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A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's

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Hey @kbraszzz are you going to weigh in on this? I feel like the least you can do is to explain your situation and view on the matter and why you haven't done shit in ages. I feel like if scoot has no problem stepping down for not being useful enough then you should do the same. Not to mention posting stuff like this, which (in my opinion at least) is completely unacceptable and you as a cm should be completely ashamed of yourself for. I don't know you personally (i think i've interacted with you once on teamspeak) and its very possible this you are "trolling" or whatever but this just makes you look like an immature asshole, and i personally wouldn't want you to represent us as one of the leading figures of our community.


I'm sorry for bringing this up again, but i feel like it needs to be adressed.

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I thought Vector explained it fine.


I work full time at the dear old terrible Walmart and TF2 has been going down hill ever since 2015's halloween update.


I'm also just not a fan of CS:GO's Jailbreak/minigames.


Teamspeak activity dropped because most the people I enjoyed chatting have went somewhere else, So I have just been watching the forums and helping Bello when he asks.


And the Caleb comment has to be the only huge asshole thing I have ever posted AND I don't regret it.


That clear it up?

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I thought Vector explained it fine.


I work full time at the dear old terrible Walmart and TF2 has been going down hill ever since 2015's halloween update.


I'm also just not a fan of CS:GO's Jailbreak/minigames.


Teamspeak activity dropped because most the people I enjoyed chatting have went somewhere else, So I have just been watching the forums and helping Bello when he asks.


And the Caleb comment has to be the only huge butthole thing I have ever posted AND I don't regret it.


That clear it up?

No I don't think this clears it up. Community Managers need to be doing what the name implies, Managing the Community. You don't know the people on TS? Well they don't know who you are either and you are supposed to be a higher up to them. I don't think this snarky attitude you have is helping anybody in this thread which is about trying to see what you guys actually do. In the case of you and Scoot recently its been jack shit, and Scoot realized that and stepped down. So what I think needs to happen is you either engage in the community more or you step down like Scoot did.

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I thought Vector explained it fine.


I work full time at the dear old terrible Walmart and TF2 has been going down hill ever since 2015's halloween update.


I'm also just not a fan of CS:GO's Jailbreak/minigames.


Teamspeak activity dropped because most the people I enjoyed chatting have went somewhere else, So I have just been watching the forums and helping Bello when he asks.


And the Caleb comment has to be the only huge butthole thing I have ever posted AND I don't regret it.


That clear it up?

Wait, wait.. So, since you seem to only want pick and choose who you interact with, and only want to wait for problems to come to you, does that really mean you deserve the title?

Sorry, but this entire post sounds so horrible for somebody who has nothing to do with TF2. Especially when you made that blatantly disrespectful comment to a member of a community who was pretty much bullied into stepping down because he was very obviously disliked by people such as you, and you are supposed to represent and manage that community?

Am I missing something important here? And I really have to ask, are you serious?

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CM's should literally be active in discussions with the community as a number 1. This means being on servers, forums and teamspeak occasionally and actually managing the community lol. Make threads, share ideas, ask for ideas etc. It's always better to have more than 1 person to start these kinds of discussions every once in a while so we don't remain stale.


The bare minimum CM's can do is comment opinions, read feedback or respond to other's feedback. There is a lot of things for CM's to do, doing nothing is not an excuse as xG has multiple dead servers, teamspeak not being populated as much as it can be, and forums not being lively. Figure out ways to promote activity, show activity yourself OR even just ask other staff or members if they need help with anything.


We will talk with the higher staff and figure out a good way to utilize CM's but right now if they don't do ANYTHING that's not a problem with them not having a clear role, it's more them not taking initiative in the first place.

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@Vector Agree with you on the other points don't get me wrong, but as I said, our community has a LOT of room for growth, and anyone can help out if they put time into it. It just depends on people's willingness to help or look for ways to improve. It honestly isn't as hard as people think lol, providing things for giveaways, giving input on events we can have that people might enjoy, even recommending or giving feedback on a map to get added to our servers is helpful.


Edited for clarity @Tsuchikure: Mentioned how KB should step down if he truly can't do what his position states, how he was always a fantastic mod and that his real life is hindering his abilities and judgement with xG. Also said how everyone wants to see this fantastic community grow, but to grow we need to be able to help each other even if we have problems with one another. The first part of his post was saying that we should come up with a list of CM's could do which is why I had showed him my two previous quotes of this thread

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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@Vector Agree with you on the other points don't get me wrong.

Are you referring to the post that he edited? If so, could said parts be quoted somehow? Would shed a little more light on what you are responding to for me.

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