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7 pages of people who are expressing how they are generally fed up with someone, 19 to 4 votes currently, and still not enough there to actively do anything about it. What a time to be alive.


I guess the question remains is for @Matsi , why continue to play here when the overwhelming majority of people generally dislike you for your actions / attitude? I would see no joy in playing somewhere where people just all around didnt like me.


Call me crazy right?

Because my love of the clan exceeds my care of what random people on the internet think of me, not that I don't care what people think of me.... but let's be honest... most of you have played in game with me for what... a month(adding all time together) the rest of your opinions of me come from the forums, TS, or what YOUR friends think.... it's nothing new, it was the same in high school, most people would hate me and my group of friends because we would play MTG at lunch....


I have several friends in this clan, even some like Demonic, who I used to be enemies with.... maybe someday you might become a friend too, the world is a crazy place. I like the gamemodes and the plugins, along with some regulars and people that I get to have fun with, I am not going to just leave because some people don't like me, you'll never make EVERYONE like you, unless you lie to everyone... and eventually it'll catch up to you... I don't hide my ideas or opinions, I am sorry that offends you, but at the same time I know people that agree with my ideas and opinions.


I am trying to avoid conflicts with you and the others who dislike me, if you guys did the same thing, I don't see why we all can't just be happy and have fun.

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I am pretty sure if I'd tell you "Hey Matsi, I got this nice butt blow job yesterday and accidently even swallowed!" even you, master of the English language, might think I am not talking about a drink.

That's quite a bit different wording... lol

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but let's be honest.................. most of you have played in game with me for what.................. a month(adding all time together) the rest of your opinions of me come from the forums, TS, or what YOUR friends think................

not for me, I've played with you for more than a few months in total both while i was banned and after i was unbanned


I am trying to avoid conflicts with you and the others who dislike me, if you guys did the same thing, I don't see why we all can't just be happy and have fun.

I tried to reason with you and even tried to become friends but all you did was blacklisting me on your channel in teamspeak and tell me to shut the fuck up in a pm

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not for me, I've played with you for more than a few months in total both while i was banned and after i was unbanned



I tried to reason with you and even tried to become friends but all you did was blacklisting me on your channel in teamspeak and tell me to shut the frick up in a pm

I blacklisted you from my channel because you put that earrape bot in there >.< I honestly forgot it was there I'll remove it...

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I blacklisted you from my channel because you put that earrape bot in there >.< I honestly forgot it was there I'll remove it...

i put the soundboard with a lot of stupid things playing on it yeah, but it wasnt ear rape and that channel was empty

and as soon as you came into that channel you immediately blacklisted me and kicked my soundboard

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Y'all are turning this into a courtroom. Allegations of animal abuse? Wat. That's not the concern. We're aren't here to judge character or life choices, but whether or not removal of membership is necessary and if so why. The words illegal and legal don't matter here. Drugs are illegal but we aint banning anyone for talking about them. Try and keep it more on track, provide evidence (#notacourtroomhipocrite) and logical arguments, also please leave a vote in Snackbar's thread if you have not already.

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Quick question(s), before I give any sort of opinion on the matter:


Prior to this thread, was Matsi ever approached by a Higher-Up(s) to cease and desist any sharing of his lifestyle choices that involved "extreme" ideologies? And if so, as a follow-up question, was any sort of punishment determined (or dealt for that matter) if he ever ended up doing so, and then made public to the community?


Reason I ask is that, much like a lot of things xG, it looks like something/someone jumped the gun and went straight from the moment of the "offending" content to the decision of having his Membership revoked and rank dissolved as opposed to warning. Correct me if I'm wrong, it's why I'm asking the aforementioned questions.

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This was REALLY looking like a vector thread, but he quickly decided to turn friendly and explain his actions. (All the while some people misunderstand that he's being banned. He's not. We just don't want him representing us)


I mean, sure. I don't really have many (more like, ANY) good memories with Matsi in the long time I've been here with him. Mainly because almost every time I see him he's either complaining, putting somebody down for some mistakes or being rather disgusting with posts in shoutbox.

Now I know that almost nobody has actually told him to "stopp plzzz ur offending my religionn" but you would have guessed that he'd take a hint to stop talking about vulgar stories by peoples reactions?


If he decides to actually change for the better, he can actually be a good guy. When he does things seriously, it goes very well, but anything else is a negative.

And again, if he decides to change a bit, I will change my vouch. Or change my opinion on you, depending on whether or not you get kicked out before this happens.


Also, cut it out with the :) :P posts constantly. It honestly doesn't make you look smarter, nicer or whatever you expect it to do. That's one (minor, with a big effect) reason I personally do not want you around.


AND again, from most of my experiences with you on CSGO since it came up, if you would kindly not backseat moderate to try and get a rank, that would be most enjoyable.

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OK. let's get started.


First and foremost, I do not condone this thread at all. My major reason for that is that almost every single person posting in here giving a +1 has instigated so many different issues with matsi and in fact almost all the instances you use as proof (not counting the countdown thread by vector) are all started by you guys posting something derogatory, demeaning, rude, and just plain un-necessary towards matsi. Exhibit A:


Phoenix made a moderator submission, matsi simply posted a quote of the appropriately deemed requirements to create one and said that it should be closed due to not meeting the requirements, instantly owl, vector, and various other staff members of CS:GO posted rude and hateful things basically telling matsi to fuck off. Meanwhile you turn around to Diversion's mod submission and owl posts that and demands a close and literally throws a hissy fit about when I re-open it even going to the point of insulting my ability as a DM.


Secondly, just going to get this out of the way before I forget it, but this is a semi-unrelated note: Snackbar, you're a great guy and all but you need to chill the fuck out. You're doing great trying to help and all and it really is appreciated by me, but you're taking things too fast. You banned him on teamspeak "for shits and giggles all in good fun" you don't do that to someone unless you are good friends with them. You push all these rule changes that are discussed by you and 2 others that agree with you at 3am in teamspeak, with no regard for a discussion prior to making it official without messaging the rest of the higher ups in the division as well as those rules push away from the unified set of rules that we tried very hard to make happen. yes game specific rules will be division specific but now you are making a steam name global rule a division specific thing, going so far as to try and control what people make their steam name "must be a name you are easily recognized as such as your forum name or a name you frequently use" if I decide I wanted to go by AlphaOmega tonight nobody would recognize me at first, as well as if asked I would present my forum name. Next, there is a blatant exclusion of communication the very opposite is happening in regards to that which @Rhododendron was all for trying to eliminate and then he too becomes guilty of his old habit of talking to one person about something and making a change: I have not once been messaged by snackbar with who he wants to promote/demote since he was given the opportunity as DM, nor has he responded to my private message I made with him and bleed specifically for discussing between us promo demo and other future changes we would be considering doing (obviously they would then be brought into a discussion on the csgo forums). even now going so far as to post promo/demo at 3am because he wants to do it when it is a CL job, and he creates his own promo/demo without consult. the reason it is a CL job is because they can then cross check it. when you post it, there is no going back on it. while I agree the whole set of CS:GO staff right now is good at their job, I can tell you for a god damn fact a couple people got promoted because they are your friends while you wouldnt consider some others because you aren't friends and always talking even though they are just as deserving of staff.


Third, there was supposedly a discussion between tf2 higher ups, csgo higher ups, and silence. I was not included so it clearly did not include all csgo higher ups, bleed probably wasnt, and since when do we banish someone from a division? no. if you really dont like the guy, just fucking ignore him.


Beastiality is not a federal law, it may be a state law, but we have to go by federal since that is the do all tell all for anyone in the US as a US based community if you want to bring "felonies" into it. tarin sexually idolized and sent dick pics to a 14 year old boy which has been presented proof of, that is a federal felony. Beastiality is not a felony according to federal law, and as such could not be used. infact if you wanted to use some state laws, there are some that limit what you can and cannot have sex with, as stated by matsi florida it has to be bigger than a porcupine. No he should not be saying these things in public but it is his life and his sexual interests, they dont do anything to you, I could see a abuse report for conduct unbecoming of a staff member as that is immature and not the "better" thing to be doing, and I would gladly give a + 1 to that, but a removal of member? no. wanting him to be permanently banned? absolutely not.


Don't get me wrong, I am not friends with the guy, even if I was like with the vector case, I fought for iggy too and I am not afraid to turn around and ban a friend when they fuck up. See: rabid and vector having numerous bans from me. forum and game and teamspeak. But if you want to do something to this scale then there better be a legitimate reason, which is why when snackbar said he was thinking about posting one I told him I would give it a - 1 and that I believed it would be incorrect to post in the first place for some of the reasons listed above. after you get time to read over this and simmer, I will post a follow up to any questions/legitimate posts in response to this.


I will also be closing the "Companion Thread" as this is not a "majority vote" kind of thing, this is a CL decision and they will make it by going over all the statements and evidence provided in the thread, I will not be deleting that thread like I should until after the resolution of this issue is met, If you cannot give a reason to your vouch, then you shouldn't be posting it anyway, as well as periodically as I fade in and out of being home because of my life and shit, I will be going through this and deleting useless/stupid posts. please refrain from posting multiple times because you are debating with multiple people as well as try to be as clear as possible in your posts.


just to re-iterate, snackbar you need to chill out a bit and take a step back. everyone posting needs to make legitimate posts legitimately debating and give a reason behind a vouch. if you want to use laws as a form of back up, use federal and not state laws. and everyone should probably take a day away from this thread before they post anything else to give time for their minds to settle, psychologically you guys are too into the hype of a new thread getting so big and everyone should chill out.

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making this second post only because I know several people already loaded that post above. I myself alone made the executive decision to close the other thread, and if another DM or DL has an issue with it, please do not change it, instead let the CLs decide if they want to re-open that, but remember we are not a "majority rules" type of place, we are a place based on evidence and debate. not simple yes or no votes. Feel free to message me anything you are concerned about regarding this issue or my post in general, just know that I will likely ask you if it is ok to screenshot/quote it by you if not you can remain anonymous as well, to further provide legitimate debate. I will try to get back to anyone as soon as possible.

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My major reason for that is that almost every single person posting in here giving a pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.overrideAttributeFunctions();+1 has instigated so many different issues with matsi and in fact almost all the instances you use as proof

how was the shit posting csgo thread instigation? How was him harassing cristo instigation? How was his Moderator submission instigation? How was his attitude complaining in shoutbox after his moderator thread was closed instigation?

Phoenix made a moderator submission, matsi simply posted a quote of the appropriately deemed requirements to create one and said that it should be closed due to not meeting the requirements, instantly owl, vector, and various other staff members of CS:GO posted rude and hateful things basically telling matsi to frick off.

uh no? At least not my own the fact he said brought up outdated rules for an incredibly qualified mod. You also seem to not mention thjat the "shit posted post" was also filled with information that contradicts his post.

Meanwhile you turn around to Diversion's mod submission and owl posts that and demands a close and literally throws a hissy fit about when I re-open it even going to the point of insulting my ability as a DM.

you act as if EVERYONE took part of that thread. I have no idea what you're talking about. Also, you can't just close and open threads without discussing with the other higher ups. You have been told about this before. Neither should the others but you seem to do it anyway. I'm not sure if he did insult you or not but if he did he shouldn't of but that doesn't mean it gives you the right to do whatever you want.

. You push all these rule changes that are discussed by you and 2 others that agree with you at 3am in teamspeak, with no regard for a discussion prior to making it official without messaging the rest of the higher ups in the division as well as those rules push away from the unified set of rules that we tried very hard to make happen. yes game specific rules will be division specific but now you are making a steam name global rule a division specific thing, going so far as to try and control what people make their steam name "must be a name you are easily recognized as such as your forum name or a name you frequently use" if I decide I wanted to go by AlphaOmega tonight nobody would recognize me at first, as well as if asked I would present my forum name. Next, there is a blatant exclusion of communication the very opposite is happening in regards to that which @Rhododendron was all for trying to eliminate and then he too becomes guilty of his old habit of talking to one person about something and making a change: I have not once been messaged by snackbar with who he wants to promote/demote since he was given the opportunity as DM, nor has he responded to my private message I made with him and bleed specifically for discussing between us promo demo and other future changes we would be considering doing (obviously they would then be brought into a discussion on the csgo forums). even now going so far as to post promo/demo at 3am because he wants to do it when it is a CL job, and he creates his own promo/demo without consult. the reason it is a CL job is because they can then cross check it. when you post it, there is no going back on it. while I agree the whole set of CS:GO staff right now is good at their job, I can tell you for a gosh darn fact a couple people got promoted because they are your friends while you wouldnt consider some others because you aren't friends and always talking even though they are just as deserving of staff.

unrelated. to the thread. you can discuss snakebar's staff in the staff forum. it's not needed here.

Beastiality is not a federal law, it may be a state law, but we have to go by federal since that is the do all tell all for anyone in the US as a US based community if you want to bring "felonies" into it.

you are right we got that wrong but that doesn't mean we should allow it by any means. What makes the community look like if people know that someone has sexual activity with an animal? In a realistic environment how would that look on xG?

but a removal of member? no. wanting him to be permanently banned? absolutely not.

again would you want to be represented with someone who condones zoophilia and again NO ONE IS SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT A PERMANENT BAN BECAUSE WE DON'T DECIDE THE PUNISHMENT OF THAT MAGNUM this was posted in a member protest because i didn't know whether to post in ban request or member protest because it fits in both categories.. please read the thread.

I will also be closing the "Companion Thread" as this is not a "majority vote" kind of thing, this is a CL decision and they will make it by going over all the statements and evidence provided in the thread,

again, closing the thread thing is a higher up thing that should be discussed by everyone as snackbar, hidingmaster, scootaloo, kbrazz all didn't closed it and seemed fine. Also the companion thread was to just get a tally on what people think of the decision as we do with every thread with decision. +1 and -1 are what help xG communicate and give each other opinion.

I will not be deleting that thread like I should until after the resolution of this issue is met,

you have no reason to delete the thread or posts that relate to the topic. You may delete posts that are nothing but instigation but you cannot delete posts that actively talk about each point each individual has made. You do not have the power to judge

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owl posts that and demands a close and literally throws a hissy fit about when I re-open it even going to the point of insulting my ability as a DM.


The only thing I did after you reopened it was say yawn and give my opinion on Diversion's mod app, and I don't remember saying anything about your ability as a DM, unless I'm misreading?

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@Chrono - i didnt start this thread nor did i have any idea vector was posting this.


I added to it. this thread isnt about me, nor is this the place or time to air any dirty laundry- if you dont like how ive been doing things, make a post in the admin forums and we can discuss it there. I dont really feel how its secifically my fault that youre not as active as you used to be and i dont think it fair to tell me to "slow down". Loads of these ideas arent mine and mine alone so you should include bleed silence and lithium if youre upset about the changes around here.


I dont know what makes you think im making all kinds of decisions soley on my own when im not- its really ufair.

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Companion thread is back open. Although we don't necessarily run by majority vote all the time, I would still like to have a place for people to vote (where it isnt mixed in with a bunch of arguing). The CLs will get together and talk about it, keeping the voting in mind.


Also, don't think its a big deal for Chrono to be closing threads and moderating the forums, as long as it is within reason.


If you want to discuss anything @Chrono, feel free to message me on the forums. Including snackbar and the other issues you brought up.

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Solely basing my opinion off of my previous questions (found Here) as well as what I've seen outside of the TF2 Servers, primarily in the xG forums.


Given the circumstances, I won't be typing out some massive wall of text (I looked back on this and, straight up, I lied) due to the fact that most of what I would bring up has already been brought up in this thread. That being said, it'll still be a lengthy read. To allow an easier time, I'll briefly summarize the main points that I believe were made in this thread with my added opinion.


1. Offensive Material


So far, this has been one of the biggest pieces of kindle to the fire, if not the open flame to the firestorm. It's understandable that no one wants to see or hear about the "offensive" material Matsi has brought up, but from what I've personally seen, 9/10 times these moments were instigated or even provoked. Mock the guy by saying something like "go have sex with a dog" (extreme example) and you damn well better expect him to retaliate with something just as vulgar. However, with that being said, it is just as unacceptable for Matsi to talk in detail about something as "offensive" as what he [supposedly] did, especially in the presence of minors either in or out of the Server. While this may be the case, I'd like to remind everyone that vulgarities are a common thing online. Hell I bet I could get on the TF2 Server and at some point or another, someone will outright say "suck my dick" or anything else along those lines. Obviously the two (beasiality, for a lack of better words, and text-book vulgarity) aren't on the same level, but if you're going to argue that Matsi is saying offensive material in the presence of minors, then you should take into account all of the other filth that is said in and out of Servers. In the end, it's all the same and minors should not be subjected to any of it if that's your argument. Needless to say, if you don't want someone to go into detail about their personal life, don't ask. If you won't ask, they won't tell. Stop instigating with comments or posts that either have no relevance or should not have even been mentioned. All in all, any sort of "extreme ideologies" or life choices that aren't PG- 13 should not be shared openly on the Servers. We're here to play games and have fun, not to debate and discuss what gets each other off. This should not be counted as a huge "strike" against Matsi.


2. Sense of Entitlement


If the offensive material was the open flame, then this is the pile of dead branches and twigs that contributes the ignition. We've all seen it before, someone posts something in a way that leads others to believe they're cocky or arrogant. I won't say this doesn't happen, I've seen my fair share of Matsi giving attitude and sass in response to a thread or post. I do agree that it is completely unwarranted in most cases, just as it was when the exact same problem had occurred with Vector. With that said, we can all do without this sort of attitude and behaviour on the forums. I'll agree that a change needs to be made here. There's some truth in the saying "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all". It really isn't that difficult to realize not everyone has the same thought pattern or perceptions as yourself (in general), so give the person a break or give them the benefit of the doubt. Anything from the sentence "have a nice day :) " can be misconstrued given the circumstances, which leads me to my next point.


3. Personal Opinion


Everyone is entitled to this. I may not be a part of the TF2 Division, but we're all in the same clan. This isn't some civil war where CS:GO is better than TF2 or TF2 is better than ND. Everyone has the exact same say in something, regardless of their primary Division. Even if it is negative, why is there a need to call them out by saying something like "you have no idea what this is about, get out of here and stay out of here"? It's just as easy to tell them why what they said couldn't work or why it isn't a viable option. The relevance of this point is how Matsi is shut out from the CS:GO Division due to whatever the hell the reason is. We all know that Matsi is a whistle-blower (based on the Ban Requests he has submitted) which means that the guy is dedicated to following the rules properly, which I can see no problem. However, because of the attitude he can give, most of what he says may come off in an arrogant way, a sort of "I know all of the rules and what you're doing is wrong" which can appear as though he has this sense of entitlement as mentioned earlier. Mix that with people who have a bad history with him, and you have an explosive and volatile reaction. Case in point, Snackbar's reaction to Matsi's post in which Matsi mentions a pre-existing rule that conflicts with Snackbar's addition of a new rule. Depending on your history with Matsi, you may read what he said as offensive, sarcastic, or any other variant. For example, had he said "As long as it doesn't apply to the TF2 Division, it doesn't matter to me" it would have been interpreted in a different way. It is exactly as how you choose to perceive it. I'm not saying Snackbar is in the wrong, this is just the most recent example that displays how things can be interpreted in a way that can potentially escalate the situation (which it does).



After all is said and done, the following are the issues that need to be cleared up:


- Vulgarity: Matsi needs to realize that one's personal life or ideologies (especially in regards to any form of sexual content) should not be shared openly on Servers or in the presence of minors.


- Sense of entitlement: Matsi needs to better critique people in a way that doesn't display a "I'm better than you" attitude, or just refrain from doing it at all. This includes snide remarks that really aren't necessary both in and out of the forums.


That being said, just as with Vector, if you don't feel you can get along, then do us all a favour and don't provoke the guy. It literally does no good to anyone and just exacerbates things. If you don't agree with his personal choices in life, deal with it. It isn't your life, you have no influence on it, stop trying to control it. My verdict? Seeing as how this was never brought up before by means of actual confrontation of Higher-Ups sitting down with Matsi and discussing the situation, I say he gets a stern warning. As I mentioned in my earlier post, if (prior to this thread) there was no moment in which this issue was discussed and a warning wasn't given, I don't see how it's fair to condemn Matsi immediately. As to whether he is deserving of being a Staff Member (my only experience is with his Ban Requests) that is completely up to the TF2 Higher-Ups.


*Note: Just to clarify, I do not condone any of Matsi's actions or life choices. However, that does not mean he deserves to be treated any less than any one of you. We all have our own personal lifestyles and choices, and shouldn't be determining how someone else should live their life.

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