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I know my vouch probably isn't valid but I will do it anyways


+1 because he is one of the most chill people I've ever met on surf. I was super sad when he said he was too young to apply becauss he already met the qualifications for it. Bubblebee, I wish you luck with this.




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+1 Bubble is a really great guy that's been on surf for awhile and is always good with others, he follows the rules and helps others if they are confused

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Yes! The protest won! #GetBubblebeeInTheHive!





@bubblebee is our most mature younger player, he doesn't cause any problems, he knows how to have fun without breaking the rules and is a major pleasure to be around. He is very helpful and let's me know of any issues on the server that need to be taken care of such as rule breakers or any bugs that might need to be reported. I have been wanting him to apply since the first few weeks I knew him but his age was an issue and I'm so excited to see that this exception has been granted. Every time bubblebee is in the server I have a blast, I've laughed so much lately it has made me a happier person (if you have been in the server with me over the past 2weeks you definitely would know what I mean :D ), and I am just so ecstatic to finally see this application in it's full glory.


Best of Luck to you BubbleBee! <3





For Higher-ups:

I can already see him becoming a moderator very soon, with that being said I also would like to recommend him as a staff member in the very near future. Me and I know @Vacindak would be more than happy to assist him and with teaching him how to use the commands and what to do and I know that he will be great. So consider this a major +1 from me for staff in the future as well. @Bello @Bone @virr @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Elcark It would be greatly appreciated if you could look into this. :) Thanks.

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I can already see him becoming a moderator very soon, with that being said I also would like to recommend him as a staff member in the very near future.

I know you're excited and all, but isnt this just a wee bit too fast? personally i didnt even apply for member until 2 years after playing on xG (due to my age as well), so that seems like youre gonna raise the poor kid's hopes up way too much. I know there are cases of this happening but still, slow down a bit.

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Also my most detailed and lengthiest vouch ever so that also is saying something!

I know you're excited and all, but isnt this just a wee bit too fast? personally i didnt even apply for member until 2 years after playing on xG (due to my age as well), so that seems like youre gonna raise the poor kid's hopes up way too much. I know there are cases of this happening but still, slow down a bit.


We have had a small bit of people who have received member and not long after received moderator from what I can remember.

I just personally think he has what it takes to be moderator. I basically am asking them to keep an eye on BubbleBee for a while while he is a member and think about the possibility.

I know he is not member yet but just threw my opinion out. He knows my opinion already anyway as I’ve said numerous times that I would want to see him as a staff member.

I’m not pushing, just want them to look into the possibility sometime in the future, thats all :)

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Also my most detailed and lengthiest vouch ever so that also is saying something!



We have had a small bit of people who have received member and not long after received moderator from what I can remember.

I just personally think he has what it takes to be moderator. I basically am asking them to keep an eye on BubbleBee for a while while he is a member and think about the possibility.

I know he is not member yet but just threw my opinion out. He knows my opinion already anyway as I’ve said numerous times that I would want to see him as a staff member.

I’m not pushing, just want them to look into the possibility sometime in the future, thats all :emoji_smile:


No issues with posting your thoughts on his member app lol

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