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4 hours ago, Elcark said:

That's taking the context backwards since as deplorable the situation was for both sides revolving that particular comment, red had already been going at him before it was said. 

I'm going purely based off of what I was told happened, not just by red but by sorcerer as well. Sorcerer admitted to me that over mic he intentionally made a situation out of it to egg red on and instigate trouble. I'm not saying either players behavior was acceptable, only that I understand why there was a reaction like that from Red. 

As a side note b/c it doesn't appear this is going to be an issue for red here: I agree with the membership statement, but I would say in general our control of it until this point has been pretty passive (at least for the past year or so as far as I can recall). If we are to reexamine how we revoke membership I don't feel like its fair to throw a member under the bus by having us decide on their ban thread and having them be the guinea pig for a policy. 

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5 hours ago, Elcark said:

red had already been going at him before it was said

I don't know where you got that from this happened after the day i met rogueport.

It was the day where sorcerer returned to tgh. He was using his mic most of the time and when me and @bags werwere playing scout just dming people i killed sorcerer multiple time until he killed me with crit than would begin to shit talk me and bags and began praising wave and thats when we called him wave dick rider or massive wave fan. I never solely went after him at the start, he's the one to start most of his problem but it seems like your making me one to just start random beef with whom i chose. He's constant troll and love to annoy or egg people into reaction which i would find out the day on where we both got into a petty argument.

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From what you showed, I can see that he is acting pretty inappropriate (I don’t have a say I’m just putting my two sense here) and is in my opinion absolutely ridiculous. I don’t think a membership removal should take place but the evidence you show for a coms ban or a server ban for about a week. That’s just my opinion though.

8 hours ago, Kypari said:

I think it might be to do with how you're often on an alt account that looks incredibly new, whereas staff are all wearing cosmetics, no private profile (etc)

That doesn’t matter though. If he’s on an alternate account who cares, no rule says you can’t pupulate XG with a different profile than what your cosmetics are. If he isn’t using scripts to get an advantage (which spinning in place is not an advantage it’s a tool used in games like cs to stay in a game if you gotta take a shit or go eat) then it doesn’t matter.

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5 minutes ago, MJP said:

From what you showed, I can see that he is acting pretty inappropriate (I don’t have a say I’m just putting my two sense here) and is in my opinion absolutely ridiculous. I don’t think a membership removal should take place but the evidence you show for a coms ban or a server ban for about a week. That’s just my opinion though.

That doesn’t matter though. If he’s on an alternate account who cares, no rule says you can’t pupulate XG with a different profile than what your cosmetics are. If he isn’t using scripts to get an advantage (which spinning in place is not an advantage it’s a tool used in games like cs to stay in a game if you gotta take a shit or go eat) then it doesn’t matter.

I was purposely baiting staff to calladmin when on my alt account but would begin to use it when i was locked out my main for a few days. I'll take responsibiliy for that even though if i was warned to stop baiting staff i would had done it long ago but to have it addreass here is silly in my option.

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48 minutes ago, Red said:

I don't know where you got that from this happened after the day i met rogueport.

It was the day where sorcerer returned to tgh. He was using his mic most of the time and when me and @bags werwere playing scout just dming people i killed sorcerer multiple time until he killed me with crit than would begin to shit talk me and bags and began praising wave and thats when we called him wave dick rider or massive wave fan. I never solely went after him at the start, he's the one to start most of his problem but it seems like your making me one to just start random beef with whom i chose. He's constant troll and love to annoy or egg people into reaction which i would find out the day on where we both got into a petty argument.

That statement was directed at @SegFault since he believed your remarks towards sorcerer were solely rested on the situation sorcerer himself caused which makes sense considering seg was only involved after that point. The examples of how you acted to him in the snippets above though occurred well before that is what was being explained. 

Ultimately though whatever reason you may have had to initially dislike him doesn't formulate an excuse to act distastefully in retort any more then excusing it within the lines of "I broke a rule cause he broke a rule".
With what @Chrono tacked on with your behavior on the forums and how that example itself being entirely unprovoked it makes it hard to heartily trust that your actions haven't been mostly abrasive towards others, taking back to the second situation with luxuria it's hard to accept you weren't targeting him in any way when you harked back on that specific situation in a fairly horrendous way.   I do appreciate how you've come forward about all of this but there's sadly no reasoning this kind of behavior. 

46 minutes ago, hongkongatron said:

-1 for revocation of member/perm.

Everyone was in the wrong here, but only red has had the guts to actually admit it and take responsibility for his actions. 

How in the hell does owning up after being outed measure up to taking responsibility? While there's situations that he isn't the only person acting poorly to say that's been the case every time in this month long situation is an ignorant stretch. 

38 minutes ago, hongkongatron said:

Notice how the chatlogs only highlight the worst of only what he’s said to paint an untrue picture rather than the entire convo to highlight others’ faults. It’s just cherrypicking at best. ?

Do you understand the purpose of highlighting at all? The chatlogs are available to anyone if you'd like to poke through and defend the things he has said instead of just leaving a passive remark to the validity of him very clearly acting in ways against the rules. A lot of what involved the actions of other people has already been discussed at this point and even in the cases, as already stated, he wasn't the only person acting poorly that doesn't mean that he wasn't still acting poorly nonetheless. 

10 minutes ago, MJP said:


That doesn’t matter though. If he’s on an alternate account who cares, no rule says you can’t pupulate XG with a different profile than what your cosmetics are. If he isn’t using scripts to get an advantage (which spinning in place is not an advantage it’s a tool used in games like cs to stay in a game if you gotta take a shit or go eat) then it doesn’t matter.

Now I'm taking this part entirely second hand but I BELIEVE the point of it is that he is effectively trying to purposefully trick and distract staff into suspecting him of cheating, not that he actually is in any manner. In other words an in server variant of a troll calladmin. Now whether this was his intent (I'd honestly assume not) or if it was actually to any extent that would demand valid suspicion from staff compared to obvious joking around, I can't say myself, but that's just explaining why his usage of an alt was being gone into. 

Edited by Elcark (see edit history)

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I actually agree if he takes responsibility after Elcark already caught him what's the fucking point. I obviously don't like Red but that's not getting in the way. He seems like a person that should get banned for doing what he did even if he owned up. It wouldn't have mattered if he'd done it before because he still did it. I personally never played with him so I don't have much say in this but I still think from evidence he should be banned.

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29 minutes ago, DepressedNeonNepp said:

I actually agree if he takes responsibility after Elcark already caught him what's the fucking point. I obviously don't like Red but that's not getting in the way. He seems like a person that should get banned for doing what he did even if he owned up. It wouldn't have mattered if he'd done it before because he still did it. I personally never played with him so I don't have much say in this but I still think from evidence he should be banned.

Who are you seriously. I made a joke comment saying "good riddance" after you said you were leaving the community in a disrespectful way and even before that you acted childish on thr forums when someone called you out for it and would proceed to disrespect staff trying to help you, and i realized it kinda backfired when i made that comment but none the less.

I still think that one comment said on the forum is taken too seriously. I haven't really protrait my toxicity on the forums. But apparently it seems that poking jokes on someone who seems to not care about this community or the people in it at all.

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@Red @DepressedNeonNepp Seriously, both of you, kiss and make up. Congratulations, you've both acted like pricks to each other and continue to for that reason. With how unbridled both of you have been it doesn't make a lick of a difference who started what or said that, all that matters now is who decides to actually be the bigger man and just stop vs who keeps up this unsavory pettiness. 

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1 minute ago, Elcark said:

@Red @DepressedNeonNepp Seriously, both of you, kiss and make up. Congratulations, you've both acted like pricks to each other and continue to for that reason. With how unbridled both of you have been it doesn't make a lick of a difference who started what or said that, all that matters now is who decides to actually be the bigger man and just stop vs who keeps up this unsavory pettiness. 

I don't have issue with him at all just saying how you shouldn't be even commenting even though you don't seem to enjoy the community and doesn't seem interested since your going for another community.

Are you even member still to vouch or were you just simply putting your options out there.

I'm done talking about this.


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