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    I'm pretty active on the Discord and it's easier to manage than the TF2 servers alongside school which starts up in less than a month. People have been becoming more and more passive aggressive in the chat, and I kind of miss punishing people for it. I promise I'll be a good boy with my power and not use it to mute @YeEternalTuna when he isn't paying attention : ))


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44 minutes ago, Nyxll said:

Acts very controversial, rude, (and sometimes immature) when I happen to have an negative opinion an member submission. 

You -1'd an application because he had a discounted price on his item. How am I the bad guy for calling you out?

We are referring to L4B2's member submission for those of you who don't know what we're talking about.

44 minutes ago, Nyxll said:

Also, what is the point of posting a staff submission if you know you are going to abuse those controls towards only towards passive aggressiveness? 

Who said I would do that? I never abused my powers when I was a TF2 mod unless we count those times bagel and I threw each other off of the cliffs on Deathrun.

I'm only somewhat aggressive when people act like goddamn twelve-year-olds when they're over 16 years of age.

Edited by Tatost (see edit history)

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1 minute ago, Shadower said:



2 minutes ago, Shadower said:

all you guys want is a special light green title on the dicksord lol

So you've got it all figured out, don't you?

You're wrong anyway, I'm using my powers to hypnotize the entire Discord server



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vouches do matter, if someone sucks the higher ups dicks but then posts a staff application where everyone -1 because the person is a literal piece of shit when the higher up isn't there, it will come out.


Also we don't do nothing, we remove things that are against rules or ToS for disc, as well as hand out mutes and gags to people spamming and trolling. and the occasional ban, it just depends who gets to it first, dm and dl also have similar powers on disc to do that sooo

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23 minutes ago, Shadower said:

so why have mods if the dms and dls do it anyway?

I mean, II hardly see anything happening on the servers(wow that means yer doing your job!(maybe)) that needs more than one or two active mods, it just seems like people are throwing themselves into an application app to see if people will let em have it lol.


Is your complaint here that you have no real complaint?

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The whole point of having mods is to take corrective avtion, for example if this were discord I would move it out of a chat titled "Tatost - Moderator Submission" and into a "Why do we have Discord Mods?" aka general. if you have an issue with people having discord mod and what they do, post about it, just in the proper section.


Please refrain from derailing this further from tatost's mod submission


real vouch: +1 dude is chill and knows his way around a meme

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1 minute ago, Chrono said:

Please refrain from derailing this further from tatost's mod submission

Was in the middle of typing this, why must you steal my thunder?: (

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12 minutes ago, Shadower said:

read nibba lol.

the only argument you make is implying we shouldn't have additional staff with the reasoning being we already have staff:


1 hour ago, Shadower said:

I mean, II hardly see anything happening on the servers(wow that means yer doing your job!(maybe)) that needs more than one or two active mods


but this doesn't really make sense, because if tatost would make good staff, or even passable staff, there's no real harm in having him. It's not like we pay anyone here, might as well have him or any other capable person as an extra set of eyes. There's no real negative to "more staff" as a general concept, only negatives if the bar is lowered or if an individual makes for poor staff.

1 hour ago, Shadower said:

it just seems like people are throwing themselves into an application app to see if people will let em have it lol.


Yeah, that's the point of an application. This is akin to me saying "man these map requests threads seem like people are just throwing maps at a wall and seeing if people will add it to rotation lol."

I know dissecting what you say is a pointless endeavor but like, why?

Anyway +1 tatost discord mod.

Edited by LAN_Megalodon (see edit history)

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Let's stop derailing the thread please, it's a staff app. If you have any complaints or concerns to do with the number of discord moderators please take it somewhere else.


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6 minutes ago, Kypari said:

Let's stop derailing the thread please, it's a staff app. If you have any complaints or concerns to do with the number of discord moderators please take it somewhere else.



12 minutes ago, Chrono said:

Please refrain from derailing this further from tatost's mod submission



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