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Idle Kick Plugin for Surf Server


If there is a way to prevent staff from being kicked in the surf server if we got the idle plugin here would be really helpful.

It would be nice if it could be a flag based plugin, it will put staff into spectate but not kick them after certain amount of time, or just an extended time.


We have been having a few idlers that are doing it constantly and it does get inconvinient when the servers are at their peak times when the server gets full.



If this does happen to be possible, could we please trial run.


@virr @Vexx @Basquiat

Edited by TheSupremePatriot (see edit history)

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Idle Kick Plugin for Surf Server


If there is a way to prevent staff from being kicked in the surf server if we got the idle plugin here would be really helpful.

It would be nice if it could be a flag based plugin, it will put staff into spectate but not kick them after certain amount of time, or just an extended time.


We have been having a few idlers that are doing it constantly and it does get inconvinient when the servers are at their peak times when the server gets full.



If this does happen to be possible, could we please trial run.


@virr @Vexx @Basquiat

That would encourage staff to idle to pass the time rule for keeping positions, my best guess without checking the thread is about 12-14 hours is that rule. Correct me if I'm wrong on that.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Maybe we can have it so it counts how long you were afking and the higher ups can deduct that time from your total hours?

It isn't possible to depict whether you're afk or not, as one could sit in spectator watching spawn for spawn killers, watching ramps to make sure engineers aren't building on them, etc., etc. I believe Supreme's idea is just flawed because of that time rule. No offense, Supreme. Giving staff the power to have a longer limit on the afk timer in hindsight, doesn't seem very fair to the players who may be trying to join. Keeping the afk timer to the normal time limit should suffice.

And before someone comes at me and says "but servers aren't fun when staff isn't on, players can troll just enough so we don't have much evidence against them!" The best solution to this is to give staff members a priority over other players, only to be used if there is a call admin triggered on a full server. Giving them a longer time they can just afk takes as much space as a player without staff sitting there afk.

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@Bleed we talked about an afk plugin or extension of one that can be exposed in the rcon (preferably status) so I can start giving credits for TF2 activity :)


What do you mean?

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Idle Kick Plugin for Surf Server


If there is a way to prevent staff from being kicked in the surf server if we got the idle plugin here would be really helpful.

It would be nice if it could be a flag based plugin, it will put staff into spectate but not kick them after certain amount of time, or just an extended time.


We have been having a few idlers that are doing it constantly and it does get inconvinient when the servers are at their peak times when the server gets full.



If this does happen to be possible, could we please trial run.


@virr @Vexx @Basquiat

Why don't we we just use the one we have on TGH? It's set to something like five minutes before it kicks you. If you're AFK for more than five minutes, even as a staff member, you should be kicked. I personally really don't see why staff would be excluded from getting kicked. If someone's AFK, they're AFK and shouldn't take up a server slot. On a side note, when a staff member is online, the calladmin plugin does not send out messages for reports on that server anymore. If staff goes AFK, they're prettt much blocking the calladmin bot (don't get me wrong, everyone goes AFK for a few minutes every now and then, but if it's something like 5+ minutes and you're the only staff member, people can't report any wrongdoing anymore.)

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Hey, I was kinda wondering.. Could we remove old hale's and add new ones? New Hale's, like for example, Saitama, SCP's, or just something new in general. And the old hale's that will be replaced would be picked by the admins or so.

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