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Tatost - Team Fortress 2

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Once again, I have nothing but respect for what Tatost did in this situation. Unlike 90% of this clan, Tat did confront skeletal directly instead of fudgetalking him in some discord behind his back. If you see that as harassment, then uh, fair enough.. I'd however like to mention that not confronting people directly alienates xG and just causes new flame wars and drama because people separate themselves into groups.

You should also notice that these are private messages that were probably not meant to be given out publicly. If you wanna call him toxic, please substantiate your claims by showing when and how he has been toxic on our servers. And once again, stop mentioning Rejects, he has nothing to do with this. It's not like Rejects was not promoted because he's too immature, it had completely different reasons that I personally don't entirely agree with but the majority of our higher ups still deem him unfit.

But where is the evidence that he has matured, I have seen people call others mature, and they either don't talk, or are afk. I have not seen substantial evidence/proof that Tatost has matured one bit. I am only bringing up rejects to show the continuity error in your punishment system.

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But where is the evidence that he has matured, I have seen people call others mature, and they either don't talk, or are afk. I have not seen substantial evidence/proof that Tatost has matured one bit. I am only bringing up rejects to show the continuity error in your punishment system.

You are the one who are supposed to provide evidence in this case, as you are the one who is making the claim he's immature.


Also, stop bringing up @Rejects. His situation is completely unrelated and should be handled as such.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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But where is the evidence that he has matured, I have seen people call others mature, and they either don't talk, or are afk.

How do you prove that someone is mature though???

I have not seen substantial evidence/proof that Tatost has matured one bit.

You can barely even proof that someone is mature. You can, however, very easily prove that someone is immature. This makes no sense. And once again, I'm asking you to prove that he is immature. Please substantiate your claims.

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Look All I am honestly trying to put out is that this user was banned for 2 months, and has only been a member for 1. I believe it would be best to wait out before jumping to modship right away. Whether my -1 stands or not. Tatost has to fix the way he does things before becoming a moderator and 3 months in total should not be enough to see this change.

In the end it does not matter what I think or believe, but I am just voicing a portion of the community.

If you don't want a waiting period, just put him on probation, as He has broken the rules to deserve a ban, meaning he has an issue with following the rules in which he is suppose to be upholding.

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Look All I am honestly trying to put out is that this user was banned for 2 months, and has only been a member for 1. I believe it would be best to wait out before jumping to modship right away. Whether my -1 stands or not. Tatost has to fix the way he does things before becoming a moderator and 3 months in total should not be enough to see this change.

In the end it does not matter what I think or believe, but I am just voicing a portion of the community.

If you don't want a waiting period, just put him on probation, as He has broken the rules to deserve a ban, meaning he has an issue with following the rules in which he is suppose to be upholding.

Tatost was never banned for 2 months, he was kicked out. His application follows our guidelines that state the following:


Before you apply for a Moderation position, you must have been a member of the clan for a minimum of thirty days.


I'm not sure what you mean by "way he does things". Yes, it is your vouch entirely, but you are basing your vouch on a lot of assumptions that are false.


Best of luck on your application @Tatost

Edited by virr (see edit history)

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I was hoping that I didn't have any degree of shit storm on my application but I'll set things straight. My private messages to Skelly only exist because he flat out called Tuna, one of my best friends, "the toxic king". Whether anyone is my friend or not, whether the OP cares about the aftermath, it's still wrong to do that. Sure, I had added him and asked him plenty of times to apologize while his only excuse was "you were kicked out for harassment, stfu kid." But I was just trying to stand up for a friend. Did you hear the part about my feud with Isabelle where three of his friends stood up to me?

Like Bello said, I thought what Skelly did on his goodbye thread was childish, hence why I said "you're acting like a child, and that's coming from a 14 year old."

TL;DR: Giraffes, what I thought Skelly did was just as bad as what I did to Isabelle. But I've sorted things out with the people associated with my demotion, yet I haven't gotten any chance to talk to Skelly. And I really hope to do so soon.

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I was hoping that I didn't have any degree of shit storm on my application but I'll set things straight. My private messages to Skelly only exist because he flat out called Tuna, one of my best friends, "the toxic king". Whether anyone is my friend or not, whether the OP cares about the aftermath, it's still wrong to do that. Sure, I had added him and asked him plenty of times to apologize while his only excuse was "you were kicked out for harassment, stfu kid." But I was just trying to stand up for a friend. Did you hear the part about my feud with Isabelle where three of his friends stood up to me?

Like Bello said, I thought what Skelly did on his goodbye thread was childish, hence why I said "you're acting like a child, and that's coming from a 14 year old."

TL;DR: Giraffes, what I thought Skelly did was just as bad as what I did to Isabelle. But I've sorted things out with the people associated with my demotion, yet I haven't gotten any chance to talk to Skelly. And I really hope to do so soon.


I feel like the main issue is that people are hesitant to believe that someone with "toxic" behavior was able to make a significant change over a fairly short period of time.


I'll remain neutral for now, as I'm not sure if I had played with you before any of the drama went down, and if I had I don't recall any issues. I also don't believe I've played with you since your return (you're a Pokemon Trade player right? That's probably why...) so I can't really say if you've made a change or not. Anything else I've heard has just been hearsay and rumors, so I'd much rather form my own opinion before deciding to vouch for or against you.


Until then, good luck on your application @Tatost, hopefully we won't need to bring out the fire extinguishers later...

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I personally don't have a problem with tatost becoming mod, so long that there is extreme caution. I also believe @Giraffes' point is a valid opinion. 3 months is a really short time which is why in the original member submission i didn't agree with him joining especially after such a short period of time and it's fair to say that he doesn't believe that he could have changed. Also friends are going to support friends no matter what, bias or not you just gotta learn to accept that @Giraffes, that doesn't make their opinions any less valid.

All of them have received their punishments.

Members who knew received little to no punishment, just staff

Giraffes, what I thought Skelly did was just as bad as what I did to Isabelle.

If you're only referring to the thread ONLY than absolutely not. What you did was way worst and it was why your membership was terminated.


Not going to vouch but good luck @Tatost, it would be nice to have more pokemon trade moderators.

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+1 Definately deserves a second chance. Tatost has improved himself a lot since the whole incident happened, in which both him and @Kyuubey are now friends again. Good luck on the application bud xoxo

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I don't think my vouches count for anything server related right now, but +1 from me. I played with him after he was demoted and I saw a change in him. He wasn't super toxic and was just fun to play with.


He was staff for a while and got the job done then, and I believe he can do it again.

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+1 Never had the problem with him being immature(?) as I've never sensed that he was in the first place, even before and after the incident that went down. I honestly think he mature enough to become moderator and when he was mod, he was very good at answering calls and dealing with them. He's always been a really cool guy imo so GO TAT :D

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But where is the evidence that he has matured, I have seen people call others mature, and they either don't talk, or are afk. I have not seen substantial evidence/proof that Tatost has matured one bit. I am only bringing up rejects to show the continuity error in your punishment system.


I've been reading your posts on here and I gotta say, You have a very biased opinion yourself, as someone who is claiming Tatost is getting a biased vote considering he has friends in the higher up portions of Xg(y)

As for the conversation with Skeletal, I can see how you feel he was harassing him, but it feels like a fairly moot point, Skeletal was being a bit of an asshat, especially how he chose to act like a small child rather than man up and realize he was insulting someone just because he could, even knowing how much people would be upset with that. There isn't anything fun or respectable with making fun of people, if you hate them or love them it's still rude


I'm not best friends with Tatost, I haven't known him for more then about 2-4 Months, but I wanted to say I definitely didn't think he was 14 when I first met him, he was mature enough to be enjoyable to play games with, I'm not hugely active on TF2, but I'm extremely active on MC and I've worked side by side on things with Tatost before, and never encountered problems.


I think Tatost is mature enough for the Xg community and a valid person to be reinstated as a moderator, He acts maturely in my encounters with him, is enjoyable to play on servers with, and is gently insistent enough to make me want to launch and play TF2 after not touching it for a good year or so +1

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