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Admin Handbook

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Admin Handbook

The intention of this guide is to give a good overview of what is required of each rank, as well as some of the processes and procedures that will be required of you. There is a lot covered, thus it is a lengthy read. We apologize in advance.


It is the responsibility of all staff members to keep constant watch on this page for any changes.




A moderator is an admin in training. They have the lowest rank of staff members, aside from Paid Moderator. They wear the xG:M tag (xG: PM if Paid Mod, sometimes referred to as "Paid Member") They are logged in with access "admin, kick, ban, slay, chat" This means they have access to basic admin commands, kick command, ban command, slay command, and admin chat command.



Admins are the next highest rank above moderator. They have proven themselves of being mature, respectful, and able to handle their responsibilities with ease. Admins are given more access than moderator, although it is minimal. They are logged in with access res, admin, kick, ban, unban, slay, chat, vote. This means they have access to admin commands, kick commands, ban commands, unban commands, slay commands, admin chat and voting commands. They do not have powers to change the map.


Both Moderators and Admins are unbiased. They will not use favoritism toward friends. The rules apply to everyone in the server, even if they are your friend. You will lose your rank and powers if you fail to enforce the rules against ALL players.


Division Manager:

Division Managers are one of the higher ranks that one can obtain. They generally have a longer history of playing on the server and have shown that they can handle a wide variety of problems with ease, as well as being able to enforce rules on the server. Commands given to Division Managers include: res, admin, kick, ban, unban, slay, chat, and vote. These are the same commands given to Admin. Division Managers are expected to be a part of decision making that occurs outside of the server, including discussion over Promo/Demo. They work closely with all Staff Members and the Division Leader and should maintain good relations with all players.


Division Leader:

Division Leader is the highest position one can obtain within a specific division. This staff member is responsible for all the Division Managers are responsible for, while also maintaining and improving the server.



Wearing Tags

When taking a staff member position, it becomes your responsibility to make sure that you are following the guidelines for tags. There are no exceptions to this rule, and failure to comply may result in removal of staff member status.


1) You must wear tags as follows (xG:<rank>:<subclan> is general format):

Moderator: xG:M

Administrator: xG:A

Division Manager: xG: DM

*Some variance is allowed in tags, but in general they should be either at the beginning*** or end of your in-game name, contain legible characters, and be easily identifiable by all players in the server. If you have questions about what is allowed, ask a division manager or division leader. (***before your name is required for CSGO division, others may choose beginning or end)


2) There should never be an excuse to not be wearing tags. This includes being undercover as there is rarely a reason for Administrators or Moderators to do so. Please get approval from either a Division Manager or Division Leader before going undercover.


3) If you are seen without tags and without a valid reason to be on the server without them, you will be asked to immediately apply them to your name. Failure to comply will result in a kick or ban if necessary.


4) If you are playing in another division of XenoGamers, we ask that you please put your division before your rank so the players of the other servers can identify that you will not have powers. This will also apply to any staff members visiting our servers, you may request them to fix their tags if necessary. Example: xG:CSS: DM Hidingmaster


5) You do not have to be wearing tags when involved with non-XenoGamers servers/games, although why wouldn't you want to show your pride?


Command usage


To type in ADMIN chat [Visible only to staff] type @<writing> in team chat. This should be used to privately communicate with other staff members in-game (Available to Moderator+).


To type in ALL chat, which is visible to all players in the server : type @<writing> in public chat.


To Private Message someone type @@<name> <Message> in public chat. This is a good way to send a private message directly to one person.


!who or /who Using this command in chat will allow you to view all of the current players in the server, along with any powers that they have. This will show up in console after you type the command in. This can be useful if you wish to see what other Moderators+ are currently on the server.




32. xG:A Tim res, admin, kick, ban, unban, slay, chat, vote


Commands Used for Rule Breakers


!slay <name> : It kills the man.


!(un)gag <name> : It does not allow the gagged player to type in chat, although still allows them to use admin chat.


!(un)mute <name> : This command mutes the player, meaning they cannot use their microphone in game.


!(un)silence <name> : This is combines both the !mute and !gag command.


!ban <name> <time> <reason> : This will ban a player from the server for the entered time. Entering “0” denotes a permanent server ban.


!teamban <name> <time> <reason> : This will ban a player from the CT team for the entered time. Entering “0” denotes a permanent CT ban.


!kick <name> <reason> : This command will kick the player from the server.


!abortlr : This command will abort any LR’s that are inprogress.


[Admin] !open <@all>/<@ct>/<@t>/<@me/@humans> : This command is useful for opening a door for a stuck player, but should only be used when absolutely necessary.


[Admin] !vote <Question> <"Answer 1"> <"Answer 2"> <"Answer 3"> <"Answer 4">


[Admin] !cancelvote : Will cancel any active votes.

Note: @!me is the same as @all. Using this command such as !slay @!me constitutes a mass slay and is punishable up to and including a permanent ban.

Other Ways to Target a Player


A) Sometimes there are players with duplicate names on the server that cannot be targeted simply by typing a their name such as !ban Hidingmaster. When this occurs you may do the following:

1) type !admin

2) Select "1. Player Commands"

3) Select "6. Identify Player"

4) It will then give you something like this "Hidingmaster (318)". The 318 is their player number.

5) You may now use the player number in place of their name such as: !ban #318


This may also be done by typing "status" in console. The number will be displayed to the left of the player name.


B) The other solution to targeting a play is by using a #<name> command. When using this command, it is possible to target players with names such as @spec or @ct. One thing to note is that this command requires you to type out the entire name, not just a partial name. For example you can mute spectators with !mute @spec and mute a player named @spec with !mute #@spec.

Recording a Demo

Demo's are a great way to record what occurs in game and can serve many purposes as they are great proof of rule breaking. If you are unsure of what to do in a situation, just record a demo and consult with a division manager or division leader when they are available.


To record a demo:

1) Open Console in game

2) Type "record <name of demo>"

3) It will begin recording everything in game, except for your voice

4) When wanting to end the recording, simply type "stop" in console

5) The demo will be saved in the file location (default): C: > Program Files (x86) > Steam > steamapps > common > Counter-Strike Source > cstrike with the .dem file extension


To play a demo:

1) Open console

2) Type in "playdemo <name of demo>"

3) To bring up demo controls, type in console "demoui". You may type it again to close it.

4) Typing "stopdemo" in console will end and close the demo.



Commands Cont.

Any commands typed with a "!" will be public. Any commands typed with a "/" will be hidden from public view. It is recommended that you use a "/" instead as it will help to keep others from impersonating admins as well as keeping what you do hidden from everyone.


!admin : This will open the admin command menu. Here you can find almost all the admin commands you will need.


1. Player Commands


-Slay player : Find their name on this list and press to slay them. Only shows alive players in this list.


-Kick player : Find their name on this list and press to kick them without reason (Will automatically tell them "Disconnect:Kicked by administrator")


-Ban player : Find their name on this list and press their name. It will go to another menu, to choose the time, between Permanent, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, 1 day, 1 week. Click "Own reason" on the next menu and type your reason in chat. If putting a reason that is more than one word, put quotations around the entire phrase.


-Gag/Mute player : Find their name on this menu, and choose between Gag, Mute, or Silence. They may all be undone either through the admin menu or through commands in chat.


-Ban disconnected player : Find their name on this menu, click their name (It shows their time since disconnected as well as STEAM ID too), choose a length time to ban them, and choose one of the corresponding reasons. This is generally only used for players that Mass Freekill and then immediately disconnect.


-Identify player : This allows you to see who is and admin and who isn't. Click their name on this menu and it will tell you via chat if they are admin and who they are.


-Remove from Queue : Find their name on this menu and click it to remove them from the Guard Queue


-Team Ban : Find their name on this menu and click it, then click Ban from CT, select the ban time from 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week or permanent, and choose the corresponding reason


2. Server Commands


-Reload admins : Click this to reload the Admin Cache. Used to refresh Admin powers.


-Remove Spray : Click this while looking at a spray to remove a spray logo, which will open another menu asking if you want to warn them, kick them, or ban them for 5 minutes


-Trace Spray : Click this while looking at a spray to be notified via chat who’s spray you are looking at, their steam ID, and when it was sprayed last, and get the menu for Warn, Kick, or Ban for 5 minutes.


3. Hosties


-Ban player : Find their name on the menu, click it, choose a time, choose a reason for the ban, and click it.


-Kick player : Find their name on this menu, click it, and they will be kicked with reason "Kicked by administrator"


-Slay player : Find their name on this menu, selected it and they will be slain automatically.


-Stop All LastRequests : Click this to abort the current Last Request.


4. SwapTeam Commands


-Immediately : Find their name on this menu to immediately swap their team to the opposite team. This is not recommended while alive, as it is known to cause infections in people under 12 (oh, and can be abused).


-On Death : Find their name on this menu to swap them to the opposite team upon their death. When the player dies they will swap teams.


-On Round End : Find their name on this menu to swap them to the opposite team upon the rounds end. They get swapped on the next round.


-To Spectator : Find their name on this menu to swap them to spectators


Edit: "!showmotd <name>" This command forcibly shows the basic MOTD to any member. Use common sense while applying this plugin - Use it when the player is dead, and do not use it when people actually know the rules. If you see another admin abuse it, warn them, kick them, and then ban them if you see them do it more on.




Admin only commands


These are commands used by Admins only as moderators do not have access to them.


An Admins admin menu will be similar in appearance but have access Voting Commands:


3. Voting commands


-Kick Vote : Find their name on this menu to start a vote kick against them. If successful, they are automatically kicked with reason "Votekicked"


-Ban Vote : Find their name on this menu to start a vote ban against them. If successful, they will be automatically kicked with reason "Votebanned"


-Mute Vote : Find their name on this menu to start a vote mute against them. If successful, they will be automatically muted.



Proper Punishments



1) Warn and Slay

2) Slay

3) CT Ban for “1440”



1) Warn and Slay

2) Slay

3) CT Ban for “1440”


Mass Freekilling: This means killing 3 or more T’s without valid reason

*If violator remains in server: Permanent CT Ban

*If violator leaves server to avoid punishment: Permanent Server Ban


Disrespect/Racism/Admin Disrespect

1) Warn and Gag/Mute/Silence

2) Kick

3) 5 minute Server Ban



1) Slay

2) Slay

3) Kick from server


DDOS Threats

Any DDOS threats are to be taken seriously, regardless of their nature. A DDOS threat warrants a permanent server ban, no exceptions.



Anybody posting IP addresses, links to other clans' websites, or anything of similar nature is a permanent server ban. Links to websites that are not intended to harm the server (Such as YouTube or xenogamers.com links) should not constitute permanent server bans. It is up to staff members to use their judgment to determine what should and should not be permitted.


“Too young” to use microphone

This is another situation in which there is a lot of judgment that must be used by staff members. There are some instances where the player is very clearly too young to be using their microphone, while other cases are more difficult to determine. It is up to staff members to decide what is “Too Young”, but it may be useful to have a vote (If administrator+) to determine if the server is in agreement. To avoid confusion in the server, the highest staff member on has final decision on whether or not they should be allowed to use their mic. They should consult with all staff members on, but it is up to them to make a final decision. If multiple staff members are on that have the same rank, just come to a consensus and stand behind it.


1) Warn

2) Mute

3) Kick

4) 5 minute server ban


Inappropriate Sprays

All sprays must be PG 13 (No nudity or inappropriate content). If you find a player in violation of this, you should:


1) Cry

2) Warn & Remove - Remove their spray and tell them to not spray their spray until it has been changed.

3) Kick

4) 5 minute server ban



Hacking is not tolerated on our servers including: Bhop scripts, wall hacking or aimbot. Hacking is one of the more difficult rules to enforce as it is difficult to detect if someone is actually hacking. If you do suspect a player is hacking, consult with at least 2 other staff members on the situation. If you cannot get 2 other staff members on the server, record a demo of the player and you may post it on the forums.

If 3 staff members agree that a player is hacking, a permanent server ban is appropriate (Please record a demo if possible).

If staff members DO NOT agree, you may still record a demo and either pass it on to a division manager or division leader, or post on the forums.


**Where 5 minute server bans are listed, this time can be altered depending on the situation. It is acceptable to ban up to 1 hour (longer if rule-breaker returns).



Other Issues


Sometimes things don’t always go as planned, and it’s okay. You may hit the wrong bind, miss something that happened, or one of many other things. Don’t worry and don’t panic, just do what you think it best to control the situation. We decided to add this section to give you some insight to prepare you for when something does go wrong. The first thing to remember though is that it happens to everyone. We have all spammed our Freeday!! binds on accident before, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.


I did it. I spammed freeday and it wasn’t one.

This requires quick thinking, but look at how the server reacts. If the T’s are not leaving their cells and running around, it is probably best to type in admin chat “It is NOT a freeday” or something of the like. If T’s did leave cells and it is mass chaos, just apologize in chat, enforce the freeday, and run if you are a CT.


I wanted to slay Tim, but I got Bob instead.

The best way to handle accidental slays is to apologize and explain it was an accident. Don’t make excuses or blame somebody else (Bleed), it won’t help the situation.


Also, remember that other staff members are willing to assist you with any questions or concerns. If you are unsure of what punishment is necessary, it is okay to ask them and come to a reasonable conclusion as a team.


Staff members abusing

Staff members are expected not to abuse commands, whether it be new plugins, fun commands, or anything of the sort. Warnings are not necessary for abusing commands as it is expected to have the maturity not to abuse. Any staff member found abusing can and will be banned by Division Managers and Division Leaders.



**We understand this is a very long read, but we wrote it to help all staff members. It does look like a lot of rules that must be followed and that everything is strict. Although we want you to use this guide extensively, we also want to remind you to have fun on the server. The most fun on the server comes when staff members can understand where to draw the line and let a few things go. Again, we gave you powers because we can believe you know what should and shouldn't be allowed. Do not take this as a waiver to let chaos occur, but rather as a reminder that sometimes it’s okay to let everyone on the server have fun.


**Remember that this list is a work in progress and may not include procedures for all situations. It should also only be used as a guideline, and situations may call for different punishments. You were given powers because you are trusted to be able to make logical decisions based off of the exact situations. If you have questions regarding anything that is or is not covered here, consult @DrLee, @Hidingmaster, or @MegaRobin. The division leader and division managers (when appropriate) have the final decision with issues that are related to this Admin Handbook.


**It is up to you as a staff member to make the best decisions when handing out punishments. This may mean having harsher punishments for constant rule breakers, handing out different punishments than what are listed for valid reasons. Think of it this way: If the person you punished is to submit an abuse report about what occurred, were your actions justified and have valid reasoning behind them?


**Any questions, suggestions, or error corrections may be posted in this thread. All non-relevant posts will be deleted. If you wish to argue any part of this handbook, please do so by creating a NEW thread. You may see posts deleted from time to time, this is simply to keep things tidy; we promise it is not the first step in our plan for world domination.


**All staff members are expected to know the contents of this handbook. It will be required of all current, and future staff members to leave a post stated that they have read and understood the contents. When posting that you have read and understand this handbook, you are also under the understanding that changes will be made periodically and it is up to YOU to keep up with the changes. We will make all efforts to notify staff of changes.


Proper format of Acceptance:

"I _____________ have read and understand the Admin Handbook"

Please only post this, without any alterations (except your name in the space) or additional wording. It is simply done for everyone to be on the same page and to save potential arguments down the road. Fine.. Just put an acceptance that is at least understandable.


Authors: @MegaRobin, @Hidingmaster

Special Thanks to:

@DarkWolf6052 (Used his thread as a starting point)

@Matsi, @Bleed, @Superkiller, @Mr.Jeeblez, @Haxx, @Cookie, @ShadowSpy, @TurdWig

Up-to Date as of: 06/22/2014

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I Lemons take The Admin Handbook as my lord and savior. I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of Xeno Gamers, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of Xeno Gamers.

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Just what I always wanted. My own little bunny rabbit admin handbook. I will name him George, and I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him...

But yeah i Haxx have have read and understand the admin handbook

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