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  1. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to Caleb956 in Shadower   
    -1 on banning him for shitposting, +1 on removal of membership.
    Attention all 9 year old gamers, Shadower is in trouble and needs your help to not get banned from xG, but to do this, he's gonna need a couple of -1s, a skullcutter, and your credit card number, the 3 digits on the back, and the expiration day month and year.  But you're gonna have to be quick so Shadower can win the jailbreak round and make sand great again!
  2. Make xG Great Again
    Dannypicacho reacted to Egossi in Shadower   
    I completely disagree that the reasons I've listed are inadaquate to get him kicked out, when the membership process was changed it was agreed upon in the clan that kicking someone out if they clearly don't have a reason to be here would also become easier, and if you look at shadower he's the prime example of someone who deserves to be kicked out and potentially banned (i think it would be better if he was banned as membership doesn't really mean anything). He himself has no objections to anything i've pointed out, clearly agrees that just about the entire reason he still does anything in xG is just to "troll", and contributes absolutely nothing else. If a person wants to be nothing but pure annoyance to people, that's perfectly fine, but if the annoyed people want that person gone, that's perfectly fine too.
  3. Bad Spelling
    Dannypicacho reacted to ScottNi in Shadower   
    -1 what @tatost Said yall are being pussys
  4. Informative
    Dannypicacho reacted to virr in Shadower   
    I've received clarification from @Egossi, and this is in fact not a shitpost. Serious replies only pls. Thank you!
  5. Agree
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from TBOHB in xG Gamer Revival   
    bring back @Soulify
  6. Like
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from hongkongatron in xG Gamer Revival   
    bring back @Soulify
  7. Funny
    Dannypicacho reacted to Rabid in Trading an AWP Worm God   
    Shucks just when I got enough for the purchase.
  8. Blaze It
    Dannypicacho reacted to kelly678 in In Regards To TF2's Future   
    Nevermind I'll do it myself
  9. Ding!
    Dannypicacho reacted to Thorax_ in In Regards To TF2's Future   
    You can’t convert a demo file to a video file, you need to record the demo with some sort of screen recording program such as OBS.
    Open Broadcaster Software | OBS
    OBSPROJECT.COM OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming...  
  10. Agree
    Dannypicacho reacted to Caleb956 in cliimate   
    -1 is @ScottNi's friend.  Fuck that dude.
  11. Thinking
    Dannypicacho reacted to ScottNi in cliimate   
    +1 Friend from school. He has a long history of cheating in games which is extremely annoying to me. But he has made efforts over the last couple of months to become a better player overall and to stop cheating.
  12. Losing It
    Dannypicacho reacted to Jaybreeze in Fabreeze   
    Hello, is this thing on? I'm still pending here
  13. Feels Bad Man
    Dannypicacho reacted to mrnutty12 in Oh hey there.   
    Because dany bade at gaem xddd
    Also hello again!
  14. Losing It
    Dannypicacho reacted to kelly678 in In Regards To TF2's Future   
    Would someone like to record the footage i recorded?
  15. Friendly
    Dannypicacho reacted to Soulify in Actual goodbye post   
    Starting on a good note, you guys carried me through my freshman year of high school through depression and severe stress. I appreciate playing, shouting, and making jokes with you guys all the time. Ten manners were a blast to play, even if the other team had the most stacked team ever. I improved a series of skills from just playing 10 manners, skills that have real-life applications. Teamwork, controlling my emotions, and socializing are some examples. Now to Jailbreak, I started somewhere 2-3 years ago as a fairly laughable name, it was like "idk O-O," and I had the voice of literally a 3 year old. I didn't talk in jailbreak so I never really got into the community. There was one notable person that highlighted the start of my jailbreak experience, I think his name was "Mogs." He was friendly, approachable, and confident. I shortly became his friend and started to know him, and we even created a group just for the two of us. Unfortunately, his time on xG was cut short, he had mass freekilled and been permanently banned from CT. He never got on jailbreak after that incident, seeing that I had known no one else, I took a break from XenoGamers. I came back after that break, and was welcomed into the community.
    XenoGamers wasn't always perfect for me, as shown by the example above and my last goodbye post. 
    I'll just list these things that ticked me off the most, it's really nit-picky, so I recommend you don't see it.
    I hated when people said that something like Overwatch sucks, that it's not good, the competitive scene and the Meta specifically. The reason I hated people like that, even when I knew they were joking around, is because they had no experience in the current state of Overwatch, how it's drastically improved. People aren't playing GOATS in competitive, especially at masters and below. Please, actually get a feeling of the game. I hated when people tilt from the start in 10 mans, I also have to admit I did it sometimes. I don't care if you're really bad at aiming, game sense, or just being a good teammate; just try your best.  I hated when discord staff received no repercussions through malicious actions. -and etc.
    Now that I've vented out my nitpicks, I'll list some people that were great friends and I'm glad they existed. @PotatoDoc @onlyalittlegay @Darrth @Dannypicacho @Jadow @Thrillhouse @Tatost @SegFault
    Sorry if this post didn't flow too well, there were a lot of misshaped memories and it's 11 clock at night.
    Well, as a (former) member of this community, 

  16. Make xG Great Again
    Dannypicacho reacted to Chrono in Hello! Σxtasy here...   
    we take hate crimes like that very seriously here.
  17. Losing It
    Dannypicacho reacted to kelly678 in In Regards To TF2's Future   
    Who knows how to convert a demo file into a video file?
  18. Are You Insane
    Dannypicacho reacted to Extasy in Hello! Σxtasy here...   
    Yes, I go on local servers to use them against bots.
    Oh, the testing part I only do with test accounts. I never use them on any of my mains or alts.
    [I really didn't solve my mystery there bud. 😞]
  19. Funny
    Dannypicacho reacted to Egossi in Hello! Σxtasy here...   
    What do you mean by "testing hacks"
    Do you go on local server and use them against bots? Do you get on online servers and see the enemies through walls but not kill them?
  20. Disagree
    Dannypicacho reacted to XpertMeleee in JohnGalt !!!!!!!!!!   
    Half of xg would get banned within a day
  21. Winner
    Dannypicacho reacted to Thorax_ in Hello! Σxtasy here...   
    I think you solved your mystery.
  22. Are You Insane
    Dannypicacho reacted to kelly678 in In Regards To TF2's Future   
    You can edit the footage if you want but i'm not paying you 6 dollars to edit it
  23. Smelly
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Red in tree_   
    -1 convinced everyone to vote for bunker 
  24. Gross
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Tatost in tree_   
    -1 convinced everyone to vote for bunker 
  25. Funny
    Dannypicacho reacted to yadingo in Selfie Sunday