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Counter-Strike: Source

In-Game Name:


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Previously in xG:


Active on Teamspeak:




Further Information:

I previously played as L0VE<3 in the servers. I am on the servers and Teamspeak almost on a daily basis (mostly minigames, sometimes deathrun on TF2).

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-1I don't know what has gotten into you guy's heads. She hasn't been NEARLY active enough to even be considered for a membership. (ShadowSpy, really? You -1d Dutchy because he'd only been on for two weeks, even though it was nearly every day of those two weeks. Dutchy666 - Counter-strike: Source | Xeno Gamers ) If we combined her playtime under this new account, "Britt <3", and her old one, "L0VE <3", we get a grand total of 8 hours on our CSS servers.


One you've been playing for a while, I'll gladly +1. Unfortunately, for now at least, I can't.

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-1I don't know what has gotten into you guy's heads. She hasn't been NEARLY active enough to even be considered for a membership. (ShadowSpy, really? You -1d Dutchy because he'd only been on for two weeks, even though it was nearly every day of those two weeks. Dutchy666 - Counter-strike: Source | Xeno Gamers ) If we combined her playtime under this new account, "Britt <3", and her old one, "L0VE <3", we get a grand total of 8 hours on our CSS servers.


One you've been playing for a while, I'll gladly +1. Unfortunately, for now at least, I can't.

Dutchy played 2 weeks straight, and he was playing for a short amount of time, she has that little of game time, but she always hopped on, so she didnt play long each day, she played smaller amounts over more days. ALSO you're searching jailbreak alone, you can't search MG game time(Which I've seen her on alot more recently)


P.S You smell

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-1I don't know what has gotten into you guy's heads. She hasn't been NEARLY active enough to even be considered for a membership. (ShadowSpy, really? You -1d Dutchy because he'd only been on for two weeks, even though it was nearly every day of those two weeks. Dutchy666 - Counter-strike: Source | Xeno Gamers ) If we combined her playtime under this new account, "Britt <3", and her old one, "L0VE <3", we get a grand total of 8 hours on our CSS servers.


One you've been playing for a while, I'll gladly +1. Unfortunately, for now at least, I can't.


"Its all about QUALITY not QUANTITY"


Silly fucker ;)

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Dutchy played 2 weeks straight, and he was playing for a short amount of time, she has that little of game time, but she always hopped on, so she didnt play long each day, she played smaller amounts over more days. ALSO you're searching jailbreak alone, you can't search MG game time(Which I've seen her on alot more recently)


P.S You smell

Actually, Dutchy's average connection time per day (for the two weeks before he was accepted) was about 6 hours (the least he played per day was still over an hour, more than a lot of staff for CS:S). Like I -1'd Dutchy's app for lack of activity, I'm going to -1 this app for the same reason. You are a lot of fun to play with, but you simply don't have enough activity to be ready for member. Unless you have several days of activity hidden away on minigames, you've barely played on the CS:S servers. From looking up your steam ID on rank.xenogamers.com you only show up on 4 xG servers, 3 of which you are active on (the last one has 0% activity). Your total play time for these three servers is about 2.5 - 4 hours. While you certainly have the maturity aspect of membership down, you need to get more active before you can get member status. Links to activity: Xeno Gamers - Player Information Xeno Gamers - Player Information Xeno Gamers - Player Information

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"Its all about QUALITY not QUANTITY"


Silly fudgeer ;)

That is merely an excuse for lack of activty. I'm not saying that a member has to be extremely active, but they should still show a decent amount of activity over their course of getting into xG.

I've seen Britt in the jailbreak and the minigames over the course of the past two (3?) weeks. I've seen her on a bit, and seems to be fairly mature. She knows our rules like how all members should. I'd keep this to a +/-0, I will probably change it a +1 if I see the same amount of activity for the next week or two.

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She has been hella active on Minigames with @@serbiansnaga , and it is kinda helping out the minigames server aswell, which is always a good thing.

She is also pretty much on TS daily.

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