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Should Xg Have A Discord Server?

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Never gonna happen. Can't guarentee security for everyone with Discord. Teamspeak is encrypted for everyone so no worries there. Also Time Warner Cable owns Discord so no idea what will happen with it in the future.

Security? what could happen or what could people abuse with it, may I ask? Reason I ask is because I still prefer teamspeak, but most of the people I play with prefer Discord, and I never do my research. :^)

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discord is literally only used because a. its free and easy to setup for anyone and b. the chat room feature


the free/easy part is completely nullified by the fact that we have a 512 slot ts server free for anyone to use, with plenty of rooms where youll be left alone


the chat room stuff is mostly nullified by, well, the forums/shoutbox


absolutely no reason for discord.

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similar to Skype but less popular and possibly less reliable in many ways


Lol. Friends and I switched from Skype to Discord because Skype is absolute garbage.


Discord is a solid and easy platform, but I don't see why we'd make one if we already have a Teamspeak ready for us to use.

The Discord UI look a lot better than TS UI though.

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Security? what could happen or what could people abuse with it, may I ask? Reason I ask is because I still prefer teamspeak, but most of the people I play with prefer Discord, and I never do my research. :^)

We have it so our Teamspeak server encrypts voice chat so nobody can listen in without you knowing about them. It also does not save chat at all.

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We actually do have a Discord server now.

At the moment it is only aimed towards the xG TF2 Surf Server.

@YeEternalTuna and I are still working on setting it up.

Just as a suggestion [and this is only valid if you haven't done-so], and not to shut you down or anything, but you may want to get the 'go-ahead' from Higher-Ups before establishing something that is affiliated with Xeno Gamers (or is otherwise 'sponsored' by Xeno Gamers). I can't/won't speak for the Higher-Ups, but not only could it negatively impact activity on our Team Speak servers (something that dem Higher-Ups have been trying to remedy for quite some time) but Silence seems (correct me if I'm wrong) pretty adamant that a Xeno Gamers Discord Server will/should not be made and this directly goes against his statement which really ought to be considered.


Same suggestion goes out to anyone else who may consider creating an external connection to Xeno Gamers without permission; keep in mind that we shouldn't just slap "Xeno Gamers" on something and proclaim it as official without at least receiving an opinion or go-ahead from the Higher-Ups. I'm not too familiar with any legalities or anything, but should something happen revolving around whatever that 'external connection' may be, it could negatively influence the clan or something along those lines. Just my 2 cents and again, just a suggestion :coffee:

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