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No one is actually going to post a True thing about themselves and/or Experience they had, so fuck it, I guess I have to step up to the damned plate. If you had any respect for me, that will be all gone with in these next 2 minutes.


One time, I was petting my cat, normally mind you, just on the back. He's purring and all that good shit and he's loving the hell out of it. So he falls to the floor, at the time, I thought it was adorable. At the time though. 000.1 Seconds afterwards I see a fucking disgustingly red erect Cat Sausage™ and it's already too late, there is no God, nor hell below in this moment, for I have already arrived at my destination. And that Destination is a personal hell designed for me in which this cat decides to blow his load all over the place and scars my 10 year old mind. All I could fucking do was go up to my mother and simply murmur "M-...Mom I think...I think the Cat's spraying..." even though I knew it was just some sort of strange delusional cover up for what had just destroyed my love for any cat ever. And this is my story of why I kind of prefer Dogs.


That very cat stills comes up to me and paws at me for love and all I can do is this. ai.imgur.com_VGVy5b5.gif.d2a83183eb3eaca625f265d0b604be44.gif


TL;DR - Cats love me.

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I've tried to genuinely kill someone before by slamming their head against the wall until I saw blood because he threw water over me.

He ran away after I started chasing him. Fat bastard.

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So, true story. I was playing with my cousin and he really wanted to see my cat Harold. When i picked up the cat and was about to give it to him, AS I WAS TALKING, the cat let all of its urine go right into my mouth and scared me for life. Damn cat pissed in my mouth.

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alright I will go for another


#TMI I was sitting at my desk just watching videos and shit, when i had this rumble in my stomach. I had to take a shit, but i told myself i can deal with it and hold it. One of the videos i was watching had a really funny fucking part in it, which made me laugh so fucking hard that it made me had to shit worse. I quickly got out of my chair and ran to the bathroom, but i was to late, i shat all over my pants.


the funny thing to is that this happened this month

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Some drunk fat bitch at a party got pissed at me for reasons I can't quite remember and for some god awful reason launched an assault on my dick area and somehow managed to flay my groin to pieces. It looked like someone tried to slice my diick and balls off with a pair of safety scissors I didn't really tell anyone because.. wtf. So I ended up wearing 5 band-aids on my crotch for at least 3 weeks and all the way through finals.

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Okay so one time I was jackin it on a sunday when I was 14, and for whatever reason I decided to blow my load out of the second story window, so I opened the window and finished, but I forgot about the fact that the screen was still in the window. So there was this big wall of cum and I was so scared because I knew my dad would see and ask why there was an off-white block of crusty shit outside the window, and also I had my door locked but I knew my parents were sitting outside. So I had to look around the room for a way to get it out but the fucking semen was in between the little holes in the screen and wiping off the thin sheet of load didnt do anything, and thats when I realized the only way to remove it was to put my mouth up to the thing and suck it out and spit it into a bottle and after about an hour it looked clean but there was a bottle of cum on my desk. And I fucking forgot to do anything with it and my dad still saw it and I got grounded THE END

so yeah #tmi

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So in year 4 I was a bright kid. I socialised with people, made jokes, had friends etc. Then year 5 came and everything went to shit.

I had a teacher who hated me to no end. She would literally pick at the slightest thing i did and yelled at me in front of everyone.

I never had anymore breaks because I would constantly be in detention.

The few times I did have breaks I would sit by myself on a bench because i didn't talk to anyone anymore cause I was scared what the teacher would say.

I then became outcast, like i didn't belong.

Then sports day happened. (sports day was a thing my school did every year where parents would watch their kids to races and stuff like that.)

Sports day was cancelled so my mum didn't give me any suncream for school, Then they decided to do sports day anyway without telling any of the parents.

They did it and i was a complete wreck.

Because i had no suncream I had really bad sunburn and i was burnt for what felt like weeks.

It was so bad my mum could've sued the school, but for some reason she didn't.

And the next time I came into school and did something "wrong" my teacher said this "God, you really are special."

And because I was a wimp i cried infront of everyone. Then the year ended and i was so fucking glad.


TL;DR: Teacher bullied me to the point i completely changed my personality and traumatised me into getting severe social anxiety.

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Thunder and Lieutenant Dan are the same person.


Real TMI

I accidentally slipped and fell face first (mouth wide open) into some drunk guys vomit puddle when i went to chase him down (he was driving drunk at my work and we had to pull him over and hold him till police came. Needless to say we got him after he escaped 4 times)

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