alcohol in general.
    I don't care if he smokes weed or not, I think that's perfectly OK.
    My problem is if he would moderate a xG server while high, and until I read the posts of the past week (a reminder; I've been camping on work during weekdays), I was convinced from multiple members saying he was frequently high on servers.
    That's my fault, I see now that I made my comments before I did enough research to make a proper judgement. Sorry. :unsure: :S
    I'm withdrawing my -1 and remaining neutral for now.
    Regardless, I stand by my point: high, drunk, or whatever; I don't think you should be online moderating a server while your mind and judgement is being manipulated by an outside source.
  20. Thinking
    james8470 got a reaction from Thorax_ in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    I wasn't entirely clear earlier, allow me to rephrase.
    I'm well aware that weed doesn't cause a chemical addiction, doesn't have harmful effects, and is far less 'potent' then alcohol in general.
    I don't care if he smokes weed or not, I think that's perfectly OK.
    My problem is if he would moderate a xG server while high, and until I read the posts of the past week (a reminder; I've been camping on work during weekdays), I was convinced from multiple members saying he was frequently high on servers.
    That's my fault, I see now that I made my comments before I did enough research to make a proper judgement. Sorry. :unsure: :S
    I'm withdrawing my -1 and remaining neutral for now.
    Regardless, I stand by my point: high, drunk, or whatever; I don't think you should be online moderating a server while your mind and judgement is being manipulated by an outside source.
  21. Drunk
    james8470 got a reaction from Thorax_ in xG Meme Generator   
  22. Drunk
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    Oh my bad, I must've pulled up another guy with your username or something who had 14.
    Sorry about that :eek:
  23. Informative
    james8470 reacted to Mr.LogicToast in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    i have a lot more than 14 hours on xG too. i've been playing for a long time now on xG. i have most of my hours focused towards xG surf server.
  24. Informative
    james8470 reacted to Kypari in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    Player Information | Xeno Gamers
    Lxgik's activity isn't a problem in this situation.
  25. Thinking
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    I don't know you personally, but there are a couple points if interest which have swayed my vote.
    1) If you're often, or even at all on drugs while moderating a server, you're not moderating it at all. I don't see how you intend to live up to the definition of moderator if your judgement is clouded. You'd be a lose cannon of a mod, and that's simply unacceptable.
    If this info is outdated, you're clean now, and @Kypari is misinformed, then my deepest apology for the confusion.
    2) You have only 14 hours in-game on xG servers. While this is decent, I'd like to see more experience in-game from any moderator. There are certain things you can only learn by playing, and I'm 99% certain that every xG staff member has tenfold this amount of time in-game.
    3) The lack of effort you put into application also speaks to how much care you would put into actually moderating the servers. Not only are all the "i" 's not capitalized, but things like "not all the time are admin" just make it seem as like you don't care enough about actually putting effort into what you do.
    Mods who don't put effort into what they do, are simply not good mods.
    Sorry, man. (n)