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Lvl21DrugDealer - Counter-Strike

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  • In-Game Name
    Lvl 21DrugDealer
  • Primary Division
  • Previous Member
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  • Previously Banned
  • Time Active on Servers
    every othe
  • Reason for Joining

    My time active is every other day for the whole time unless i'm busy or am pissed off. I want to join because i know the rules fairly well, while i'm not perfect and people hate me for being toxic even though i have turned it down a little bit, and i want to be able to tell people rules without them saying that i break so many rules even though i don't. One day i want to be admin just so i can help out since i play quite often on this server.

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-1 Had a few negative interactions with you recently while on JB server. for "toning down toxicity" you were harassing newer players on the server telling them to fuck off and leave if they don't like the way you warden. for knowing the rules you were constantly playing the same games back to back, (frlr in cells every round) giving contradictory orders and then what seemed to be picking one at random and killing the other half who followed the other half of the contradiction. when you repeat your orders you say it just as fast/with just as bad annunciation so that it cannot be understood and you "already repeated so i don't have to again".


Take some time to actually not be toxic instead of "toning it down" and maybe as a better person people and staff will like you.


A: 9

M: 2

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-1 for the reasons above. I actually came on the other day to see your mic spamming of a few different songs on the piano/keyboard (pretty sure one of them was Für Elise?), asked you to stop, and then you went right back to doing it not five minutes later.

A: 9

M: 3-4

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I'll go ahead and +1 this. My reasoning behind this is that his toxicity comes from the negative comments people give him. He gets frequently insulted by players, which in turn make him do toxic warden things.

I've seen him when theres not a lot of people on (thus not a lot of people harrassing him) and he's perfectly fine.

Plus he's really active.



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2 hours ago, Arthman said:

I'll go ahead and +1 this. My reasoning behind this is that his toxicity comes from the negative comments people give him. He gets frequently insulted by players, which in turn make him do toxic warden things.

I've seen him when theres not a lot of people on (thus not a lot of people harrassing him) and he's perfectly fine.

Plus he's really active.



I wouldn't go so far as to say the people calling him out are "harassing" him. 99% of the time I see people talking shit to/about DrugDealer is when he's being incredibly toxic/trying to claim he doesn't ever break rules when staff members aren't on, which he does constantly. Even when I confronted him last night when he was claiming that he never broke any rules he tried to deny it. He's constantly arguing with staff/bitching when he gets slain/etc. DrugDealer demonstrates a simple lack of maturity when it comes to just about anything which is why I personally believe he needs to work on his personality a lot more. Saying that he's mature at least some of the time means nothing because a high level of activity doesn't mean jack shit when he's representing the community and being nothing but a toxic child. 

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5 hours ago, Arthman said:

He gets frequently insulted by players, which in turn make him do toxic warden things.

this isn't an excuse to be toxic back in the way that he often is, though. even if he's being harassed he shouldn't be dropping to their level and doing it back, record it and tell a staff member instead of just throwing insults. it's real people on the other side of the screen

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Going to remain neutral. I remember when you first joined the server, and to be honest the difference is night and day. However, I think you still need a little bit further to go before I am completely comfortable giving you a +1. I think you are well on your way, just a few things to improve on:

  • Don't spam admin chat so much. Everyone likes to meme in it on occasion, but sometimes you can get out of hand.
  • Try to tone down your toxicity some more. Not saying you can't be a toxic warden who kills half of the prisoners within the first thirty seconds of a round, but more as a player. Try to relax, have fun, and roll with the punches.
  • Be more mindful of the rules. To be honest, you are MUCH better about this now, but you still do have some lapses as well as you sometimes make some questionable calls.
  • Try to at least respect the other players and staff. This one is going to get you a lot farther than most everything else here.

I really do think you can improve, and I encourage my fellow staff and members to try to keep in mind how far he has actually come compared to where he started. As far as I can tell this application is genuine, and he is on the servers quite a lot.


Keep at it!

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ayy but like uh A:9 M:2

Edited by yadingo (see edit history)

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Neutral - Sometimes freekills, is tatoxic, and thinks you can kill someone for bloodhounding extreme climb when there isn’t anyone in there

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2 hours ago, Hg2CI2 said:


who would this ever be referring to?

2 hours ago, Hg2CI2 said:

you can kill someone for bloodhounding extreme climb when there isn’t anyone in there

yeah, you can't do that LOL

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