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Just now, Kypari said:

"Context" refers to the situation that is occurring and considering it with the punishments that you may or may not give. However, context does not make you void from punishment if someone else is breaking a rule. If I got to tell everyone who micspammed, spammed chat, was racist or whatever to suck my dick and call them a faggot or whatever insult exists then I would have a lot of fun but I would also get in serious shit. Someone else breaking a rule does NOT give you permission to break rules yourself otherwise you are no better than the person who broke the rule in the first place. Whether staff was present or not doesn't make a difference to whether you broke a rule or not.

I just called him out for bodyblock and we just exchanged a few words then left it on that. You can't call that toxic nor was I breaking any rules at the time.

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26 minutes ago, Red said:

Anything that I circled in the red was before precious joined the server and someone was bodyblocking me constantly then started to shittalk also 

Everything i said there was towards me and another regular on tgh who was bodyblocking constantly then would shittalk and I would then clap back with shut the fuck up or ur fuckhead after that we left it on that and that's when bonfire told us to stop which we already did and left it.

Precious wasn't on the server at this time.   

Wasn't aware of this - reading the times on the chatlogs is important, pretty sure the staff that were on at the time were unaware of @BonfireCentipede's warn on red, as well as the fact that the argument consisted of a few harsh words and then it was ended, both of their own volition and by a warning. This situation is completely irrelevant to this incident and shouldn't be used against red. Not too sure that he should've been permed for it, but whether there shouldn't be punishment at all for it is indisputable at this point. 

The humorous part of this is is that if bonfire stayed on and was the one handling this, this thread probably wouldn't exist right now because of his previous knowledge and experience with red.

Edited by hongkongatron
still not gonna change from neutral for now tho (see edit history)

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2 hours ago, Red said:

I knew I was wrong when I changed my name to "suck my dick furfags" which might look like I was trying to loop which wasn't the case I was just fooling around thinking this wouldn't cause any problem nor anyone would be mad about it but apparently not since Precious got offended over it. 

Whenever Precious is on he would have some disgusting binds which I personally would say is unprofessional for one of our staff to say stuff like this.


"I'm just givin your dickie dick a lil suckie suck, chill the fuck out bro" 

How come he says shit like this but when I say "suck my dick" once or changed my name to "suck my dick furfags" I get gagged then ban afterwards? It's hypocritical as fuck. 

"slurps on your cocky-wocky and gets all the tasty cummies"

"If your name is Chad you are entitled to a free blowie from me anytime"

"I'm daddy's little fidget spinner. He puts me on his dick, and I spin. Whishhhhhhhh"

"Bunny Boy [xG:A] Krampus : I like riding dildos balls first"
^ Same goes for Krampus, don't be saying stuff like this on the server doesn't matter if majority of the players don't mind it but keep it classy cause once the regulars or new players come on xG servers and see this they'll probably do the same or something far worse.

You shouldn't be saying this on the server period. You should keep it professional and just talk casual instead of just spamming those stupid binds which make me and probably the majority of the server/player base uncomfortable or drive them away. We got children playing on our servers daily I think it's a bad example to be showing them or letting them see or hear this stuff. Keep it in discord or direct messages don't go sprout stuff like this.  Since my 4-5 years being in xG I have never witness this from any staff or higherup. Hopefully our DMs/DLs will talk to them in private and tell them tone it down cause I find this stuff weird and It usually causes bad reactions from players including myself.

I honestly didn't mean for the situation to blow up like it did. I knew I was on my last straw but I didn't think something so light / playful would turn out to bite me the back. x)

I know it's not up to me to be calling out choices but maybe try to consider unban and maybe give me like month gag or something.

You really don't get it do you? Here's one word for you: context. When I use those stupid binds, I'm using them as a dumb joke. But if someone tells me they genuinely dislike those binds, I stop using them, because continuing to say things that I know would tick someone off is harassment. Meanwhile, you said something that could be interpreted as disrespectful towards someone, knowing they probably wouldn't like it. You could tell they wouldn't like it, and they made it clear they didn't enjoy what you were saying to them, yet you kept going. Out of context, yeah, the things we say sound a lot alike. But in context, we are saying them for two completely different reasons. I'm saying it for dumb harmless fun and would stop if it was irritating someone. You on the other hand, knew it would irritate someone yet you still kept going.

I gave you a warning in chat, then you said "suck my dick" in chat afterwards. Now, I heard you say this wasn't aimed at me. Even if that is true, you still continued to harass someone after I deliberately warned you to stop, then I gagged you. Now, if that insult really wasn't aimed at me, you know you could've tried to contact me and let me know, right? Friend me on steam and pm me, pm me on discord, pm Seg and have him talk to me, but no. Instead you changed your name to "suck my dick" to disrespect everyone. This was an absolutely childish and immature way to deal with the situation.

I've heard some people say "why didn't you kick him?' and "this was too strict", I have news for you. In case you didn't already know, Red has been banned before in the past. As Kypari said, after someone has been kicked and then banned once, it's a ban instead of kick every time afterwards, because they should already know the rules and what they've done wrong if they've been banned for it before. I gave Red a warning, he had a chance to stop but didn't, he was punished, he changed his name to disrespect us even further, so I banned. I wasn't strict, I guarantee you any other staff member would have done the same. If you have a problem with that, you should take it up with higher ups on how they think the process of punishment should go. I'm just doing my job, and it just so happens this time your ban is permanent.

Also, just because we're staff doesn't mean we should have to become boring prudes. We take our roles seriously and try to keep things professional in terms of rules and punishment, sure. But literally every staff member on xG has said some dumb raunchy stuff like that, including our DL's like Nutty. It's all harmless fun, and again, context matters. Me talking about daddy's cummies is not the same as saying things you know will start trouble.

*s i g h* Now that I've made that clear, I want to say i'm sorry you're mad at me Red. I swear I have nothing against you or any of your friends. I know next to nothing about you, only the few things I've heard from friends. Besides this situation, I've personally never had a problem with you, and I don't think you're some kind of scum that deserves to be permabanned. Especially because I just found out you've only been banned one other time. I had no idea your next ban would be permanent, and by no means wanted you to be gone permanently. I encourage you to do a challenge to come back, because again, I don't think you're some gigantic threat to xG.

HOWEVER, I don't see how in any way, I abused my power or was too strict. I followed the process of punishment that all other staff members follow, and dealt punishment accordingly. Like I said, I guarantee you any other staff member would have done the same. I just happened to be that staff member. Sorry.

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8 minutes ago, Precious said:

You really don't get it do you? Here's one word for you: context. When I use those stupid binds, I'm using them as a dumb joke. But if someone tells me they genuinely dislike those binds, I stop using them, because continuing to say things that I know would tick someone off is harassment. Meanwhile, you said something that could be interpreted as disrespectful towards someone, knowing they probably wouldn't like it. You could tell they wouldn't like it, and they made it clear they didn't enjoy what you were saying to them, yet you kept going. Out of context, yeah, the things we say sound a lot alike. But in context, we are saying them for two completely different reasons. I'm saying it for dumb harmless fun and would stop if it was irritating someone. You on the other hand, knew it would irritate someone yet you still kept going.

I gave you a warning in chat, then you said "suck my dick" in chat afterwards. Now, I heard you say this wasn't aimed at me. Even if that is true, you still continued to harass someone after I deliberately warned you to stop, then I gagged you. Now, if that insult really wasn't aimed at me, you know you could've tried to contact me and let me know, right? Friend me on steam and pm me, pm me on discord, pm Seg and have him talk to me, but no. Instead you changed your name to "suck my dick" to disrespect everyone. This was an absolutely childish and immature way to deal with the situation.

I didn't tell or call anyone anything on the server besides poking fun at Elusion by telling him shut up furfag cause of his profile picture. other than that I didn't tell or call anyone anything buy when I said "suck my dick" it was literally a joke and I was about to say "actually.." "It was a joke" but you instantly gagged me which pissed me off so I changed my name to suck my dick furfag. The only thing I should be responsible for is for evading gag. I wasn't even being toxic nor was I trying to beef people on the server. I'll like to know who I offended besides maybe Elusion even if he didn't take it seriously. 

I understand if you gagged me if I were to say "suck my dick precious" or said something far worse but I didn't cause I knew I didn't want to start drama or beef but in no way was anything I said considered toxic behavior even all of you seen far worst toxicity displayed on the server than this light situation..

13 minutes ago, Precious said:

Also, just because we're staff doesn't mean we should have to become boring prudes. We take our roles seriously and try to keep things professional in terms of rules and punishment, sure. But literally every staff member on xG has said some dumb raunchy stuff like that, including our DL's like Nutty. It's all harmless fun, and again, context matters. Me talking about daddy's cummies is not the same as saying things you know will start trouble.


HOWEVER, I don't see how in any way, I abused my power or was too strict. I followed the process of punishment that all other staff members follow, and dealt punishment accordingly. Like I said, I guarantee you any other staff member would have done the same. I just happened to be that staff member. Sorry.

I know every staff member said or done something they regret but you honestly think you wouldn't get a reaction from most of your binds or make people feel uncomfortable. You say its harmless fun but when I said "suck my dick" it was all in good fun and wasn't really directed at anyone, I changed my name to "suck my dick furfag" as a joke since yall like talking about sucking dick and what not on the server constantly but I guess it offended you to the point where you decided ban. It's hypocritical I got ban for saying "suck my dick" but yall say the same shit or far worse.

Anyways since i'm getting unbanned soon maybe try to prevent yourself from saying disgusting stuff on the server, I'm not trying to throw shots only at you precious, i'm talking about the whole tf2 staff roster to reflect on what they say cause we got minors playing on our servers daily and they might take everything you say seriously especially when you're a moderator on the server some players may think highly of you. You can say its harmless joke all you want but maybe for others they might be offended the same way you got offended about me saying "suck my dick furfag"



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