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I hope you took what I said back on your leaving post with a grain of salt. We are glad to have you back and if need be I will do my best to integrate you back into the community smoothly. Best of luck with getting member back, just hope onto the servers. Be respectful, and patient and soon your time will come and I bet you will be a great member! Maybe even mod, it just depends on how you act on the servers and do think twice before saying something that you may regret. Glad to see you back!

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1 hour ago, DepressedNeonNepp said:

I have to thank you for being so supportive of me recently.

Well I see a little bit of myself in you so I feel like I should help you out. Also whenever someone gets themselves in a bit of a position that isn't too good for them I try my best to help them out, if you ever want to talk feel free to message me.

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Welcome back!  And ... that was short lived.

Really, though, nobody hates you, it's just there are expectations of maturity in any type of community.

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10 hours ago, Topaz said:

Annnnd just as quickly it is over. Oh well, we tried.

I mean no you guys really didn’t do shit except barrage the kid for feeling like shit in a community.

@DepressedNeonNepp learn from the fact that it’s just a server you play on, no point in getting upset about people who care too much or think there is a “level of maturity in a community” . The maturity you show now will gradually improve or it won’t but either way it doesn’t matter

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9 minutes ago, MJP said:

I mean no you guys really didn’t do shit except barrage the kid for feeling like shit in a community.

@DepressedNeonNepp learn from the fact that it’s just a server you play on, no point in getting upset about people who care too much or think there is a “level of maturity in a community” . The maturity you show now will gradually improve or it won’t but either way it doesn’t matter

The issue we had was that he did not learn from his mistake, like at all. He quite literally repeated the same thing when reapplying for member. Let me put it like this:

1. Applies for something (member in this case)

2. Makes a mistake (in this case it was reapplying too early after his childish forum tantrum.)

3. Get's upset and believes himself to be the victim.

4. Get's called out for what he did wrong, almost all the time in a pretty respectable and productive manner.

5. Throws another fit because he can not get what he wants.

6. Leaves in a ridiculous manner.

Now I realize two times does not exactly establish a trend, but it was like watching the remake of a shitty movie. I don't mind you making the argument that some people were rude and their input was not exactly productive, but that does not seem to be the point you are making. So let me emphasize this.

He brought all of this onto himself and learned nothing from it.

That is my take on this, and frankly I hope this is the end to this sad, salty story.

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Put this into perspective:

You're in a relationship with someone, then you break up with them because you like a new girl/guy and things just aren't really working out with your original partner. You ask that new person out, then that person rejects you. You then come crawling back to the first person.

If you think about this whole situation like that, I hope you can come to understand as to why you were rejected so quickly from member. If you were to wait a little bit and prove that you're more mature than people think you are, then apply, things may be different.

I cannot express enough that there have been times where people were dismissed as immature, banned, etc, then come back and ended up becoming a valuable member of this clan. Division Managers and Leaders, even. The reason they managed to escape the label they had been given is by proving to everyone that they have matured and that they have put time into bettering themselves not just as a member of this community, but also as a person overall.

Nevertheless, I wish you good luck on your endeavours. All the best, mate.

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My point is people were provoking him a lot and then proceeded to act suprised he was pissed. Honestly If I were him I would have acted in a different manner but it would not have been good for anyone. It’s a gaming community, that’s nothing to someone’s life and if it is I feel sorry that you have to shit on someone online for micspamming or doing something weird in game. Even spamming forums is whatever. Just downvote the member app with legitimate reasons or downvote the staff app, not make a post about him acting immature when five others were made. 

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Okay, @MJP, let me try this again and address everything you said.

43 minutes ago, MJP said:

My point is people were provoking him a lot and then proceeded to act suprised he was pissed.

He did not have a right to be pissed, he messed up and had to deal with the consequences of that. I am pretty much repeating myself at this point so I will not go into more detail. See previous post.

44 minutes ago, MJP said:

Honestly If I were him I would have acted in a different manner but it would not have been good for anyone.

I do not understand the point you are trying to make with this sentence. From what I am gathering you are essentially saying that if you had been called out for doing something stupid your reaction "would not have been good for anyone"? I will assume that was just poor word choice and ignore it.


47 minutes ago, MJP said:

It’s a gaming community, that’s nothing to someone’s life and if it is I feel sorry that you have to shit on someone online for micspamming or doing something weird in game. Even spamming forums is whatever.

Right. The whole "Get a life" retort. Original. Just to clear something up, there were very few people who took a 'shit' on him for his behavior, even then I would simply call those responses unproductive at worst. Unless you call pointing out and asking for the behavior to stop 'taking a shit on them'. Very few people were outright ugly to him until he started acting like a brat. I do not condone it, but seriously. Also, spamming forums is not just 'whatever', it is a rule, and it is there so people do not create topics and posts that have no substance to them just to obtain a position of power. It exists for a good reason, as it is a good indication of the patience and maturity of the offender if they break it.

52 minutes ago, MJP said:

Just downvote the member app with legitimate reasons or downvote the staff app, not make a post about him acting immature when five others were made

Here is the biggest problem I have. While from your perspective it may appear as if we were dog piling, in reality it looks that way because the people that all posted something similar agreed with one another. Even then, most posts had some original take, and suggestions on how he could have improved. It is possible to provide constructive criticism you know?

Just to close out here, I want to state for the record that I do not hate @DepressedNeonNepp. He is just a kid who has problems with making rash and short-sighted decisions. I think most of us fall under that statement. However, what I do hate is defending and/or giving that behavior a pass. That goes hand in hand with shooting down criticism because it does not seem nice.

That is all, I am done with this, it was a messy affair from start to finish. Frankly I do not think this is the best avenue to continue such a discussion, partly because it is a rather ironic topic, but more importantly I have said all I feel needs to be said. If for some reason you still have more you want to say, I am in discord and you can PM me to your heart's content.

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Ok guys seriously, stop. I'm getting spammed with emails about you guys completely derailing this thread. I'm taking a break from xG to get my emotions under control. Thank frosty even though you probably don't like him he convinced me to stay but take a break and get under control. @Kypari please close this it's getting a bit out of control. @Topaz and @MJP control the problems over DM's. I'll be gone for about 2 weeks goodbye

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