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Ghoststalker1342 - Counter-strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

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I played a long time ago (about 2 months ago) and I got perm banned from CT. I have started to play again today and I will be playing more often and I was wondering if I could be unbanned. I was never given a time, as that was my 2nd perma ban in a month. I would really like to be unbanned from CT.




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+1 This guy is mature, was playing with him today and he didnt even talk about the ban. He was not annoying and unfortunantely I wasnt there to see the reason the ban was for but it looks like he knows what he is doing.

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So changing my post to a -1 because of the info I just learned. So you are mature, you're not mean but you have been permed before for massing. You also been ct banned five times because of freekilling. Also you have been told multiple times to read our motd but you didn't and got banned 5 times. Im sorry but -1

Xeno Gamers

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Xeno Gamers . This shows that you got ct banned more then 5 times in a month. I've been one of the admins to ban you. Look if u want want to be unbanned i highly suggest taking a look at the motd and taking some time to actually learn it before going to ct. A quick heads up, you won't get unbanned just by waiting 2 months and learning nothing. If u had actually taken the time to play terrorist, I'd be all for getting unbanned. But the fact of the matter is Mass freekilling twice in a month (Even if it is an accident) and not taking the time to learn our rules doesn't look well.

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I had skimmed through the MOTD a while back, but didn't read it thoroughly. I'm about to get on the server and go play, but before I start playing I will check MOTD and read it completely. As for my past bans, I haven't been banned 5 times. I have been banned twice. 3 at MOST, but I do not believe even 3. The reasons I believe are what Haxx said, I freekilled once but it wasn't like it was on purpose (also as Haxx stated) and Cristo banned me, and I believe Haxx banned me once after because I was unaware of the fact that on last CT you need to let T's out of solitary and wait at least 10 seconds before you kill them. I respect your decisions and I think they are fair. I am still wondering how long my ban will be, or if it will be lifted at all.




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-1 You've been banned and unbanned for this same exact reason. You're still able to play on the servers - just not on CT. I believe if you want to be unbanned, you'll need to be much, much more active and have been playing for longer than this.

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I understand Forest, but I was wondering whether or not the ban would be lifted in a month, a week, or never. And I know that I can play on the servers Lee, and not CT. Also, how much more active would you say? I apologize for basically repeating this question, but do you think I need to be on more often like a few months, weeks, or even longer than a few months. I would just like to know so I can get the jist of how long I will only be able to play as T, since I always check to see if I can play CT when I first start playing on JB for the day.




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I was wondering whether or not the ban would be lifted in a month, a week, or never.

Permanent means never, unless given a reason to be unbanned. I would suggest taking a look at this thread Want to get unbanned? | Xeno Gamers . Judging by your history, I doubt that any amount of activity would result in an unban considering you were permanently banned once before. Of course I may be wrong since people may still be lenient toward this sort of thing :coffee:

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I understand Forest that permanent means forever.



: lasting or continuing for a very long time or forever : not temporary or changing


But I didn't know whether or not you would have a time on this perm ban, like, you would perm ban me for a week. But, like I said before, no matter what decision you all make I respect it and I know you did what you felt was right for your servers.

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Maybe he thinks his ban is like a hair style?


A permanent wave, commonly called a perm or "permanent", involves the use of chemicals to break and reform the bonds of the hair. The hair is washed and wrapped on a perm rod and waving lotion is applied with a base. This solution creates a chemical reaction that softens the inner structure of the hair by breaking some of the cross links within and between the protein chains of the hair. The hair swells, stretches and softens, then molds around the shape of the perm rod.


Those only last about a month :rolleyes:

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Permanent ban means FOREVER, as i'd assume you know. There is no set time where your ban will be lifted, which i guarantee it wont be anyway. There are xG members or players who are in the same spot as you are right now, and they played for like 2+ years. No set activity will get you unbanned, the only way you'll be able to get unbanned is if you use this : Want to get unbanned? | Xeno Gamers

Otherwise, you have like a 99% chance of staying banned.

If you do the unban thing, you'd be unbanned as soon as someone saw it.

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